
Oct 16, 2007 13:29

Week Name/Date/Time: 'This is Rather Not Good'/Friday, September 29th/ 7.27pm
Location: Grounds
Open to: Brinley
Currently Involving: Andrew

And nothing would be the same )

week-039, andrew-frazer, brinley-watson

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brinley_watson October 16 2007, 04:11:17 UTC
Merlin bloody fuck, he had to get out of there. Had anyone suspected him, hopefully the point that he turned on heels and ran within inches of the Great Hall would show them that, by far, he had no desire to be in there. No desire to walk proudly about the place where the biggest mistake of his life had occurred. Yes, he regretted it. It by far didn't mean he was making any sort of drastic change to the good side, of course. It just meant that he hadn't the nads to do what he thought he could do.

He busted through the doors, near running until air hit him, at which point he bent over and pressed hands against his knees. Pretty, freshly-shined snakeskin boots on dirty stone. That's what he concentrated on. Not the Auror or Professor behind him, or even Andy on the stairs not even four feet ahead of him. He hadn't noticed a bit.

All he knew was that his damn mind was spinning and he needed a moment to let it calm down.


andyfraz October 16 2007, 04:42:36 UTC
The doors to Hogwarts opened quickly with a loud creak and a drawn-out groan that caused Andy to almost shit himself. Oh God, it wasn't death eaters coming to attack was it ( ... )


brinley_watson October 16 2007, 04:51:02 UTC
Bloody hell! He nearly fell over the second the auror spoke, it caught him off-guard that badly. "Right," he replied, then immediately pulled himself back up only to come almost face-to-face with Andrew Frazer.

And there he stood. Staring.

Really, who in the world would leave a Slytherin and Gryffindor out on the steps together at a time like that anyway?! Well, it wasn't as if they were chunking daggers at one another or anything. But still! The last thing he needed was to be caught alone with Andrew. Wasn't like he'd kill him or anything (as apparently Brinley was too pansy), but there were words. Words that needed to be sharing.

He took a side step and ever-so-graciously motioned to the door. "Go on in," he said coldly and bitingly, though his voice was too quiet to be easily overheard. "Didn't you know? I'm apparently a murdererApparently he wasn't over that yet. Yes, Andrew Frazer was far from the top of his list. In fact, he was more like.. well, the bottom. The entire bottom. Everyone else would be ( ... )


andyfraz October 16 2007, 05:03:19 UTC
Andrew thought it would probably be too wussy if he begged the adults to stay, although he desperately wanted to. He absolutely couldn't be caught alone with Brinley, less because he suspected the older boy had been involved in a mass murder, more because of Illiad's threat. And them being left alone never ended well. Or maybe it ended too well, he wasn't quite sure.

He stared right back at Brinley, until the Professor and Auror were well out of earshot and the other boy finally spoke.

"Then please, after you, I'd hate to turn my back on a murderer. Might get stabbed in the back. Or worse," he whispered back. He moved in the same direction as Brinley, which at least blocked the people inside from seeing them. At least there was no chance for Illiad to see them and assume the worst.


brinley_watson October 16 2007, 05:21:40 UTC
Great. Just when he had hoped to get out and away from it all, enjoy a minute of peace, there was bloody Andrew Frazer? Really, couldn't a boy get a bloody break?! He wanted to punch him for just being there. In his paranoid mind, everyone was looking for him to throw at least one punch at a mudblood so they could quickly get him sent off to Azkaban and throw a little liberation party or some rubbish like that.

"Won't you feel like the bloody ass you are if they do get caught and you find out that you were wrong all along ( ... )


andyfraz October 16 2007, 05:37:22 UTC
What kind of a comeback was that? Brinley was definitely off his game. "Yeah, boy will my face be red," Andy responded sarcastically. "How ever will I be able to show my face in public again?"

"As for telling my friends? Well I'd love to be able to tell them that we had this conversation but unfortunately, thanks to some bang up idiocy from you, your boyfriend will tell everyone I'm gay if he even gets a whiff that we were within ten feet of each other."

