
Mar 25, 2007 13:38

Week Name/Date/Time: Attack of the Wheezes / Friday March 31st, 2006 / 4:15 PM
Location: Courtyard
Open To: Ben
Currently Involving: Camdyn

stalking is a good distraction )


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camdynbaker March 26 2007, 00:04:01 UTC
Camdyn tried to wait patiently for him to respond. Perhaps he was one of the silent, but knowledgeable types who had every face in the castle memorized and realised that she wasn't actually a seventh year student. She wasn't wearing anything that would give away what house she was in! Ugh, thinking of houses only made her think of Slytherin which only... bugger.

"Brilliant! I have a chocolate addiction, it's very serious. I should seek treatment," Camdyn announced with a grin, though this was definitely a lie. she didn't really care one way or the other for chocolate, but this was helping her acting skills! She was incredibly fond of fooling people. Sometimes. When she was in the mood for it, at least. Normally she was very sulky and... probably not all that great to be around.

She took the candy and bit off a piece, swallowing before fixing him with a smile. Oy, what was she supposed to do now? She was much better with... being snarky or summat.

"Right, well, I know how it is to be interrupted from a good book. I should probably... shut my sodding mouth," she stated with a laugh, shaking her head and looking down at her feet.

Ah, pathetic.


ben_connelly March 26 2007, 00:47:17 UTC
Er, no. Ben Connelly wasn't a people person, of course, sohe didnt look at faces. Faces didn't matter to him, and it wasn't like he entured out enough to memorize every face in any year. He had the Gryffindors down, at least those in fourth year and up, but other than that, he was lost. This chick could've been anyone.

Ben snorted, smiling just a bit again, tugging at the end of his tie which knotted at the middle of his chest. His shirt was unbuttoned and untucked, as usual; Ben was never really one for wearing his uniform the proper way.

"Er, yeah," he mumured, his deep voice quiet without Ben meaning for it to be. "I know how that is. "You should maybe carry some with you, it'll make you a bit less dangerous when approached. People need their morning coffee, I need my morening chocolate frog." Ben shrugged, frowning again.

"Uh, yeah, sorry," he said, backing up, plams up as if he were surrendering. "I shouldn't have bothered you. Er... as you were, or whatever threy say" Granted, she was the one who spoke to him, but that was unimportant.


camdynbaker March 26 2007, 00:56:54 UTC
Camdyn didn't memorize faces either. She had a difficult enough time trying to remember people in her own bloody year. She was a failure, basically, with very little to show in the friends department. She had been close to that bloke Tobias, as his name was brilliant and he'd been the friendly Ravenclaw type, but he'd left with so many others. Including herself, but she apparently could not stay away from this unusually comfortable place.

Now this was something she hadn't seen when actually appearing as her normal, fourth-year self. Ben Connelly was smiling a little. That alone was an accomplishment. She almost had the urge to morph back into herself then and there and cackle at him in victory. Instead she played with the ends of her shirt and tried not to give herself away.

"Morning chocolate frog, hmmn? I'm almost sad the winter is over. I'm a compulsive cocoa drinker," she informed hi with a sheepish smile. UGH, also a lie. Too much lying for her liking, really, but she would go with it for now. She didn't need this bloke to like her for who she really was.

No one did.

"You shouldn't have bothered me? You were here before I was, and I begged you for chocolate like the pathetic bird I am," Camdyn retorted, shaking her head.

"All right, just for that I'm taking a seat," Camdyn finished with a playfully raised eyebrow, sitting down beside him on his bench and smiling faintly.


ben_connelly March 26 2007, 22:03:09 UTC
Ah, Ben was a failure in the friends department, too. He had… two. Mostly. He wondered if Rylie would mind if he called her a friend, and Ben supposed Thatcher fit in that category, too. So… four-ish friends.

Yup. Failure.

But, Ben supposed he didn’t really count. Ben didn’t WANT a lot of friends, he was more than happy with two.

“My morning chocolate frog is all year round, I’m unlucky,” Ben returned, shrugging again. “Though,” he said, looking at his stomach. “I think the running after chocolate keeps me from getting too fat. Apparently that’s enough exercise, even given all the chocolate I eat.”

“Er…” Ben murmured, searching for an answer to that. He didn’t want to offend her, or anything. Though, given, er, recent meeting with two said friends, Ben had a knack of putting his foot in his mouth when he didn’t even say anything. “I wouldn’t say pathetic…” he trailed off, grinning quickly once more.

Ben’s eyebrows raised, people didn’t usually take seats with him, even if he was being somewhat nice. “Er, okay, then. I can… move, or something, if you want me to.”

