(no subject)

Mar 27, 2007 22:16

Week Name/Date/Time: "Attack of the Wheezes" / Tuesday March 28th, 2006 / 3:45 pm
Location: 4th floor Cooridor
Open To: Tom
Currently Involving: Margie

Margie was looking forward to a long, long, long warm bath tonight. So far this week that was the only thing that made being a Prefect worth while. With everyone running around with these lovey dovey feelings and snogging people it had made a permanent blush on her cheeks. If she ran into one more couple in a closet she might just die from embarassment.

Thankfully she hadn't seemed to be hit with any of the potions that everyone else had. Which was good. If she somehow started swooning in front of all of her crushes...oh bugger it all to hell she wouldn't be able to show her face. Terribly embarassing.

She gripped her wand as she came upon a broom closet, a look of terror appearing on her face. She could do this. No one was going to be there. Oh bugger she hoped no one was there!!

Quickly pulling the closet open she sighed with relief when it was empty, letting her eyes close. Bugger now her heart was pounding a mile a minute again. You would think she would have died from a heart attack by now, or at least she did.

tom-paddock, margie-staten, week-029

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