Week Name/Date/Time: 'Jack of All Trades' / Saturday, November 18th, 2006 / one in the afternoon
Location: Quidditch Pitch
Open to: Anyone! Mostly Gryffindor team members, but other teams, too, if they're looking for a fight! And most importantly, Andy
Currently Involving: Bacchus
Ahh how he loved the smell of broom handles in the morning!
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"Wha..." his mouth fell open and he looked dumbstruck as he stared into the sky above. I just dodged a bludger at point blank, he told himself. FUCK YES! Pride, cockiness and an altogether feeling of superiority enveloped him as he came to grips with the feat he had just performed. That was stuff only the best Quidditch players did, not teenaged wizards who just played the sport for fun. He laughed gleefully and began to sit up so he could gloat.
Unfortunately, he'd forgotten how much pain he was in from when the bludger hit him earlier and the minute he realised he was stretching the tender skin of his shoulder, pain overwhelmed him. He panicked, thinking maybe another bludger had hit him again, and the broom tilted backwards and he began to slip back. He managed to regain his balance but not before the top end of his broom whacked him in the face and broke his nose. Blood spattered over the broom handle, staining it as he braced himself against the pain in his shoulder.
Bloody hell. Just when he had been looking good, he had to go and stuff it up. He reached for his wand, tucked somewhat securely in his left sock and fixed his nose with a non verbal spell. The blood remained but the break was no longer. He did nothing to help his shoulder.
Reholstering his wand, Andy glared at Bach, letting him know their little game wasn't over.
"Don't glare at me, you idiot," he called to the boy when he caught his eyes on him. "You did that all your own!"
He turned to see Kazu, and realized that the shouted warning that had passed through his ears moments before had come from him.
"He's fine," he warned his bestie, rolling his eyes. "Stupid git needs toughening up, doesn't he? Clumsy bint can't even hold himself up straight!"
His eyes seemed to ask the other boy, Whose side are you on, anyways?! but he didn't mouth a word of it. How dare he accuse his best friend of betraying him! No, that was very un-manly. He'd just have to talk to Kazu in private about it later. Maybe they'd wrestle or something fun like that.
But the more he thought about it, a weird jealousy wound up in Bacchus' throat. How dare Kazu care for Andy!! He was the only person allowed to do that! Well, maybe he'd share with Andy's mother, but other than that, Andy was his!
He shot a glare at his bestie.
"Don't bother caring for him, Kazu," he warned, his nostrils flaring in a way that was oddly reminiscent of a bull staking out his cow. He knew Kazu was straight, but all the same: it was good to set boundaries. "The idiot doesn't need and pity. He's doing it all himself! Told me he likes pain, he did!"
Kazu kept one hand on his broom handle as he reached up to scratch the back of his neck. He cringed when Bacchus addressed him so harshly. The look in his eyes was absolutely terrifying! If it were anyone else he would have said something just as harsh in reply, but Bacchus was his bestie, and so...
"Right, whatever you say, mate," Kazu said, realizing whose side he was always on. And almost reading his mind, he replied,
"He's all yours, go for it!"
As he said this, a stupid grin plastered itself on his face. But as he turned away, it quickly faded and he was back to square one again.
He kicked the air with his feet and his broom shot off like a rcoket. He was obviously going to get no help from Kazu who remained on his broom smiling at Bacchus like a fool. Stupid loyalty, he thought in a very Slytherin manner, before swooping over the tops of their heads while there was no bludgers in close to them. The aim was to unseat someone, or better, kick Bacchus in the head.
"If anyone is getting their jollies out of this little experience, Donovan, it's you." With those words though, from Bacchus (talking about him not to him again), Andy did realise he had set this up as his own form of getting what he desired from the seventh year. He had tried asking nicely in the beginning but Bach appeared to want none of it. Andy had to get his way in the only way he instinctually knew how.
Besides, how was it Bacchus' fault that Andy had no friends? Yeesh.
Bacchus, his eyes always and ever on Andy, ducked to miss the boy's foot, but didn't notice his own Bludger swooping down to strike at the congregation of the three of them there. It hit him hard in the left bicep and he winced for a split second, before stifling it so neither Kazu or Andy could hear. Didn't need his team to know he could feel pain!
Twirling the bat in his other hand (now that his good arm was throbbing), he shot off after the Bludger and hit it at Andy again.
"Eh-- Oi, Bach!" he cried, a hint of worry in his voice. But he figured he'd be okay. At least, he would appear to be all right. And he didn't want to go and enrage his bestie by stopping the practice and taking him and Andy to the hospital wing... And besides, only sissies did that, right?
Kazu was getting a little antsy, and he was about to go after the Bludger that hit Bacchus, but that was already taken care of. Narrowing his eyes, Kazu looked around the field for the other Bludger. Where the hell was it? How hard could it be to lose a little black ball that could knock a person from his broomstick?
His eyes flickered to Kazuki who appeareed to be looking for the other bludger. Where was that little sucker anyway? He gave blind glances to his left and right, but he didn't notice anything of significance.
His eyes returned to Bacchus on their own accord and he smiled at the boy but there was no gentleness in his glance.
"Don't be gentle!" he warned the Andy's yearmate. That was the last thing he needed! Kazu hitting weak Bludgers at Frazer because he was afraid to hurt him! What the hell?! Then he'd be hitting weak Bludgers against Slytherin, which would only lead to trouble!