… He was such a loser.


camdynbaker March 27 2007, 01:33:14 UTC
Ben already had more friends than Camdyn. She honestly had none. Something inside her refused to let her count Hargreaves. She'd never met this Rylie person, nor Thatcher, but it wasn't important. His failure was slightly more successful than her failure, clearly.

"Oh no, I wouldn't say that," Camdyn stated with a swish of her hand, shaking her head and chuckling. With a devious smile and glimmer of amusement behind her eyes, she leaned in just slightly so that she could whisper.

"You look pudgy to me!"

OH HO, ONE POINT FOR CAMDYN BAKER. Perhaps he'd think her insane, she really didn't care, as he was a cute scowly bloke and she already had her revenge for his cold treatment the other day. Could talk to a chocolate smoking novel reading redhead could he? Hmmmp. He had nothing on Hargreaves who she WAS NOT THINKING OF RIGHT NOW.

She raised an eyebrow, contemplating asking him what he would think, but no matter. She wasn't interested in hearing it right now. Ho hum.

"I think you should stay and tell me about what you're reading."


ben_connelly March 28 2007, 00:36:21 UTC
Ben snorted, nodding. “Thanks,” he said sarcastically. “That was what I was going for. Eventually I’ll get too fat to move, then all I can do is smoke, read, and eat chocolate. Brilliant way to go.”

“Oh,” he said, surprised again. As rare as it was for someone to sit down next to him, it was even more uncommon for Ben to be stopped when trying to leave. “Er, okay, then.”

Ah, yes, something was definitely wrong with him, wrong with the school. He was talking? Not being horribly arsey?

Apocalypse, that was the only explanation.

“You know,” Ben said slowly, closing the book and turning it over in his hands. It was horribly, horribly old, pencil marks from long ago made in the margins were now hardly distinguishable. “I don’t know what it’s called. I bought it in this store where I live in Ireland, I worked there sometimes. It was stashed behind a radiator. I managed to pull the book out, but the cover and first few pages tore off. So, this is what I have.” Ben tossed it from hand to hand, shrugging. “Its depressing, that’s all I really know.” Death and lost love, illness and wars, all of that. It was really good, Ben knew, from reading it six or seven times, but the title was still lost to him.


camdynbaker March 31 2007, 04:36:53 UTC
Camdyn was, for some odd reason, very excited by the prospect of him becoming incredibly fat. Perhaps she was simply so used to changing her appearance that she couldn't help but enjoy other people looking different once in awhile, instead of her. Ben Connelly, so fat he couldn't move? OH HAR.

"Extreme obesity as a cause of death. I'm not sure I could take the slow destruction," Camdyn informed him with a shake of her head. Even if chocolate and reading were involved. Possibly because she wasn't as interested in those things as she'd led him to believe.

Camdyn didn't know anything about it being unusual for him to be stopped. She wasn't that much of a stalker. She was just seizing the opportunity to stare at him a bit longer (what, he was somewhat goodlooking!) while he wasn't being a ponce.

"Isn't it dangerous to stick a book behind a radiator? You could set the entire shoppe on fire," Camdyn pointed out with wide eyes, coughing as she realised she'd missed the real point of his speech. Bugger.

"Oh.. well... sounds lovely, really."

She was going to have to reveal herself soon. It was just too good to pass up.


ben_connelly March 31 2007, 17:19:12 UTC
Uh, Ben wasn’t as excited at becoming fat as she was, in all honesty. Luckily, Merlin was on his side and he’d stayed pretty thin so far, despite all of his chocolate and cigarettes. Being so fat he was unable to move didn’t really sound like that great of an idea to Ben.

Death by chocolate sounded marvelous, but not death by… fatness. That was for lame joke purposes only.

“Not sure if you could take the slow destruction with yourself, or with me?” Ben asked, smirk quirking upwards a little. Slow destruction sounded bad either way, really. Except for Hadyn Murray. Ben hated him, his death could be as slow as was possible.

It was easy to take advantage of his temporary non-ponce-y-ness. It happened rarely, but when he tossed away the arsey thing for a moment? Ben wasn’t so bad.

“Er, I suppose so,” Ben shrugged, “if the radiator worked.”

He hadn’t put it back there, of course. Setting a book on fire was inconceivable.


camdynbaker April 1 2007, 02:56:21 UTC
Camdyn took for granted the fact that she would be able to change back. Unfortunately, Ben would be permanently too fat to walk, as surely there was no exercising it off at that point. Only chocolate to help him wallow in self pity. HAR. Why was that so amusing?

"Watching you slowly destruct might be interesting in a... historical type of way. Myself? I wouldn't want to slowly destruct, that was my point," Camdyn answered him with a smirk. What? He'd been rude to her! All right, so she wouldn't want anyone to have such a horrible death. Still somewhat funny to think about, really.

