An appointment

Apr 09, 2006 20:59

An appointment
Week Name/Date/Time: 'A Meeting of the Minds' / Sunday, 25nd, September / Around 7 P.M
Location: Prof. O'Dwyer's office
Open To: Prof. O'Dwyer, Bowen, Weston and any other professors O'Dwyer feels is necessary, and Esrielle, and Mason, should he be around and watching her back.
Currently Involving: Esrielle

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gil_weston April 10 2006, 02:47:37 UTC
Gil had been trying to relax since his conversation with Terr; he'd been somewhat intimidated by Genevieve, but now that he had a good frame of mind and knew where they stood -- or at least where they should stand -- he was easing up on himself.

He was leaning back, swiveling slowly in the chair he sat in, drinking his tea carefully. He did have to admit that Geneveive made a wonderful cup, and seemed to enjoy doing so.

As he finished it off, he offered a smile and leaned forward. He was never one to enjoy divinations, but he was slightly curious as to what she'd gather. "Mind reading?" he asked, handing it over with a smile.


prof_odwyer April 10 2006, 03:03:13 UTC
Genie's brow quirked as he offered her his cup. She had been ever so slyly inspecting her own, seeing things that she always saw; worry, want, danger, other gloomy, forboding things. But hey, who could expect anything less from Genevieve O'Dwyer's cup of tea?

She set her own cup down and gingerly reached for his, bringing it up to her face to give it a good look. "The Grim," she said almost instantly, then glanced up at him with that teasing look of hers. Then, a smile cracked across her face, and she lowered her eyes once more.

This time, she actually concentrated, looking for those tell-tale signs and shapes that the Sight allowed her to notice. Her brow furrowed for a moment. Oh goodness, this was a good one! With absolute amusement in her eyes and her mouth opening with a most agreeable grin, she tipped the cup to let him see in as well.

"Merlin, mate, I didn't know you were on the market!"

The sight of the cup bore a very well-defined star, which anyone who was anyone would know meant 'hope', and right in the center, a shape ( ... )


mason_g April 10 2006, 05:16:12 UTC
Mason stood behind Esrielle as she knocked on Professor Odwyers door. She had asked him to come along, mainly for moral support, and he was here. He waited on tip toes for the teacher to come out. She was new, and he hadn't had the pleasure of meeting her yet.


esrielle April 11 2006, 03:10:05 UTC
Esrielle hears Prof. O'Dwyer as she called out. Taking a deep breath she reached back for Mason's hand and squeezed it. Turning her head she looked into his eyes, eyes that make her smile even when she didn't feel like smiling.
"Thanks for coming Mason. Suddenly, I'm really scared. I wish she would hurry up. This waiting is driving me crazy."


gil_weston April 11 2006, 04:14:34 UTC
Just a minute? Gil's brow rose, and a small smile quirked his lips. "I believe you have far more urgent matters to tend to," he replied, gesturing to the door with a slightly amused expression, "than the prospect of my being available."

He rose, then almost teasingly walked to the door. It would be an interesting way to leave the conversation, wouldn't it? He smiled, then leaned against the wall as if he were no more than a butler, waiting to open to door for the visitors.

Honestly, why did she look so surprised? Of course he was 'on the market'... He wasn't attached to anyone, that was for certain.


prof_odwyer April 11 2006, 04:25:39 UTC
She winked at his reply as she rose to her feet as well. "Oh, I assure you, dearest Gil, hardly anything would have priority over the shocking news I've just discovered." She brought a hand up to her chest as she gave him a most solemn nod. "I'm almost prepared to wipe my entire schedule clean, in fact; cancel all lessons, all study halls, Merlin, even every meal! That's how important this new found cause is to me."

Really, teasing him was becoming a favourite hobby of hers. Then again, who could blame her when both the subject and the pasttime were the most entertaining thing she had? As she made her way to the door, she gave him a quick once-over and added, "And where the bloody hell do you think you're going? If I have to sit through this, so do you."

And with that, she pulled open the door.


ealhughes April 11 2006, 23:02:27 UTC
Suddenly the door opened and Esrielle turned quickly and found herself facing Prof. O'Dwyer. "Good evening Professor. I'm here for our appointment. Also, may I introduce my friend Mason Gibbs? Mason this is Prof. O'Dwyer the new Divination professor I told you about."


gil_weston April 12 2006, 03:26:17 UTC
Gil's expression turned to one of surprise as she essentially told him that he was to endure this meeting. Good Lord.

