
Mar 13, 2007 16:45

Week Name/Date/Time: Keep your friends close/ Thursday, 23nd March 2006/ 2:34 PM
Location: Corridor outside Potions room
Open To: Caine
Currently Involving: Tessa

Page one-thirty-five through one-forty-seven. One-thirty-five through one-forty-seven. And two and a half feet of parchment. One-thirty...wait, what was it? Oh yes, five, and then twelve ( Read more... )

week-028, caine-owen

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tessa_landers March 16 2007, 03:17:21 UTC
Tessa did her work, for the most part, not because she enjoyed it but because it bothered her, knowing there was something that needed to be done. Things like Potions and Charms were marginally more enjoyable, but only if she got to actually do things, just writing was not enough to hold her attention for more that two minutes at a time and she usually ended up wandering off to do something useless.

She wasn't always good at remembering names, but someone who got snapped at so often was hard to forget. Even though she recognized Caine, though, she couldn't remember actually speaking to him. It took her a while to realize that she was the one he was speaking to. She turned slightly pink in spite of herself.

"Ah! Hallo," she said, looking up from the ink she had been blowing on.

She stared thoughtfully at her arm as he made his ink-scar remark. "I lose parchment too easily," she said vaguely, shaking her head slightly to refocus her thoughts as she shifted her gaze to Caine's face. "Hard to believe Muggles actually do it on purpose, innit? I saw this old bloke with a tiger up his arm once."


caine_owen March 29 2007, 02:16:15 UTC
"Muggles are crazy," he answered solemnly. "And I'd know 'cause I was practically raised as a muggle," he added. "And by 'practically' I mean 'completely.'" Sure, he was technically a half blood but his mother certainly never bothered to inform any one in his family that she was a witch so he'd always related more with muggleborns. "But yah, all of that mess is kind of gross. What do they do when they're OLD?" The thought of that alone caused him to wrinkle his nose in disgust. Not a pleasant thought.

"BUT," he continued, suddenly looking thoughtful, "these ARE the same people who pierce places that a needle should never be near and watch people humiliate themselves for fun and wear weird clothes aaaaand the list could go on. Yep. My verdict is still 'mad.'"

But Caine's mind could never stay on the same topic for too long so it really wasn't surprising when he jumped on to something new. "When's your birthday?" he asked curiously, expression brightening. "And that sounded really stalker-esque," he mused sheepishly, running his fingers through his hair. "I'm not THAT scary, I swear! Nah, just thought that I could start a fund or somefin and invest in a proper notebook for you so you don't end up with 'read pages 12 to a million' forever engraved on your arm," he grinned.


tessa_landers March 31 2007, 02:58:27 UTC
"Oh, you're a muggleborn," said Tessa. No wonder he hadn't been surprised by the tattoo thing. "My dad was a muggle but I haven't seen him in a while. My mum said she'd hex his ears off if he came back." This was a weird thing to mention to a near-stranger, but Tessa had a habit of just...saying whatever popped into her brain sometimes. She'd just change the subject. OR...let him change the subject. "I know," she said gravely in response to the piercing thing, nodding and wrinkling her nose as well.

"My birthday's in February," Tessa added when he asked. She grinned at the stalker comment. "you don't sound like a stalker," she reassured him. "Or...maybe you do because I don't really know what a stalker sounds like. Maybe you do because stalkers try to sound like regular people don't they? I mean, they don't just walk up and go 'hallo, I'd like to stalk you' or anything."

She managed to shut up in time to actually hear the notebook thing, which made her smile. "If I had a proper notebook I'd probably lose it," she informed him. Or else use it as a proper notebook for something else."


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