Back in Black

Apr 11, 2006 00:39

Week Name: "Meeting of the Minds"/Throughout the Week/Midnight
Location: Astronomy Tower
Open to: Any student taking Astronomy
Currently Involving: Professor McGill and students

Things were going to get a little bit tougher. )

classroom-threads, week-004

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Comments 35

Year 1 mona_mcgill April 11 2006, 05:42:10 UTC
Define the following terms:
1) Hydrostatic Equilibrium
2) Thermal Equilibrium
3) Conduction
4) Convection
5) Radiation
6) Thermal Energy
7) Gravitational Energy
8) Nuclear Energy
9) Alpha Particle
10) Beta Particle

Roll Call:
Madison Bauer
Niamh Gannon
Julian Danesby
Tze-Ming Lin


Re: Year 1 niamh_gannon April 11 2006, 21:39:59 UTC
Niamh was early for Astronomy, yet again. She smiled to Professor McGill as she took her seat. Reading the board, she nodded to herself and pulled out her textbook, parchment and quill. She sait and she waited for the rest of the class to arrive, flipping through her textbook, scanning for the answers, but also reading anything else on the page open in front of her. She couldn't help herself; it was all so interesting!

She hoped she would be able to use some of it when she went out in the boat with Da during the summer. She was sure he'd be proud of her. If she studied hard enough, he might even let her to help him more, so she was determined to learn everything she could in Astronomy. She grinned as she read, and decided to get started a bit early. She pulled her parchment closer and began to carefully write her answers.


Re: Year 1 tzeming April 12 2006, 14:28:58 UTC
Not long after Niamh had entered, Ming strolled into the class, dragging his bag heavily (it wasn't all that heavy, but one would think it weighed a tonne the way he was carrying it), less than an inch above the floor. Who cares about the bloody bag anyway? It was late, and even after 3 weeks at Hogwarts, he still couldn't imagine why people would have classes this late. Couldn't they see stars at, let's say, 9pm ( ... )


Year 2 mona_mcgill April 11 2006, 05:44:54 UTC
Define the following terms:
1) Proton-Proton Chain
2) CNO cycle
3) Triple-alpha process
4) R-Process
5) S-Process
6) P-Process
7) Alpha-Process
8) Photodisintegration/Beta decay
9) Neutronization/Inverse beta decay

Roll Call:
Benjamin Auster
Jacinda Mannix
Beatrice Rooks
Mairead Adair
Duane Gallagher
Armand Ramsden


Re: Year 2 bumble_bea April 11 2006, 15:44:44 UTC
Beatrice slid into her seat, barely on time. Her hair was a mess, as usual for these night-time classes, and her robe was hanging open over, surprisingly enough (har har), bright yellow flannel pajamas, decorated with black bumblebees. (what else?) She scratched her ear and yawned, then tugged out her Astronomy Notebook (the black one with glo-in-the-dark stickers on the cover) and opened it to a blank page.

"Ugh." She groaned, upon seeing the assignment. "What on earth is she talking about? Isn't that, I dunno, biology or something? What does it have to do with astronomy?"


Re: Year 2 jacimannix April 13 2006, 20:55:32 UTC
Jaci followed in only seconds behind Bea and flopped into the seat beside her best friend. Her eyes gave away the fact that she'd just woken for a nap, but from the look on her face it hadn't been a very good one. "Do we really have to wait quite so late for class?" she muttered in Bea's direction before attempting to stifle a yawn. "I mean, isn't nine late enough? Really?"

At Bea's question, she turned her attention to the board and groaned as well. "Pro-to-dee-sen-ta-gray-shun," she read the word slowly, letting it sink in. "Aye, that sounds like a word from Mum's chemistry class, not Astronomy. If we are just defining words, couldn't we've done that during the day?"

With a groan to match the one Bea'd sounded first, she flipped open her own notebook and pulled out her Keroppi pen. "Right, vocab."


