
Jan 11, 2008 21:16

Date/Time: 'No Place Like Home/ Monday, October 23rd, 2006 / 12:00am
Location: Hogwarts Castle Weekend
Open to: MacAlister brothers
Currently Involving: Lissianna

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playful_mac January 12 2008, 05:31:31 UTC
It was his first night back at Hogwarts and Bastien was already doing what he was told to do: patrol the halls and make sure all was 'well' in the castle. So he did just that and decided that perhaps, for old times sakes he could take a trip down to the Great Hall. It sure did bring back some old memories of being sorted and watching his two younger siblings get sorted where they rightfully belonged as well.

As Bastien started walk into the Great Hall he stopped as he was half way in the door. His baby sister was sitting in there, reading and it was so late too! Nobody knew so far that Bastien was back though and he was going to milk it up until right at the very end when he'd surprise her!

So Bastien made himself look like Lucern with his metamorphmagus abilities and walked on in to the Great Hall. "Young lady! What ever are you doing out of bed at such an hour like this?" Bastien said, trying to sound as much like Lucern as he could. He was a tightwad like that, yeah? Taking a seat next to her, he poked her book and said, "Are books on ..." quick glance at the contents, "unicorns more important than sleep? Hmm?"


lissianna_mac January 12 2008, 05:54:08 UTC
Lissianna jumped when 'Lucern' entered the great hall, her hand clutched over her heart. Crap crap crap. Lets see, how could she get out of this? "Well I don't have a class until 1pm, and I'm reading up on my feature career, who cares if I'm up a little late?" She stuck her chin out defiantly but her lips quivered slightly. "Are you going to tell on me? Please Lucern don't tell? I'm not even sleepy yet!" She knew she was whining but she didn't care at this point, she had been caught red handed and she was trying to dispell her guilt onto something else.

"Want some coca with me?" She offered lamely.


playful_mac January 12 2008, 06:06:07 UTC
"I am sorry Lissianna but," clearing his throat and still concentrating on keeping up his appearance of his big brother, "you are just going to have to deal with the consequences. Normally I would not subject you to being with the scum of the earth in a small room for detention but you must have boundaries."

After finishing his little speech, Bastien looked at Lissianna. She was too cute to resist having some hot cocoa with. Gently taking this cup from him, Bastien said, "Well you are my baby sister. I suppose hot cocoa never hurt anyone!"

Looking into the fire, Bastien morphed back into himself. His hair became a bit more curly, his tongue parted into it's typical snake-like way that he loved, the freckles disappeared and his eyes turned a bright blue like they naturally were. "I've missed you, little sis," Bastien said, turning to Lissi as himself and smiling now.


lissianna_mac January 12 2008, 06:10:15 UTC
Stare. Blink. Stare. Blink. Stare. Blink. That was all Lissianna could do as her mouth hung open. She hadn't seen Bastien in...well since last christmas! He had been on missions all bloody summer! Now he was here with her, all her brothers were here with her where they _belonged_

Her eyes filled with tears and she let out a squeal of delight as she threw her arms around his neck, knocking them off the bench and on to the hard floor. Unlady like? Absolutely, but this was her big brother she hadn't seen in almost a YEAR we were talking about here, this was big people, big!

"Bastieeeeeeeeeen" she cooed. MWAH! Kiss. MWAH. Kiss. MWWWWWWWWWAH. Kiss. "I've missed you, I've missed you, I've missed you!"


playful_mac January 12 2008, 06:18:25 UTC
Yes, well it wasn't something that Bastien really liked or intended to do but ... well, perhaps he had gotten a little caught up in work. It was just a tad too hard to pull himself away from interesting assignment after interesting assignment sometimes though!

Bastien watched though, as Lissianna looked ready to cry and he was about to wipe away the tears when she was... well she was tackling him to the ground in a hug. He knew she'd be excited for sure but he didn't think she'd be so excited that she'd knock the two of them off of the chair all for a hug!

As the hot cocoa that he was holding went flying, Bastien tossed the cup aside and just hugged Lissianna. It was good to be back at Hogwarts again, especially with his baby sister. The kisses though, had to stop. "I've missed you too, Lissi. But come now, I've got a reputation to uphold - no more of these kisses!" he joked, as he tried to sit upright.


etienne_mac January 12 2008, 06:32:48 UTC
Etienne had been 'patrolling' just like he did every other night until he had heard voices in the Great Hall and decided to take a side trip to push the mischief makers back to their proper common rooms.

Though once he saw, and heard, who it was he stopped in astonishment. So Bastien was back? That was a surprise. Did Lucern know?

"What reputation?" He joked while starting to walk towards them with a small smile as his greeting to Bastien. "When did you get here?"


lucern_mac January 12 2008, 07:19:35 UTC
Of course Lucern had known. He was not recognized as the oldest and most responsible child of the MacAlister family for nothing; it also helped that he was very involved in the ranks of the Dark Lord's followers to know what was going on at all times. It was so he could always be ready with a plan so that if something went wrong, he could fix it. What he did not know was how soon Bastien would have made his trip to Hogwarts. Apparation did make it easy, but there was a thought in Lucern's mind that made him think that Bastien would have been delayed in his trip. It was just an incling he had but no matter now.

This reunion was certainly going to be... interesting.

