
Oct 09, 2007 20:46

:Week Name/Date/Time: 'Sometimes You Just Can't Win'/ Saturday, September 23, 2006/ 1:15 PM
Location: The Infirmary
Open to: Brinley, Illiad, and a very disturbed Madame Pomfrey
Currently Involving:  Lou-boo!


That was the noise Louvika Hawkin's brain made. It sounded, actually, a bit trainish. Intresting thought to ponder later, but ( Read more... )

illiad-hawkins, week-037, lou-hawkins, brinley-watson

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brinley_watson October 10 2007, 04:09:51 UTC
Poor, Poor Pomfrey. She had really just set out to do her job and got paired with Brinley Watson as some sort of punishment for a job well done. Earlier? Upon dragging his lover in, he gave the woman a good look over and immediately drawled "Really, I had hoped they'd have someone more competent in here by now" before questioning her about her credentials. This was Illiad that she'd be tending to. Only the best, only the best.

And now she had made the mistake of asking a relaxed, hardly caring Brinley about their pre-passing-out activities? Poor thing.

Despite the shock and worry that had been ramming it's way through his mind and heart from the second he hit the floor to even then, he had decided that he'd do well to perch himself in the bedside chair and begin to read a fashion magazine. Pages turned as he blatantly ignored the woman but oh, yes, that question deserved a reply.

"What do you bloody well think I was doing?" What, did she expect some admission that he had poisoned him or something? "Jacking him off," he ( ... )


loopdeelou October 10 2007, 04:18:11 UTC
Pomfrey, of course, used to years of working with teenagers, had found that nothing could surprise her. Not even this. Who didn't know that Mr. Quidditch-Playing-And-Occasionally-Getting-Injured-In-The-Process Illiad Hawkins was light in the loafers? She arched an eyebrow at Brinley, sitting there. "Really," she said, dryly, "would've thought he'd gone for someone a little nicer, the poor soul. But there's teenagers for you." She marked something off on her clipboard ( ... )


brinley_watson October 10 2007, 04:25:37 UTC
Now, Illiad wasn't so fond of everyone knowing his poofer status but if he wasn't awake to hear the damage being made? Well, all the better for Brinley. His secrecy had always driven him mad anyway. He was dating Brinley bloody Watson! That was something to brag of, not.. sweep beneath some rug!

His gaze flickered to Pomfrey for just a moment, then back to Louvika. Funny, though, as he spoke to the person he wasn't looking at, but Lou's reactions were generally ten times more hilarious. "Really," he replied. "Suppose you'll have to preach at him about better bedfellows later. You can leave now." It was as if he was actually trying to get kicked out of the ward or something ( ... )


loopdeelou October 10 2007, 04:34:58 UTC
"No!" Lou hadn't shouted, but she had made it very clear that this was not a light-hearted 'no'. Apperently, Pomfrey had entrusted her again with her speaking privleges. "I'm not going anywhere!" Owl still on shoulder, she grabbed a chair and swung it around to sit on it back-to-front, exactly across from where Brinley sat. Her pose was far different from his, too-- while he sat back so nonchalent, she had hunched low over her cousin and entangled their hands together so she could pet his soothingly. Her grey eyes-- so, perhaps unfortauntely, like Illiad's-- didn't stray an inch from his face, although they scanned over it back and forth in a constant motion. They were, indeed, wide with concern and definately fearful ( ... )


brinley_watson October 10 2007, 04:43:14 UTC
"Drat," Brinley grumbled in return, replying to Pomfrey. "I had hoped to do just that. You're out to ruin all of my fun."

Oh, yes. That was spite dripping from his tone.

Okay, so Lou was sort of ruining his plans. The second the two were alone, the magazine was to be discarded and Brinley had decided that he'd play the part of that caring, loving boyfriend. Stroke Illiad's hand or whatnot. Perhaps even kiss him on the cheek, burn incense, say some tribal prayer, whatever. The younger boy would be asleep and wouldn't know it was happening and there would be no onlookers to see it either. He was weary and honestly, the idea of nursing his boyfriend back to health was actually somewhat tempting. But Louvika just had to join him and he wasn't about to show any sort of softer side with her about to witness it.

He was an asshole, was he? Well.. good. It's all he could ask for. Yes, he was cranky.. even more so than normal, but he had actually spent time worrying for someone and that always put him in the worst of moods. A ( ... )


loopdeelou October 10 2007, 04:55:31 UTC
Lou was very good at pretending she couldn't hear people. And enough had called her a bitch that the word barely even phased her. It was sort of like saying, "Hello!". In that vein, adding the word 'daft' in front of it was almost like saying, "Hello Sexy!", closely followed by a wolf-whistle. More of a compliment than an insult. But when Louvika Hawkins got in on a tangent (especially when it was about someone she cared for as much as she did Illiad), there was no stopping her.

