Week Name/Date/Time: 'Join the Club' / Wednesday, March 15th, 2006 / 7:01 PM.
Location:The Lair of Brilliance 7th Year Ravenclaw Boy's Dormitory
Open To: THE SUMMIT. (Noah, Thatch, Charlie, Merlin, and Caine! YES NEW MEMBER HELLO.)
Currently Involving: Troy
Troy might as well have had his subjects kiss his ring. Then again, Troy didn't have a ring to
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"Oh blinkin' hell Tracy, don't tell him it's German! Already forgotten the Bayern Bird Massacre of 1322?" Noah stated as if it were fact, entering the dorm and shrugging his shoulders at a very anxious looking Troy.
He'd given the proper people the password, that was the best he could do. Though he supposed the next step was hopping on his broom, racing through the halls, and swooping them all up. Forcing them to visit Frogley didn't seem like such a bad idea, but that could have been because he was sick of listening to the bloke whine about his battle wounds and hamburgers.
Bird massacre of Hamburg would have been a good one. Next time.
Well. Troy didn't know. It all sounded pretty okay in theory. Sure, if he ever knew some bloke had a man-crush on him, he'd probably get ultra-macho and say something about not flying for that team or summat.
Okay. So Troy wouldn't think a bloke having a man-crush on him would be a good thing. At least not yet. Until he WAS David Beckham. End of subject.
Psh. Troy didn't have to force anyone to visit him. Er. . .well, maybe Lolita. But that was part of the challenge. Psh. Noah. Jealous. Perhaps. He turned an eye to him and looked at Bob again. "I won't even ask what the bloody hell that is or was or. . .Bloody hell, Noah! I'll send Bob here to go claw at. . ."
Troy crossed his arms over his chest and pouted. "The Summit is failing me in my time of most need, they are."
"You'll send Bob to claw at an event in history? Well... that's impressive, albeit foolish," Noah retorted with a smirk, taking a seat at the edge of Troy's bed and tapping lightly 4 times on the post nearest him - and he didn't know why. He never really did.
"Ah, well perhaps now you'll stop bothering me about birds, yeah? If I had one, I'd be off snogging her now... and then who would tend to your bandages and ego?"
Someone not quite this sarcastic, probably. Hmmn.
In other important matters, anyone with an owl named Bob WAS a perfect and upstanding citizen, thank you VERY much. What if someone named their owl. . .Septimus? Or Patroclus? Now THAT was pretentious. Bob. A good old name for a good old owl. And a good old owl that was ignoring Troy.
"I MEANT I'll go send Bob to go claw at those sods who aren't visiting me! Not fair, it isn't! Why, if any one of them was sent straight off to St. Mungo's and had just returned, I'd BE there at the GATES, Noah! I would be!" he proclaimed as if he was the most important voice in the world.
"Thank God and Buddha and Merlin for you, Noah Ogilvy. Sometimes it is helpful to have a social reject as a best friend and nurse," he joked, sticking his tongue out at him and laughing out loud.
Why in bloody hell would anyone name their owl after Patroclus? Unless the owl had killed several other owls and was in love with a male... Achilles-type. Not to mention SEVERUS Septimus... SNAPE?! Oy, Noah would definitely be suspicious of just what was going on in Troy's mind if he named his owl after Greek or Roman... oddballs and poofers. Bob was strangely acceptable in comparison.
"I was there 'at the gates', but doesn't matter when your boy posse isn't there as well, eh?"
Noah wasn't actually upset, not with Troy anyway. He was slightly discouraged by the fact that no one was popping up to visit when one of their best mates had been severely wounded by Death Eaters. OY.
"Yes, I'm sure male nurse is exactly what Buddha had in mind for this Ogilvy. Jean and Francis would be so proud."
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