Lucern had just touched his foot to the ground floor of the castle from the Grand Staircase as he heard a commotion in the Great Hall. What was going on he could not yet tell but he proceeded there quickly with his hand ready to withdraw his wand from his pocket. This was hopefully some bit of action that he had been waiting for. At least he did not have to babysit that little brat, Amabel Ricci, any longer.

Once he turned the corner into the doorway of the Great Hall, he had seen what had been going on immediately. He momentarily was filled with many feelings including: dissapointment, displeasure, and the smallest bit of excitement. Lucern looked back down the corridors for a moment to make sure nothing else had been disturbed before he continued on his path down to them.

"Would you two get up? We do not want to make a scene, and I could hear you all the way down the corridor." He practically shoved his hand at Lissianna for her to take it so he could help her up. Lucern understood that it had been a long time since they had seen Bastien but it was not worth Lissianna, or the rest of them, getting caught there when they should have been resting.


lissianna_mac January 12 2008, 07:41:17 UTC
Lissianna yelped at the presence of the real Lucern. "Uh oh, busted..." she rose to her feet with the pre-offered hand of her eldest brother looking very much like a child caught stealing. Damnit damnit damnit.

"I'm sorry Lucern, it was my fault. I suppose I've gotten cocky with my boyfriend as headboy. See, I don't have classes until 1pm...and I wanted more hot chocolate while I sat up and read...so I came down to get some...the elf isn't back yet though. I was just finishing the little that I had left while I was waiting and then Bastien came. I guess I got kind of carried away."

She helped Bastien to her feet. "Sorry Bas, I didn't mean to tackle you."

She grinned at Etienne and lightly punched his shoulder at the comment about Bas' reputation. "Behave."

She turned to face all her brothers grinning excitedly "Isn't this great though you guys? All of us back together in Hogwarts"


lucern_mac January 12 2008, 20:19:42 UTC
Once Lissianna had taken his hand, he kindly helped her to her feet. A simple nod came to follow her apology. "Understandable Lissi," he spoke calmly, "but you are lucky that it was only Bastien who found you here this late at night when you should at least be in the common room. There are some people who are not so affected by your charming nature." He folded his lips into a gentle smile that was gone in the blink of an eye before he turned down to Bastien.

Unlike being so kind with Lissi, he hoisted Bastien to his feet by his arm. Lucern met Bastien's gaze with a sharp glare before it turned into a playful grin then a push into Bastien's chest. It was good to his best friend and slightly younger brother again. Lucern was still in somewhat of a bitter shock about the news Bastien had given him before he intended to move out of the manor. There was a time for every discussion, however.

He turned his head back to Lissianna once she spoke generally to all of them. "Yes it is," he agreed, "for however long it may last."


playful_mac January 13 2008, 02:09:46 UTC
Bastien laughed slightly at Etienne's remark and jokingly said, "Oh you know - the one with the ladies that you don't have. You're crimping my style, you know that right?" Smirking, Bastien let go of Lissianna and looked at his baby brother. "Just got here a couple hours ago, actually! I was devastated when I didn't see the big welcome signs from my own family. Truly disappointed in all of you!"

Oh this was going to be fun to be back at Hogwarts with all of his family. Except then Lucern had to come in and ruin all of the fun. "Lighten up, Lucern! I'm back at Hogwarts with the crazy lot of you guys! That's worthy of some noise-making, no?" Pouting like a five year old, Bastien stood up fully when Lucern practically picked him up and placed him on his feet like some kind of doll on a shelf.

He caught the glare and was a bit taken aback by it for a moment there. Someone's panties sure were in a wad tonight! But finally Lucern was smiling like the best friend that he was and when he shoved Bastien, Lucern got a shove right back in return. Concerning the whole moving bit, Bastien didn't want to get into that at all right now. He was happy to finally be out on his own in the world instead of having to mooch off of his parents and it was ... well, it was too damn bad if his siblings didn't like it. Plus, it wasn't like he'd moved half a world away from them or anything!

"Such cryptic talk is not appreciated on my first day back!" Bastien teased Lucern, waggling his split-snake tongue at him playfully.


lissianna_mac January 14 2008, 04:06:46 UTC
Lissianna could understand and respect that Bastien wanted to move out of the house. It hadn't stoped her from crying her eyes out at the time and whining that he didn't love her anymore, but soon they'd all be moving out. Still, they were only an apparation or a floo ride away. They would never be too far from each other. Lissianna was sure of it.

"Ya, really Lucern, no more cryptic talk, lets just have fun, and I do apologize for breaking the rules," she batted her eyelashes sweetly at him and kissed the tip of his nose. "I promise to behave and never ever do it again."


etienne_mac January 15 2008, 03:03:55 UTC
Etienne just rolled his eyes at Bastien and grinned, "Crimping your style? I'm sure not even a 90 year old could crimp your style." Some brotherly teasing was always in order, after all, and he gave a look at Lissi, before turning back to the conversation. It was weird being back with everyone at Hogwarts. Their own reunion, how lovely.

Bastien's move out the house, however he personally may feel about it, it was understandable in a way. It was still a bit of a shock when it happened, but who didn't long for a little freedom. He wouldn't hold it against Bastien, he was here now and that's all that really mattered.

"Wonderful," he responded after Lucern, a little late but nevertheless there.


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