His hand went to his head and he gave his fringe a little tug in frustration. "I mean, I don't understand, you said you'd keep it a secret if I kept on seeing you but I didn't but you didn't tell anyone, at least not my friends, so I thought maybe you really did want to see me again and -. Well, you know."

He flushed, realising he was getting into very dangerous territory.

"But then you went and told him. I haven't been an official member of the 'gay club' for long but I'm pretty sure rule number one is don't tell your crazy jealous boyfriend you had sex with someone else ( ... )


brinley_watson October 16 2007, 06:04:43 UTC
...well, he sort of was. And he didn't hate Andrew so much based souly upon mudblood status so much anymore, so he was having to channel out a whole new kind of hatred. It was tricky. Took some adjusting. Really, he should have been given a period of leniency.

His eyes cut as really, give a man a break, would he?

Oh, but did they ever cut more. Illiad had been deemed as a 'No No Subject' for young Andrew Frazer. Brin simply wasn't going to let the git badmouth him, not one bit. Anything he might have done that could have been seen as far-fetched had been Brinley's own fault. His little manipulations and twists, they forced Illiad to do things like blackmail and threaten anyone that came near his boyfriend. "Good on him, then," he replied, looking annoyed as arms folded over his chest. "Merlin knows the lot of them need to know that you've apparently chosen to be gay all of the sudden, what with you and Louvika Hawkins and all." Pausing, he leaned forward for a moment and lifted a finger into the sky. "By the way, she ( ... )


andyfraz October 16 2007, 06:29:39 UTC
How did he know about Lou? They had always snogged in front of people, at parties mostly or when the mood struck them in the common room, but he didn't know how that bit of information would reach Brinley of all people. But then, this was Hogwarts, word tended to travel faster than the speed of light.

He didn't get time to dwell on the matter as the Slytherin launched on. "So why the bloody hell would I tell him? I don't want people to know what happened as much as you do, if not more. And I didn't even know he was gay, let alone your boyfriend."

A sudden thought struck him. "Does he have an invisibility cloak?" He glanced around him as if he could actually tell that someone with an invisibility cloak was standing near by, which he obviously couldn't. "Oh man," he moaned, "what have I got myself caught up in?"

He felt the air around him and mumbled in what would have been a comical way, if either of them had had a decent sense of humour at that moment. "Hooking up with a Slytherin with a boyfriend with issues and an ( ... )


brinley_watson October 16 2007, 06:38:46 UTC
"Oh gee," he replied dryly. "I don't know, perhaps to fuck me over?"

Like he'd know what sort of squirrelly thoughts rushed about in Andy's mind? Merlin, he'd rather not even try to figure out what went about in there. It was apparently some dellusional world where people could just waft about with their sexuality and openly brag about trysts with Slytherin elitists.

"Whatever. He found out somehow, and it sure as bloody hell wasn't by my doing! The last thing I'd ever want to do is brag about you. And I'm not suprised to hear that you somehow missed the memo on him being gay. Perhaps one day I'll find out that he, too, snogs females while waving little rainbows of support, much like yourself! Won't that make for a jolly good day? Apparently I attract your lot, the 'Oh, I think I might be gay - perhaps I'll make out with Brinley Watson, who would rather like to blast my face off, just to see!'"

Yeah. He apparently hadn't been too happy the moment Louvika herself spilled that lovely little tidbit ( ... )


andyfraz October 16 2007, 08:44:47 UTC
He let the comment about snogging girls slide. So what if Andy ocassionally indulged in some (purely platonic) heterosexual pashing. He knew he was gay. It didn't really matter what Brinley believed.

"As much as I'd like to see you suffer Watson, the absolute last thing I'd ever do is tell anyone about what happened. What part of me staying in the closet don't you understand? It definitely wasn't my doing. So if Hawkins doesn't have a cloak and no one else knows about us besides him..." He left the last part unsaid, instead he rolled his eyes. "Great, my secret identity hangs on the fact that you let your boyfriend keep tabs on you ( ... )


brinley_watson October 16 2007, 19:06:32 UTC
Slowly, he pulled his arms up to fold over his chest, watching Andy running his mouth, on and on and on. He even rolled his own eyes and let out a loud sigh. Honestly, though, he was starting to get pissed off. Something about Andy tossing Illiad about like that just really rubbed him the wrong way.

