
Aug 20, 2007 23:08

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Daily Grind' / Sept 2nd, 2006 / 5:31PM
Location: Great Hall, start of term feast - after the sorting ceremony, Claw or Gryff table
Open To: Fi, Amelia, Liesel, and... any one else who wants to jump in and is a friend!
Currently Involving: CJ
Tallie hooooooooooooooooooooooo )

amelia-huang, celeste-paddock, liesel-spurling, fi-mcfinn

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liese_lotte August 21 2007, 16:44:33 UTC
Liesel had been sitting by herself, occasionally listening to a conversation an older student was having about a new theorem. As she picked at her food, she watched her newly-sorted sister, who seemed content at the Gryffidnor table. Her thoughts were stopped when CJ threw the biscuit at her. It hit her face and, being Liesel, she turned red and felt a bit irritated. Realizing that it was CJ did help a bit, she'd come to expect that sort of thing from CJ. Liesel took a minute to calm herself and walked over to where the others were. She took a seat on the bench and smiled at her classmates.

"Interesting means of communication, CJ," Liesel said, seeming amused. She surveyed the area, it seemed that Celeste had invited Fi and Amelia as well. Unlike the other two, Liesel barely noticed Tom. It wasn't that she had anything against Tom, it wasn't that at all, it was more that she didn't have as strong of an interest in her male peers as other girls her age did. She had crushes, sure, but they were usually the unattainable sort.

"So, how was everyone's summer?" Liesel wasn't a very social girl, but even she knew the obvious questions one asked after the summer holidays.


celeste_paddock August 21 2007, 18:28:45 UTC
((OOC: Posting order, or no? And let me know if you want Tom to come in to play here!))

Celeste watched as her friends slowly made their way over. Or at least Liesel and Amelia took their time whereas Fi, being herself, took comfort in walking on the food-filled table. CJ smiled as the girls made their way over though, and pushed her plate away.

"Of course," she answered Fi while scooting down on the bench to make room for her so she wasn't sitting on Tom (who, by the way, was not very happy that CJ had invited her girl friends to sit with them). CJ laughed a bit as she watched the biscuit hit Liesel on the head and then Amelia's comment. "Isn't that everyday?" she said, grabbing a handful of biscuits and chucking them at Amelia now that she was in close-range.

"You love me," CJ cooed over to Liesel, "and my way of getting everyone's attention." Celeste was glad that at least one of her friends was sane and didn't have a visible crush on her brother. "Meh, nothing special happened. Ran into this one a couple times and was carted around by the loon next to Fi," she replied, somewhat bored with the question she'd already been asked a million times on the train.

"Anyone rope in a boyfriend over the summer? I think I might have finally scared Tucker away - he didn't return this year," Celeste joked.


fifi_fo_fum August 21 2007, 21:01:54 UTC

Now happily settled between CJ & Tom (and, by the by, she'd be celebrating that later), she grinned back at Amelia. "Right-o," she replied, nodding with CJ as she too began to pelt the other girl with biscuits. A very disapproving "MISS MCFINN", followed by "MISS PADDOCK" showered down on them from the Charms wench seated at the Head Table, and Fi let out a groan as she threw her biscuits back on the table.. but paused to gingerly place one on Tom's plate. "Eat up, boyo," she cooed at him, grinning like some delighted (and possibly demented) child presented with a toy, "ye need yer strength!"

Now now! With that done, she looked back to the other girls and pulled a face at Liese. "DREADFUL, mate, locked up inna shanty house back in Malahide n' not even allowed ter go visit Dublin alone! And ye, eh? Much better, I hope!" Her lips then formed a solid frown as she nodded to CJ. "Much th' same as ye, Ceee-jay. Finally roped one meself n' is he about? No! Ran off as well! Buggering gits, the lot of them!" And of course, that was followed very quickly by a rebuttal as she glanced over her shoulder at Tom and smirked. "Except for ye. Yer th' exception, savvy?"


tom_paddock August 21 2007, 21:26:26 UTC
After hearing his last name echo throughout the Great Hall for the first time, Tom was a bit angry at Celeste. He had a reputation to uphold as a prefect and quidditch captain, and having his younger sister getting yelled at wasn't helping him.