"Really," she said, her eyes narrowing. She looked up at him, but didn't let go of Illiad's hand. "You know what? He really loves you! And you treat him like garbage! I've seen it!" Illiad, certianly, would never hear nor say a word against Brinley Watson, not even to his cousin-- a person he seldom liked but could definately confide in. Lou, however, although scatterbrained and mildly ditzy, was just as observent as he was. She spent a good deal of her time during breakfast watching them from across the Great Hall. When she wasn't, of course, choaking people ( ... )


brinley_watson October 10 2007, 05:06:42 UTC
"Ohhh," he groaned as he closed the magazine and brought a hand up to the back of his neck, rubbing it as he stretched languishingly. "You so tire me with your... always running mouth and.. words and.. oh, can't you just shut up?" He'd not get to her with what he said, no no. But there was always a chance that he'd hit her with the way he said it instead. He acted like he could really care less about what she had to say which had to be some sort of double-whammy, considering how passionately devoted she was to this particular cause.

The sad part, however, was that she was completely right... and Brinley knew it.

Good and more relaxed than before, he crossed his legs and turned just enough in his chair to watch the insane little bugger. Merlin, was she ranting up a storm! Yet another reason why he hated women. They nagged and had the absolute inability to shut the bloody fuck up. "Allow me to correct you. Many things in my world matter to me. They matter to me dearly." Holding up a hand lazily, he ticked off fingers as if ( ... )


loopdeelou October 10 2007, 05:23:05 UTC
Louvika flushed pink at his words. As much as she'd prefer not to think about her cousin in the throes of passion, even she couldn't deny that two boys were better than one. But Illiad was her cousin, for cripes sakes! And Brinley's words were just cruel, not to mention disgusting! Especially to Lou, who was practically his mother at Hogwarts. Whatever Illiad did with his freetime was completely his business, she could agree to that, beautiful or whatever it might be. And certianly, had he not been her cousin, she'd have made it her business early on! But she didn't need this slimeball discussing her Illi's prowess!

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" she demanded of him, glaring. Her eyes were red-rimmed now, and she looked about ready to cry at the injustice of it all. "You don't deserve my cousin! He's too good for you! He's too good for all of you!" by this, of course, she meant the entire House of Slytherin, with whom she had been not so impressed with as of late.

"Furthermore, he cries over you, you know!? You and yer ( ... )


brinley_watson October 10 2007, 05:34:51 UTC
In an ultimate show of 'My accent is better than yours', he snorted at her slip. "Ye'd do best to not worry about what I care for." He loved when they did that, acted all refined despite obviously being raised in some sort of Irish pig-stall. Sure, under normal circumstances he'd not give something as petty as a lilt a second thought but obviously she worried about it. She'd not put on false aires if she didn't give a bloody damn, would she? So pointing it out when said visage failed her had to get to her. It just had to.

The tears were just beautiful as well. Sure, he 'cared' for Illiad. That didn't mean he had to care for his annoying cousin as well, now did it? Brow cocked, he brought a hand up, then turned it as he pointed a finger at himself. "Gay, in case you haven't noticed," he replied. "Means I don't kiss any females, better yet my Muggle-fucking mother. This is the mouth I kiss Illiad with and before you bother yourself to ask, yes, he does like it dirty ( ... )


loopdeelou October 10 2007, 05:49:59 UTC
Lou's bottom lip twitched. It was like she was putting on some show to him! Well, she didn't think there was anything entertaining about this at all! She got to her feet and grabbed his hankderchief, dabbing Illiad's forehead with it. But the taunt about her accent annoyed her greatly. She wondered how he ever dealt if Illiad slipped-- not that he would. He was very good at it, she supposed, because he was doing it all the time. She often would speak to Fi or Seth normally (they never had to ask, "What did you say?"). But she doubted he had any Irish friends in Slytherin House. The Irish are too nice to be so cruel. He probably doesn't even talk, anyways.

