
Sep 09, 2007 14:41

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Something's Missing Here' / Wednesday, September 13, 2006 / 9.45 PM
Location: Trophy Room (3rd Floor)
Open To: Brinley
Currently Involving: Andy

Clean, clean, clean )

andrew-frazer, week-037, brinley-watson

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brinley_watson September 9 2007, 05:34:04 UTC
What an incredibly fucking boring ass day ( ... )


andyfraz September 9 2007, 05:49:26 UTC
Andrew could name about 30 people who would deliberately spill what looked like pumpkin juice on the freashly cleaned glass case that Andrew had spent the last three hours cleaning. Oh yes, he had many ememies indeed. But Andy didn't need to even look at the boy's face, he heard his voice, the one that sent shivers down his spine. And not in the good kind of way. The fingernails-on-blackboard kind of way. The way that made you vomit in your mouth a little.

"Clean it up, cunt," he said calmly, looking the older boy in his eyes. Already he was seething but it didn't bode well to show it. He got the feeling Brinley thrived on that.


brinley_watson September 9 2007, 05:56:45 UTC

Brinley actually had to stop walking. He did! He had to stop walking and slowly swivel around on his heel, turning to face Andrew. Lip lifting in a sneer, he brought his hands up and slowly clapped. "Oh, nice," he cooed in return, faux-impress dripping from his tone. "So demanding, Frazer. In as much as I love to be the submissive, I'll not do your job for you, especially not since they've finally found something you're worthy of doing."

Oh yeah. He was an ass.

The clapping then stopped and instead, he folded his arms over his chest as feet moved shoulder-width apart. Brinley just loved being cruel. It gave him some sense of purpose! That added to the fact that he didn't have a single kind bone in his body... well anyway, for some reason that hate for all intensified when he was around Andrew Frazer. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but there was something about Andrew that he especially didn't like.

Snorting, he glanced to the juice mess, then back up to Andrew, locking eyes. "Clean it up yourself, bitch


andyfraz September 9 2007, 06:10:25 UTC
Andrew ignored the submissive comment. He had learnt long ago that just because Brinley makes a joke about tops and bottoms, doesn't mean he knows your sexuality. At least, he was pretty sure Brinley didn't know. Merlin help if he did find out. He'd have to kill himself. Or Brinley.

He knew which one he'd prefer.

He bent down to pick up the rag and tossed it up towards Brinley's face. "I'm not cleaning this up and I'm not going anywhere until you do. I ain't the bitch here."


brinley_watson September 9 2007, 06:25:42 UTC
Ohhhhhh, if only he knew. Andrew would be eating the hard, cold reality immediately and Brinley possibly wouldn't be able to keep his mouth shut about it. That, or he'd use it for some brilliant blackmail. But honestly, he could never foresee any sort of situation in which he'd need to have any sort of 'Up' on Andy, so thankfully he neither knew what he didn't know or what he was missing out on by not knowing it. He'd be a little let down to know that if he knew about that which he didn't know about, he'd likely not be able to do anything interesting with said knowledge ( ... )


andyfraz September 9 2007, 06:37:19 UTC
Andrew drew himself up and responded to the silent challenge. Brinley was all in his space and it was very uncomfortable having someone stand so close but there was no way Andrew was going to back down. He was fairly sure they were about to come to blows and he was also fairly sure he'd get his arse kicked, but Andrew never backed down.

In fact, he was usually the one to start the whole thing.

Not wanting to disappoint, he threw the first punch without warning.


brinley_watson September 9 2007, 06:51:57 UTC
Andrew was one very blessed boy, then. Brinley wasn't one of those strong, muscular blokes that could really hold themselves well without a wand in hand. He used magic, and used it quite well, because he depended on it. The second it was stripped away or he was put in a situation where he had to use some lesser alternative? Oh yeah, he was screwed. He was screwed and weak.

That punch connected firmly with his jaw and immediately, a hand moved up to grasp his chin. His eyes refocused on Andy and he spat, blood from a bitten tongue spraying out and towards Andy. "Closest you'll ever get to having clean blood," he murmured in reply, "consider it as a gift." MERLIN'S OUT-OF-DATE & OFF-SEASON WHITE TROUSERS, that hurt! He spat again, but to the floor this way (yeah, Andy would likely have to clean that up as well), then moved the hand that had been grasping his jaw out to, well, slap Andrew. He really wasn't one for punching.



andyfraz September 9 2007, 07:05:22 UTC
Andrew was too slow to dodge the blood spray because he was holding his punching hand and wincing like a girl. Jeez, he'd forgotten how much punching someone in the face hurt. It had been a while since his fist had actually connected with someone.

He paused for a second and thought about how dirty that had sounded. Why did things turns out so dirty in his...OW!

The punk had slapped him! Andrew screwed up his face and shook his head.

"Really? A slap? You're going to slap me and call me names? Did the professors finally realise how stupid you are and demote you back to being a first year?"

He wiped his arm on his robe, trying to smear Brinley's blood off.

"Hit me you pussy."


brinley_watson September 9 2007, 07:24:40 UTC
OH YES. That, clearly, was how Brinley Watson brought it.

The surprising thing was that the slap actually hurt his hand! He drew his hand back like some kitten that had gotten it's paw on a nail and looked down to it, brow furrowing. Well. He'd not make that mistake again.

Oh bloody hell no, if hitting that mudblood meant his hand was going to hurt, he was going to make it worth it!