Tom rolled his eyes as he shoved down his quidditch team to make room for the new person at the table. He wouldn't have minded if Fi was decent enough to give a warning like 'Move down' or 'Wide load coming thru' but no. He was nearly smothered by her, which was not appreciated.

Trying to ignore Celeste and her friends the best he could now, he looked up at the second time his last name was being called throughout the Great Hall and reached over and whacked CJ upside the head for being an idiot. When the biscuit appeared on his plate and Fi started talking, he turned a slight pink and stared at it as though it was alive and was doing a jig on his plate. "Erm... thanks," he said as he slowly pushed his plate away, hoping she wouldn't notice.

Turning back to his friends to try and continue his conversation about how he was going to have more practices and really crack down on his team, he was interrupted yet again when Fi started talking to him. Slowly turning to her, he was tempted to ask her what drugs she was on but didn't. Instead Tom opted for blushing a little more and muttering, "Riiiiiiiighhhhhht."


amelia_h August 21 2007, 21:50:45 UTC
Not appreciating the biscuits be thrown at her, Amelia threw a biscuit back at CJ. Amelia chuckled, "That's right! I'm retaliating!" She smirked and nodded, then directed her attention toward Liesel. "Ehhh... my summer was boring, had nothing to do but bug the bloody hell out of my dad and grand-folks! Took a trip on over to Australia but didn't stay for long. Could've spent it reading and what not, but my all my brain does durin' the summer is have brain farts and not cooperate."

Amelia started biting her nails, "No boyfriend yet! That's a work in progress, no one has caught my eye 'cept for Tommy boy over there!" Amelia turned and winked to him. "Boy, that charms teacher is bloody annoyin'! Any more breakin' up the fun and I might just have to put her on the hate list!" Amelia turned back to the girls, "She probably had a bad vacation, but then again, who would want to vacation with that thing?"

Amelia giggled and looked around the great hall. "Look at all the fresh meat! They look lost!"


liese_lotte August 21 2007, 23:33:33 UTC
"Love's a word for it," Liesel said dryly to CJ. She wasn't quite as amused by the other girls' antics as, well, the other girls seemed to be. Still, she played along while making sure that she wasn't in danger of getting into trouble.

Liesel listened to her friends' stories, rather interested. To her, they all seemed more interesting than her own summer. She pondered what she should say next.

"Well, my summer wasn't any more interesting. I spent most of it dancing, which would have been nice if my teacher wasn't constantly asking me why I didn't go to a school with a dance program," she stated, rolling her eyes. "The rest of the time was spent hearing about how Allegra is going to University and Georgiana got her Hogwarts letter."

After hearing Fi and CJ getting reprimanded and Amelia's comments towards Tom, she gave him a sympathetic smile.

"No boyfriend, I'm sure you're all shocked," she said sarcastically. "Didn't really see too many boys, to be honest."


celeste_paddock August 22 2007, 01:17:07 UTC
CJ had a face-meets-palm moment when Fi and Amelia started going off on her brother and how he was sooo cute and they would date him. To Celeste that was just plain disgusting. He was her brother and she'd never let her mates date him unless, of course, he wanted to date one of them. CJ was pretty sure though, that none of them had a chance with him seeing as how Margie was the one he wanted. Perhaps in another lifetime they would date Tommy-boy but until then? Celeste was just going to keep her mouth shut on that subject and let them have fun.

Celeste smiled warmly over at Liesel, trying to make her part of their gang and less... well, to put it simply: awkward. Amelie, Fi, and Celeste were all crazy and wild, whereas Liesel was normal and quiet. Hopefully though, that'd change soon. CJ liked the girl too much to leave her out of their group! "You're crazy," Celeste said shaking her head in disapproval at Liesel's summer that was just as boring. "You should have owled me or something! I would've had my dad go kidnap you for me!"

CJ didn't pay attention at all to the professor yelling at them for the second time. "Join the lonely hearts club with the rest of our lot, m'dear," Celeste said as she patted Liesel on the shoulder.

She laughed at Amelia's comment on the first years. "Fresh meat?! Pah, that terms only for the seventh years, Amelia! Look at that one," she said, motioning over to a rather curly-haired boy that was uber tall. "Now that's what I call 'fresh' seventh year 'meat,' you loon."


fifi_fo_fum August 23 2007, 00:52:56 UTC
BIGGEST BLEEDIN' GRIN EVER. Tom was studdering! Blast the bleedin' girlfriend who, Fi was quite sure, was some boring and personality-less lass that none others wished to date! He blushed for her.