Wrong Way Rubbing was not the sort of rubbing he preferred.

"Back off, Frazer," he finally replied, words coming through clenched teeth. "My relationship, or stance within it, or other person involved is none of your bloody business. You'd do well to drop that subject right now."

Yep. He wasn't playing.

Brinley stood right there, unmoving as the stone beneath him, as the other boy made his way down the stairs. Like he didn't figure that the git would have to throw something else out there. Andrew Frazer clearly didn't know when to shut his bloody damn mouth. "I though you were suppose to be worth my time," he drawled in return. "Turns out you're just a waste, yet another pointless, meaningless mudbloods in a sea of filth ( ... )


andyfraz October 16 2007, 23:39:23 UTC
That caused him to double take a little. Exceptions, hey? A part of Andy lept at the words (no prizes for guessing which part). The rest of him felt doubtful.

"Yeah, that's me. Pointless. Meaningless. I'm sure you were really considering me. I mean, who cares about the boyfriend who loves you, go against all your fucked up beliefs and sleep with a muggleborn. That makes a lot of sense. Merlin's beard, I'm not as stupid as I look ( ... )


brinley_watson October 17 2007, 02:34:42 UTC
"And you do look pretty damn stupid," he quietly mused, hand elegantly raising to cup his chin. Yep, realling pondering that one. "That's reassuring. I'd hate to know that ontop of everything else, I nearly shagged a bloody idiot."

Wait for it, wait for it!

"Though.. I suppose that much is still questionable. You've not exactly given me any reasons to think you're not completely daft. I'll give you the benefit of a doubt, though. Because I like you."

Now, the most disturbing part of it all was the fact that... well, he bantering. Perhaps even flirting, actually. Though eyes were still icey and cutting through all around him, tone was dry and cruel, and posture was statuesque, the words he chose to use kept the conversation more jovial. Honestly, though, Brinley's idea of flirtation was obviously more cruel then reassuring.

Oh, but it wouldn't last for long. Andy just had to go and bring up his relationship again. He shouldn't have had such issues with it, but he was trying to bring himself back into denial. Just ( ... )


andyfraz October 17 2007, 03:11:26 UTC
Andrew stumbled in his step as Brinley said three little words that brought him to a standstill. Ironic that at the same time Brinley was thinking of three other little words he'd said a few days before to Illiad. Andy would have backed off if he knew. Probably ( ... )


brinley_watson October 17 2007, 04:01:13 UTC
Funny that those exact three words didn't exactly stop BrinleyChances were that they were the exact reason why he had gone from brushing the idea of Andrew Frazer off to not really minding if it happened again. He had to talk himself out of all of that. Brinley didn't love, he just didn't. Besides, it was an emotional moment. People said loads of stuff they didn't mean during those odd, emotional moments ( ... )


andyfraz October 17 2007, 04:30:42 UTC
Oh, a challenge. Andrew had a hard time ever resisting a challenge, especially when it meant he could prove himself worthy. It probably all came down to Daddy issues and wanting to prove himself to his father, but he didn't dwell on the why just now. Just the how. How serious was Brinley? How far would they go? How long would it last? How long could it last?

How the fuck was he even considering this?

Andy took a step forward and then a step back. Decision making time. He had 10 seconds before Brinley reached the door.


It's Brinley Watson, for fuck's sake!


He's a Slytherin!


Possibly a murderer!


Not to mention a total prick!


If anyone found out, your life would be over!


You'd lose your friends.


And if your father found out he'd more than likely kill you.


It won't end well for anyone!


Did I mention he's a prick?!


No, Andy, don't!"How will we hide the marks from people," he called out quickly. By people he meant 'Illiad' but he was sure Brinley would ( ... )


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