He sighed, then crossed his arms as she opened the door, before letting a small smirk cross his lips. How odd; apparently neither of these females preferred to sit this meeting alone. However, he was quite sure that Esrielle was afraid to, while Genie knew she'd be bored to tears.

Gil gestured the young man inside as he moved to one of two chairs along the back wall of the room; no need to be in the way if they were forced to tag along, hm?


prof_odwyer April 12 2006, 03:44:05 UTC
Genie stood there for a moment, unmoving, and her gaze flickered from Hughes to Gibbs. Oh, bloody hell. She brought another one with her. Sure, Genie loved kids, but she had a preference to who she preferred over others. Unfortunate for the two of them, neither were in that category.

But, regardless, she had this persona to keep, and she didn't trust either of them enough to let them see her without it. Hopefully, her delayed implimentation of her sugary disposition would amuse Gil.

Finally, she smiled. "Right then," she said, then turned and made her way back to her desk. "Come in, close the door behind you."


ealhughes April 12 2006, 04:04:05 UTC
Esrielle took a deep breath and entered the office. She waited politely to be asked to take a seat and wished she was anywhere else but here. Unfortunately, sometimes one had to do things in life one didn't want to do. Although, Prof. Dumbledore himself had suggested she might be able to assist Esrielle with her dream.

"Thank you for seeing me this evening, Prof. O'Dwyer. I wouldn't have bothered you at all except Prof. Dumbledore assured me you would be the one person who could assist me as you are and I quote "exceptionally talented".

"Good evening Prof. Weston. I hope you are well this evening."


mason_g April 13 2006, 20:53:59 UTC
Mason had been in a kind of daze. Coming too, he stepped inside. "Hello professors." He gave a small nod. He looked around. His eyes settled on Professor O'Dwyer. Must be Irish he thought to himself.


ealhughes April 15 2006, 00:10:56 UTC
Noticing Mason had forgotten to close the door she quickly gave it a shove and it closed with a slight bang. She then looked to Prof. Weston and Prof. O'Dwyer for some guidance on how to proceed.


prof_odwyer April 16 2006, 02:32:42 UTC
As she lowered herself into her seat, her eyes stayed trained on Gil for a moment. If not for the fact that she was sure that either Mason or Esrielle, or both, were paying close attention to her, she would have given him a deer-in-the-headlights look. Part of her was wary to do this. She wasn't some bleeding dream analysis novel, after all. Sure, she could interpret them as well as anyone else, if not much much better, but at the same time, she was sure that if the girl was coming to her to do something that her textbook could have done for her, there just had to be something more.

Finally her gaze turned to Esrielle. "Tell me about these dreams, then. I don't want your personal opinion or self-analysis. All I want is the dreams." With that, she sat back in her chair, attention turned completely to the girl as she put on her best Genie O'Dwyer smile.

((And we can skip Gil and Mason until they have something more to say than just, 'they sat there'.))


ealhughes April 16 2006, 03:23:21 UTC
"All right Professor." Taking a deep breath Esrielle looked at her hands and began describing her dream. "Well, it starts and I'm in a bedroom and I'm little, like age 2 or 3 size. There is a woman there and she smells like lavendar. I feel safe. She puts me on the floor and puts a brush on a dresser. Then I hear loud noises and things breaking and crashing a man yelling to get the baby out of there. Then, the window in the room shatters and there's a bright green light and the woman screams and falls to the floor. Then I get picked up by my mom but I'm scared of her in the dream." That's when I wake up.

((Not a problem. Makes sense to me. Thanks.))


prof_odwyer April 16 2006, 18:54:07 UTC
Genie's brow quirked with interest as she listened. The story sounded familiar; overly familiar, in fact, but for two reasons. One, she knew this story from a famous legend, and two, she knew it from the talk that spread amoungst her colleagues. Not her colleagues here, that is, but her better, more preferred ones.

She brought her hands up, clasping fingers together as she rested her chin upon them. Her look was more evaluating, and her head tipped slightly to the side as she leaned forward.

"The woman on the floor. Tell me, did she die?"


ealhughes April 16 2006, 21:17:45 UTC
Esrielle looked up at Prof. O'Dwyer and in a quiet voice said, "Yes, ma'm I think so. Professor, I look a lot like her, not totally but a lot." Tears had welled up in her eyes but she quickly glanced down and blinked so they wouldn't fall. She was not some baby to cry over things especially in front of a professor she didn't know.


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