And perhaps Amelia as well but that really didn't matter because in the end he had blushed for her. "So cuuuuuute," she murmured, grinning at Tom. Revenge for The Unlovely Incident on the Hogwarts Express. With a saucy wink, she lightly nudged Tom with her elbow, then swiveled her attention back to her friends.

"Oooh, which one?!" she cried out, looking to the bloke that CJ was motioning too. "Aye, 'e's a looker, Cee-jay! Right on!" CJ had a good taste when it came to men. He was just lovely. With a sigh, however, she snatched up a breadstick and motioned to Liesel with it. "Ye know what ye need, mate? A wee bit more excitement in yer life. And I've just th' cure for ye, mate. Prefect's bathroom, nine o'clock. Always best fer a good time."


tom_paddock August 23 2007, 02:32:34 UTC
If Fi ever said any of that about Margie, she could be sure that she'd never have a chance with him - not in this lifetime, nor any other. Margie was a beautiful person and had a wonderful personality and ... although she isn't his girlfriend, Tom was sure that tonight would try to change that.

Tom was definately having a huge facepalm moment. Creating a 'V' with his fingers parted, Tom glanced over at Fi when she nudged him. He'd definately be having a talk with CJ about keeping her friends on a leash and trained not to have random attack!snogs with him in the halls.

Turning back to the quidditch team and poking at the breadsticks that they all felt so keen on throwing, Tom started talking again. Hopefully he wouldn't be interrupted by Celeste and her crowd yet again and could continue an intelligent conversation.


amelia_h August 23 2007, 22:09:31 UTC
Liesel was lucky she danced. She probably had really good grace. "Liesel, you should've told your teacher to shove it! Your a lucky girl that you got into Hogwarts, you are!" Amelia grinned and nodded her head up and down, some what like a bobble head.

Amelia grabbed a bread stick and started to munch on it. Listening to what CJ was saying. She stopped eating her bread stick, and waved the part that wasn't eaten in CJ's face to make a point.

"You know CJ, I can call them whateva' I want because guess what! We're not first years!" Amelia finished with hitting CJ lightly in the head with her breadstick.

Amelia slowly nodded her head, "Your right Fi! Liesel, you do need some excitement in your life, girl!" Her eyes grew and a grin broke out onto her face when Fi mentioned the prefects bathroom at nine o'clock. Ahhhhh the prefect bathroom.


liese_lotte August 24 2007, 19:46:16 UTC
Liesel was awkward, she knew that much. She once remarked to her mother, attempting a joke, that it should be her middle name. Anneliese Awkward Spurling. She also knew that she was quite different from the other girls. While CJ might describe her as normal, Liesel felt that she was anything but.

"Well, I didn't want to bother you or anything. Besides, it wasn't completely pointless, I did improve my technique!" Liesel was aware that it would mean very little to CJ, but she was trying to look like she hadn't been a complete loser over the summer.

Telling a teacher to shove it wasn't the sort of thing that Liesel did, but she still smiled at the comment.

"Well, I couldn't exactly tell her that. She's a muggle, so she doesn't know about Hogwarts and I can't exactly tell her about it. It's understandable that she'd want me to go to a different school, it's hard to seriously study ballet when you don't have access to formal instruction for most of the year," she noted. She was rambling a bit, but quickly realized that the other girls probably didn't care.

Liesel widened her eyes at Fi's suggestion and bit her lip. Amelia seemed to approve and Liesel had no doubt that CJ did as well.

"Um, how would we manage that? Wouldn't we get caught?"


celeste_paddock August 25 2007, 15:34:28 UTC
"Technique?" CJ said, shaking her head disapprovingly and sighing. "What am I going to do with you Liese? You need to take our advice and live a little more!" Spending a day or two with Fi or CJ alone would make Liesel realize how boring dance was, probably.

Celeste rolled her eyes at Fi and kept picking at what was on the table. She couldn't tell her friends who to like and who not to like so instead, CJ focused on the cutie across the way at the Slytherin table. She vigorously nodded though, when Fi started off on Liesel about excitement and to come to the prefect's bathroom.