"Let's have us a Milkshake Date, Zu!" That was the name of the play-- the Milkshake Date?-- wherein Bacchus and Kazu would both dribble the Bludgers slowly up the field and then hit them at crossing angles at a particular player, like two straws in a milkshake. It was Bacchus' own invention, and, of course, he'd never used it before. But in theory, it had been perfect-- it caused optimum pain to one player, using everything pain causing on field at the time.
Usually, it would be meant for a Seeker, but why not have it out on Andy?
Bacchus let himself drop in a dizzying spiral after the second Bludger, catching up with it at field level near the goalposts.
"Let's do it, Bach!" Kazu hollered. His adrenaline finally kicked in, and he twirled his bat around his nimble fingers. Kazu was too excited to use this play, to test it out, in fact.
He caught up with the Bludger and then looked to Bach to make sure they began the play together. With a determined glance, Kazu began to dribble the Bludger carefully with a strong arm, making sure he hit it right. It was tiring, but the play was brilliant.
Unfortunately, that's about all Andy remembered as he had zoned out the minute he realised he didn't have to listen. Drat. He could kind of understand though because he was now caught in the middle of two guys who both had a ball each. That couldn't possibly mean good thigs for Andy. He realised he could no longer rely on Kazuki's sympathy, the quidditch part of his brain had taken over. Double drat.
"You guys don't have the stones," he growled, egging them on as a carefully concentrated look swept over his facial features.
The muscle twinged painfully as he neared Andy, but he grit his teeth and did his best to ignore it. Where the hell was Kazu?! Ahh! There! He was in perfect position, bless him! Bacchus would have to remember to give him extra special kudos for that later. Maybe bake him a cake or something. Nah, that was an accident waiting to happen. Maybe have the house elves bake him one? Well, we'll see.
"Don't have the stones?! DON'T HAVE THE RUDDY STONES, FRAZER?!"
With all the strength in his stinging arm, Bacchus whacked the Bludger straight at Andy's head.
He regretted it immediately.
He figured Bach would do something considerate for him, like bake him a delicious cake. Mmmm, cake. Too bad the cake was a lie anyway.
Oh, Kazu had the stones all right. Whether he wanted to show it or not, he did. Of course he wasn't as aggressive as Bacchus was in his reply, but Kazu did grit his teeth and prepare his bat. With a grunt, he lobbed the crazy Bludger in the direction of Andy's legs. Hopefully that was good enough for Bach, anyway.
"Oh shit," Kazu breathed, watching Bach's Bludger fly directly towards Andy's head. "Shit!"
It was by some luck (if you could call it as such) that Kazuki's bludger hit Andy first, shattering his right ankle bone most uncleanly. The force at which the bludger hit him tilted his broom back and his hands flew up in front of him becuase he had completely lost balance. This in turn slowed down Bach's bludger as it went through his hands, breaking the right one and then coming to a final stop by re-breaking his nose and fracturing his left cheekbone.
His eyes rolled back in his head as he fell to the ground, sans broom. He hit it with a dull thump, thankfully he'd not been up that high.
That's what Bacchus Donovan's brain was saying as he zoomed to the ground after his fallen teammate. His broom barely had time to stop before he jumped from it, leaping to Andy's side and rocking back and forth on his knees.
But he didn't say a word.
He grasped Andy's neck. There was a pulse! Oh, thank Merlin's sweaty balls!
Dare he move the boy? He knew that it wasn't always a good thing... but Andy didn't look like he had a broken neck, and as far as Bacchus could tell, the Bludger had just smashed his foot, hand, nose, and maybe face. Which was not his neck. So maybe he could be moved.
Forsaking his wand, he picked the boy up in his arms and held him close to his chest. Was it just Bach or was he feeling a little cold?
"K-Kazu!" he stammered. "We have to... we have to....!"
And then the most unbelievable thing happened. Bacchus' eyes filled silently with tears.
He hopped off his Cleansweep and rushed over to the other two boys, abandoning his bat quickly.
"Wh-What should I do?" he demanded. "Should I go to the hospital wing? Oh, shit, man..."
Completely worried out of his mind, he ran his hands through his hair. He had to go get someone. Andy was seriously injured.
"I'm going to go to the hospital wing! I'll run fast, I promise! Don't die, Frazer!!" Kazu called, running off the Quidditch pitch and back to the castle. He had to go fast!
We have to... we have to...
Huh, he thought, who's that?
Don't die, Frazer.
What? Of course he wasn't going to die, what was going on? He tried to open his eyes but one side was swollen shut. Oh, right. He was pretty beat up, now he remembered. Bacchus was holding him close (he knew it was the older boy, he could feel the hardness of his muscles through his shirt) and Andy heard him sniff. Was he...was he crying? Surely not, thought the sixth year, but he wasn't about to let the oppurtunity go without taking a jab! It was only fair, after he;d just taken an ass whooping.
"If you're going to cry every time you hurt me, you're in for a lot of tears, Donovan." He would have smiled if he hadn't known that it would hurt very much. With his unbroken hand he gave Bacchus a little shove. "Stop wetting my fucking clothes and get off me, you want people to suspect something?"
The movement hurt but he didn't let it show as he casually, as if he'd suffered no more than a scrape, wiped away the blood under his nose.
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