She didn't imagine he could get a word in. Remembering how, in their kinder days, she had poked and prodded and teased him with chubby toddler hands as they sat under the watchful (if not senile) eye of their grandfather.
"Please Illiad! Let me hear your voice again! I promise I won't try to kiss you again!And then! And then he said that thing about Illiad crying and OH! That made ( ... )


brinley_watson October 10 2007, 05:58:33 UTC
Now that was something Brinley was fantastic at: quick to the draw. Her wand came out just seconds before his own did, only he stayed in his seat and pointed it at her as if it were some great hassle. "Please," he replied lazily. "Don't make me waste the words. Your lot isn't even fit for a proper duel."

And by your lot, he meant those Lions, too busy smelling one another's bums and romping about the castle, full of silliness, to even know how to properly hold themselves in battle. Had he known of the DA or Lou's participation in it, he would have held a different opinion. He, however, did not and just thought her to be yet another stupid bint waving a wand about like she knew how to use it.

Oh, he was getting to her. It was a beautiful thing. There was fury in her eyes and those tears were bound to be hot and angry now, not full of sympathy and pity for her cousin. "I'm here, aren't I?" he then added, further proving that he thought her wand draw to be more of a 'Oh, I have one of these' moves than a 'Oh, I'm going to use ( ... )


loopdeelou October 10 2007, 06:07:54 UTC
Lou had always been a quick-draw, although her spells hadn't always worked the way the ought to. This was well known around the castle, that spells often backfired when Lou Hawkins was in a temper, and these backfirings were often worse than the actual curses she'd meant to cast ( ... )


brinley_watson October 10 2007, 06:18:49 UTC
He hardly tried to shield a smirk as she gave up so easily. Good. Illiad would likely be pissed at Brinley for ages if he Crucio'ed his cousin. Apparently they liked one another, which still came as a shock to Brinley. Every Hawkins, save Illiad, was a waste in Brinley's eyes. Why didn't Illiad feel the same way?

"If you think him to be some sort of placid, emotionally-restricted idiot, you're very wrong," he replied, voice holding just a hint of a cutting tone. "He's been angry with me plenty." Still wearing the faintest proof of a bruise, he looked away. Eyes apparently preferred to stare at Illiad's blanket-coated feet. Oh yes, he had seen him angry a lot. They had even come to blows. But that was just part of their dynamic. Once part of her statement really sunk in (took a while to translate), he had to look at her again. "...wait, did you just call him pretty." Right, yes. That was weird. "You are fucking insane, you know that, don't you?" The really odd part about that statement was that the cutting tone was ( ... )


loopdeelou October 10 2007, 06:25:20 UTC
"He iss!" Lou said, earnestly. "What? Just because 'e's me cousin dannae mean I cannae call 'im pretty!" she said, rolling her eyes. "It dannae mean I've slept wit' 'im, does it?" That honor, she thought to herself, was reserved for jerks and non-cousins only. Not that she cared-- she definately didn't want to sleep with her cousin! But he was good looking, just like all of his brothers. Speaking of which...

"Apollo? What?" Lou looked confused. "How do you know Apollo? No, 'e'd 'ate you..." she was clearly referring to Apollo Hawkins. Biting her lip (again, a trait she shared with her cousin), she shook her bonny red head. "No, no. Cham. Chamberlayne. 'E's your brother, isn't he?" she asked him.


brinley_watson October 10 2007, 22:36:06 UTC
"...I don't look at my relatives and determine if they're pretty or not," he replied slowly. Perhaps it wasn't what she said, but the way she said it. Or the fact that he didn't like anyone else thinking Illiad to be attractive. Actually, that was more of it than anything else. If his own family realized how good looking he was, anyone else would. And then he'd have competition ( ... )


loopdeelou October 11 2007, 00:39:08 UTC
"Wait. You've got an Apollo as well? Illi's got one-- 'is older brother. Pretty blonde haired boy, och, they're all pretty, aren't they? Helena's the first-- then Apollo. After him's Cadmus, but 'ee died while back." she waved a dismissive hand, "An' then Circe and Camra-- then's Illi, see? And then Athena, but she's wee yet." Why the fact that both Illiad and Brinley had brothers named Apollo had prompted her to devulge her cousins entire family tree was beyond the comprehension of anyone nearby. But it didn't matter-- it didn't seem right to mention one of Illi's clan and not the rest of them, for some reason. "Got anymore of them?" she asked him, her tone indifferent. "But, yeah, Apollo'd 'ate you. Dannae like Illiad much, neither-- imgaine! 'is own brother!" She shook her head, looking mildly annoyed. It had always been hard for her to see why the rest of the family hated Illiad so much-- to Lou, he was a very intresting and curious person (perhaps made even more so by the fact that he was so private ( ... )


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