"Liesel, Liesel, Liesel. We're not going to get caught, deary! Who's going to catch us when we're supposed to be the 'catchers'?" Ah, a perk of being a prefect was not having to worry about getting in trouble yourself! You pretty much ruled the school and didn't have to worry about whether or not you were going to get caught!


fifi_fo_fum August 25 2007, 16:24:37 UTC
Well, of course, Fi didn't even have a clue who this 'girlfriend' of his was, better yet iffin she was or was not a daft bugger. So benefit of a doubt, Tom Girlfriend stank the big one. Besides, she nabbed up Tom when he had two very, very quite lovely young ladies such as Fi and Ames to choose from? Had to be drop-dead gorgeous and daft, which was doing nothing for the growing girl's feeble ego!

Buggering bint.

Ooh, attack!snogs. Why hadn't Fi thought of that? She'd pen him down for one of those later.

Now, Liesel obviously needed some help here. And Fi was just the sort to dish out the advice. "Mmmhm, Prefects Bathroom. Ye seem t' forget that th' majority o' th' lot o' us get t' go in there!" Oh yes, more than one of them wore the nice, shiny Prefects badge, after all! Might as well use it (and abuse it) every now and then! "N' they ne'er said we couldn't bring guests!"

At that, she glanced over her shoulder at Tom again, winking. "Juss lemme know when ye want in, boyo, I'll hook ye up." Oh yes. Payback from The Unsavory Incident on the Hogwarts Express, indeed.


tom_paddock August 25 2007, 17:25:36 UTC
Trying his hardest to block Celest and her minions out, Tom kept talking with his quidditch buddies. Plays, maneuvers, all very interesting indeed until he was interrupted yet again.

When Fi looked over at Tom and mentioned something about getting him into the prefects bathroom though, he merely turned to her, pointed to his prefect badge on his robes and said, "Thanks but I'll make sure to go in when you're nowhere near the bathrooms." The last thing he wanted was the loon next to him to be looking at his manly bits. That thought actually had occured to him - Tom taking a bath and all soapy and naked, and then Fi just wandering in and trying to give him a hug or something as equally Fi-ish. He shuddered after even imagining this, of course.

Getting up, Tom started walking away to the loo. He could say that he was going to use the facilities but... well, he wasn't. He was going to get away from Fi and Amelia. That was the only place they couldn't follow him into and he was going to take advantage of it.


amelia_h August 25 2007, 18:18:02 UTC
Amelia nodded her head vigorously. "You'd really think that with two prefects we'd be caught, Liesel? Honestly, mate, you need to take a chill pill or somethin'" She raised her eyebrows to make a point.

Amelia got distracted by Tom walking away and forgot for a tick what her friends were rambling about.

Amelia watched Tom walk away and whistled at him. Then threw 2 thumbs up. "Oi! Mate, you got some lovely hind quarters, ya do!" Amelia shouted into her cupped hands.

"CJ, mate, your brother's got a fine derriere, oh yes he does!" Amelia realized that CJ probably didn't favor the comment she made about her brothers ass, but she didn't want to censor herself, and besides that, she wanted her opinion heard!!


liese_lotte August 27 2007, 00:26:05 UTC
"I know, I know," she said to CJ, tilting her head. She'd heard comments similar to CJ's her whole life and that was the reaction she gave nearly every time.

Though Liesel wasn't quite ready to admit it, they did have a point. She hadn't really thought of it, mostly because prefecture was a subject she had been trying very hard to avoid since finding out that she wasn't made prefect. Admittedly, she didn't take it as hardly as she thought she would have, with everything going on becoming a prefect seemed a bit less important than it once had, but it was still hard. The emotions she'd felt when she realized she wasn't chosen returned for a second, but, to her credit, Liesel quickly got over them.

"Well, I suppose I could go, just this once." she said in an uncertain tone. She figured that it would be nice to see the prefect's bathroom for herself.

Liesel felt sympathy for both Paddocks as Amelia and Fi spoke to and of Tom. She was always amazed at how forward her friends were. Liesel couldn't talk to boys she liked about anything, she couldn't even imagine telling them how she felt about them, especially ones who didn't seem to interested.

"So, what exactly will we do in the prefect's bathroom?" she inquired.


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