Year 3 mona_mcgill April 11 2006, 05:46:43 UTC
Define the following terms:
1) Cosmic rays
2) Neutrino
3) Degenerate Matter
4) Protostar
5) Bok Globule
6) EGGs
7) ZAMs

Roll Call:
Ophelia Ballard
Mason Gibbs
Esrielle Hughes
Beni Korvet
Winnie McAdams
Liir Glen


Re: Year 3 ealhughes April 13 2006, 03:51:33 UTC
As usual, Esrielle appeared first in the Astronomy Tower; though without her usual enthusiasm. Frankly, she was exhausted. Smiling slightly to Prof. McGill, she quickly sat down and pulled out her supplies and began her assignment.


Year 4 mona_mcgill April 11 2006, 05:48:34 UTC
Define the following terms:
1) Brown Dwarf
2) Black Dwarf
3) White Dwarf
4) Main Sequence
5) Giant
6) Super Giant
7) T-Tauri Star
8) Wolf-Rayet Star
9) Herbig-Haro Object
10) Neutron Star

Roll Call:
Avery Kellaway
Alysha Dark
Alexandra Harbridge
Mila Grinadine
Nicolas Greenwood


Re: Year 4 averykellaway April 11 2006, 15:26:09 UTC
Thursdays are always horrible, but with everything that had been happening over the week, it was a wonder Avery had any energy left to pull herself to most, if not all, of her classes. Because of the lack of drive, she was particularly glad to see that Professor McGill had decided to let them have things a little easier by giving them written work instead of heavy discussions or chart-drawing, both of which required more detail ( ... )


Re: Year 4 mona_mcgill April 11 2006, 19:48:48 UTC
Mona was pacing the classroom, making sure all the students knew what was going on. She rushing over to Miss Kellaway's side to answer her question.

"Yes, please do. I 'd like your definitions by the end of class." Mona repeated the last sentence a little louder, so that the entire class could hear. "Thank you for asking, Miss Kellaway."


Year 5 mona_mcgill April 11 2006, 05:50:39 UTC
Define the following terms:
1) Pulsar
2) Nova
3) Supernova
4) Black hole
5) Schwarzschild Radius
6) Accretion Disk
7) Chadrasekhar Limit
8) Event Horizon
9) Magnetar
10) Hypernova

Roll Call:
Emilia Hawthorn
Charlie Davis
Erik Cohen
Scarlett Lycroft
Fiyero Auguste, III
Dustin Alden
Saffron Mayloski


Re: Year 5 charlie_davis April 11 2006, 22:28:58 UTC
Charlie took the stairs two at a time, because, really, would a self respecting Gryffindor just walk somewhere? Absolutely not. Tapping a tattoo on her thighs, she approached the door. Well, bugger. Professor Mcgill appeared to be back, and none of her classmates had arrived. Double bugger. And there was an assignment on the board. Triple sodding buggering shite.

Charlie sighed, Thursdays were always full days. Granted, the previous two subjects, Defense and Care of Magical Creatures, were her favorites, but it still piled up to a massive work load. This, coupled with the fact that she lost her evenings, did not bode well for said workload. Well, not that she planned to use her evenings, but it was nice to feel like you had time!

"Evening Professor," Charlie nodded, sat down, and pulled out her inkwell, quill, and parchment.


Re: Year 5 letty_lycroft April 12 2006, 20:42:38 UTC
Letty dropped heavily down into a seat next to Charlie and forced a smile. It was nothing against Charlie but as far as Letty was concerned, there really was nothing to be happy about this week.

She got out parchment, text book, ink and quill and looked at the assignment. She was pleased it was just definitions. Looking thing up in a book would't require much thinking on her part and she could just get on with it.

She wiped the back of her sleeve over her eyes and opened her text book.


Re: Year 5 jackie_zhang April 17 2006, 22:33:37 UTC
Jackie slipped into a chair behind Charlie, the taller girl easily shielding her from Professor McGill's eyes. She stiffled a yawn, and pulled her textbook out.


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