"Eh," he replied, grimacing as he looked away. "You should be honored that I'd even bother doing it. I'd rather keep my hands as far away from your filthy skin as possible." And really, pussy? He was GAY. That was hardly an insult. But hey, if that's what he wanted, he'd bloody well get it. Andrew wanted him to hit him so immediately, a fist went out, aiming for.. well, whatever he could hit. He wasn't good at this mudblood fighting rubbish.


andyfraz September 9 2007, 07:40:13 UTC
Andrew wasn't exactly sure why he asked to be hit. That might have been one of the stupidest things he'd ever said. He ran it through the library in his head and yep, there it was, number four on the list of stupid things he's asked for.

It moved up a spot when Brinley's fist connected with his nose. It didn't break it but it brought tears to Andy's eyes and a satisfaction he couldn't quite explain.

He yelled and moved to tackle the boy because really, what else was there to do? Stand there and get bitch-slapped again?


brinley_watson September 9 2007, 07:57:39 UTC
Brinley, who was normally full of sneering confidence, was completely out of his league here. He needed his wand and a hex on his lips and that was that. But none of that mattered then, as Brinley quickly found himself squashed onto the ground with Andrew on top of him.


The good thing was that somewhere under every man's heart, there was this spot that, when triggered, turned him into a bloody damn fighting fool. Apparently the elbow that was squished into his chest triggered it and before he even realized that he knew what he was doing, he grasped Andrew by the shoulders and pushed him hard, hoping to flip them over to where Brinley was on top. Something in him stated that there was an advantage in this.

For one, he'd not be pinned beneath a mudblood and two, he could.. who knows, slam his head into the stone or something. Ah, he'd get to that later. For now, he just had to get the tables turned.


andyfraz September 9 2007, 08:07:38 UTC
Andrew was flipped to the bottom before he even realised what was happening. He struggled against the Slytherin trying to gain some advantage back but Brinley's knee was poised near his groin and Andy was hesistant to do anything rash, lest his boys get hurt.

He swung his head to try and headbutt the boy but he missed and ended up banging his (sore) nose into his shoulder.


brinley_watson September 9 2007, 14:31:38 UTC
AH-HA! Perhaps there was something animal in the hearts of all men, wizard or not, one that made them have the ability to fight despite never being taught... eh. Brinley would prefer to not think that way, as it would equalize the Perfect and the perfectly useless waste of spaces.

Merlin, did that actually hurt his shoulder! He quickly shifted his weight to one arm as he reached up, rubbing the offended area, and eyes cut at the boy beneath him. "That bloody hurt," he growled. As if Andy hadn't figured that much out on his own, eh? But the fact that the boy would even BOTHER with hurting Brinley just pissed him off more. His hand moved back down to press solidly against his forehead. He'd not be having any more of that head smashing. Sitting on Andy's pelvis, he then rose up enough to swing at him again with his free arm, aiming for his chest.

Oh, that's right. Andy was going to get his ass kicked by a freaking poofer.


andyfraz September 9 2007, 23:53:17 UTC
The Slytherin had his hand on Andy's forehead which would have looked weird if anyone was watching. A voice inside his head screamed I'm pretty sure that doesn't matter right now, idiot.

He blinked as the boy placed a well aimed punch to his chest. And then he grunted loudly because fuck that hurt. The sounds people make in a fight are really quite odd.

As an impulse and it really was just instinct, Andy freed one of his hands and tried to valiantly fight back. It turned out more like hair pulling and poking, but hey, at least his heart was in the right place. Somehow in the kerfuffle his finger slipped inside Brinley's mouth and he withdrew it quickly. Forgetting his earlier jest, he slapped Brinley and did everything in his body's power to make sure the Slytherin hadn't noticed, wriggling and bucking wildly, trying the throw the boy off. He wasn't sure why he was making such a fuss about putting his finger the the boy's mouth, it was just an accident, right?

Oh! the jokes he could make about a 'digit in the mouth'.


brinley_watson September 10 2007, 01:52:57 UTC
Oh, Andy had to be kidding him. Hair bloody pulling? This was, quite possibly, the most pathetic fight in the history of mankind. Had Brinley known that Andy was quite the closeted poofer, it would have all made sense; hardly a single gay he knew could actually hold their own in a fight. That's what their 'fag hags' were for... clawing out the eyes of all that messed with them. Really, it was all quite pathetic but then again, it was mudblood fighting. Couldn't expect much from it in the direction of Absolutely Fantastic.

"Fucking girl," he sighed as he punched at him yet again but suddenly found his words unable to continue as.. well.. a finger went into his mouth. Right, how could he not have noticed that Andrew apparently wanted to hush Brinley up with his bloody damn finger?! THERE WAS A FINGER IN HIS MOUTH. Had Andy not jerked his hand away so quickly, Brinley would have bit him. No, people did not just stick their fingers in Brinley's mouth ( ... )


andyfraz September 10 2007, 02:23:26 UTC
Andrew felt his lip split during one of the punches and he tasted warm blood. One could assume the will to fight would be draining but Andrew still felt the anger coursing through his veins. Although he could barely move. He went for the only arsenal he had left. Words.

"I've seen some of the people you hang around Watson. I'd be a great step up compared to them. I mean, look, you're straddling me already, I'd say you've almost taken that step. Are mudbloods your secret fantasy?"


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