"I've never had a radiator, and I've only seen one once. I sneaked into a muggle building when my dad wasn't paying attention..." Camdyn informed him with a sigh. She gave him an odd look for a moment then shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm tired of this face," she informed him with a light laugh, morphing back into her normal appearance. Erm... surprise?


ben_connelly April 1 2007, 03:29:47 UTC
Ben didn’t know why it was so amusing! All jokes aside, it sounded like a bloody aggravating way of… life. Death. Whatever. Chocolate was great, he’d never deny that, but he did like being able to move. Ben wouldn’t really give that up in the near future, if he had his way.

“Historical? Brilliant. It’s so slow I’d make history? Really, really lovely. Kids could… study me, yeah? In 8400, or something, I’d be bloody famous because of how slowly my huge arse kicked it. Fantastic.” Sarcastic? Just a bit. Good-naturedly, though.

“You… why’d you have to sneak in? They’d not go off on you, or anything. Except if it’s your father that would?” Ben knew father trouble. He knew that very well. Though, not really in the muggle sort of way. Liam Connelly was cool with all of that, he just wasn’t cool with Ben. Ah, well, this was getting very far from the topic of radiators.

Ben shot backwards, nearly falling off the end of the bench. His bright blue eyes widened, mouth hung open a little, making him look a little like a fish.

“What the bloody hell is WRONG with you?!” he demanded, chest heaving a little from the fright. He wasn’t used to people randomly becoming someone else, after all. The only Metamorphmagus he knew was Avis, and she couldn’t do any of that!


camdynbaker April 1 2007, 04:47:11 UTC
Camdyn could understand that movement was a privilege no person would ever want to lose. If he could control his diet, she had deep respect for him. There were times she thought she couldn't stop eating sugar cookies, even if she became big enough to roll around the castle. Once again, she could change that. Horribly unfair. Amusing.

"Healers at St. Mungo's would be begging you to let 'em experiment on you, new weight loss techniques for the obese. But you're so stubborn you refuse to give up chocolate, and then... History of Magic students laugh at your photograph," Camdyn continued the story, laughing and slapping her leg for a moment to calm herself down. Too funny.

Camdyn frowned as he mentioned her father, scratching at the back of her neck awkwardly. Her Slytherin side? She got that from her father, absolutely. She loved him, but he could be awful. Not letting her enter anyy muggle buildings or homes without good reason? All part of appearances.

"I'm sorry? Is it easier for you to enjoy my conversation as a redhead? Seemed to be going much better than the first," Camdyn answered him calmly, standing up from the bench.


ben_connelly April 1 2007, 17:40:16 UTC
“Great,” he said with a dry smirk, letting out the faintest of chuckles hidden in her loud laughter. “Exactly what I want out of life- making people laugh at me. Brilliant, really. Glad to amuse you.”

As she began scratching her neck, Ben knew to drop it. Parents usually weren’t a favorite topic of discussion. She was much nicer about her disapproval, however. Ben would usually start swearing or threaten to punch something when his parents were brought up. He should’ve known better.

Ben stood up as she did, only he appeared a bit angrier than she did. He didn’t like being tricked. “Redhead?” he asked, smoke nearly pouring out of his ears. “What the sodding hell are you talking about? I talk to plenty of people that aren’t redheads. Why the hell did you find a need to talk to me again? I don’t LIKE this! Can’t you find someone else to hang around?” Harsh, possibly. But it was Ben.


camdynbaker April 2 2007, 02:11:06 UTC
Camdyn would have taken pity on him, mentioned how it was all hypothetical and he shouldn't worry about something that was clearly not going to happen with his physique, but... nah. Instead she just kept laughing and shaking her head.

"You should be! I hardly laugh. Take it as a compliment," Camdyn answered him when she was calm, a small smirk upon her face. She knew he wasn't the type to want to be laughed at forever, but sometimes that was a person's place in life. Or so she would say to him and laugh YET AGAIN when he scowled.

Camdyn had a fondness for scowly blokes. In fact, this was making her seriously miss Hargreaves. Not that she'd let HARGY know that. He was an arse and she hated him. Ahem.

Camdyn would have talked about it, she just didn't see why it was all that necessary. People had trouble with their parents all the time. Eventually she'd break away from all the pureblood snobbery and do things her own way. Until then she brushed off her father's complaints.

Camdyn grinned in an amused manner as he said he spoke to plenty of people who weren't redheads. Well, of course he did, she'd not been serious.

"Fine," Camdyn said with a shrug, sitting back down on the bench and opening the book she hadn't read and still wouldn't read. Did agreeing mean she had to leave? Ah well.


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