
Feb 25, 2007 23:28

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Join the Club' / Sunday, March 12th, 2006 / 10:07am
Location: Slytherin Common Room
Open To: Rae
Currently Involving: Adam

Anxious moments... )

adam-caltieri, week-027, rae-burton

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rae_burton February 25 2007, 23:53:52 UTC
Rae had indeed received his owl and was just finishing up an owl to Francis about the Hogsmeade attacks. While she didn't want to dwell on it she wanted to know more information and he was always the most reliable source in her opinion. But as she sent it off, she headed out of her dorm room, pondering what Adam would want to talk with her about.

Perhaps he had some information? Or a question more likely. Walking up to him she smiled before sitting down across from him, raising an eyebrow over towards him. "Hello Adam. You wanted to ask me something?"


adz_caltieri February 26 2007, 00:27:51 UTC
Adam's head snapped up as he saw Rae approaching. He gave her a nervous smile as she sat down. He wasn't exactly sure if she'd have any answers for him, but he simply wanted to speak to someone about it.

He nodded in response to her question. "Yeah, I...I just really wanted..." he trailed off, unable to find what exactly he wanted to say. When he thought over what he was going to say, it sounded silly, childish, even. "Do people get re-sorted?" he eventually blurted out.


rae_burton February 26 2007, 01:07:12 UTC
Rae waited patiently for him to get on with what he was trying to say. Whatever it was seemed extremely important, or enough to make him visually anxious. Of course when the question finally came out she had to contain a laugh or a just a roll of her eyes. Really the question almost seemed idiotic, but that would mean someone would have told him that he could have. Or he was regretting being put into the Slytherin house.

"No, why would you ask?" She said, raising an eyebrow as she awaited his response. Now this she was interested in hearing.


adz_caltieri February 26 2007, 12:55:40 UTC
So James had been lying...now he felt foolish. How could he have believed him?

"Well, you see..." he began, feeling his cheeks grow hot with embarrassment. "Someone-told-me-that-I-belonged-in-Gryffindor-and-that-if-I-didn't-use-the-full-body-bind-on-Mae-and-leave -her-in-the-forest-that-someone-would-come-and-take-me-to-Gryffindor-House," he finished in a big rush. He felt like a big idiot for believing it, but how was he to know? He waited for Rae to laugh at him and walk away. He wouldn't be surprised if she washed her hands of him after this. He hoped that she wouldn't, but of course he was still nervous about her reaction.


rae_burton February 26 2007, 18:09:26 UTC
Rae just sat there for a moment with an eyebrow raised before shaking her head and looking off at some other part of the room. Were first years more idiotic than she had previously thought? Really going around and believing that they would be shipped off to another house if they didn't do something? Ridiculous, probably some Gryffindor put him up to this.

If she was one to just kill off the people she believed were weak without a second thought, Adam would not be here right now. Belonged in Gryffindor? Was she surrounded by idiots or something? Really.

"Once you get sorted you stay in that house for the remainder of your Hogwarts years," she said slowly and less than patiently. She did not have time to be plagued by these questions, even if it was from someone she believed would get far in the future. "I assume that you left Mae in the forest then?"


adz_caltieri February 26 2007, 18:29:10 UTC
Adam didn't dare look up to meet Rae's eyes. He should have known that this was ridiculous. Afterall, hsi father had never told him that and Adam was sure (now) that he would have at least mentioned it happening.

He was glad that Rae was not one to just kill off the people she believed were weak. He certainly wouldn't be making this mistake again.

"I thought you did, but James sounded like he was telling the truth," he said in a small voice. He nodded, finally glancing up. "Yes, but I went and got her first thing on Friday morning," he answered.


rae_burton February 26 2007, 20:59:09 UTC
"James? James Foster?" Rae replied before sighing and look around the room to find that complete idiot. Sure tricking little ones was something of a hobby for her too, but not the Slytherins. Even on such a brilliant idea as that, because even though she condoned it, there was a tiny little part of her that was smirking at that brilliant idea. In fact if she had heard it had happened to some Gryffindor or Hufflepuff she would be laughing right now.

But no, she had to deal with year mates who pranked her little ones that actually showed some potential. Immature prats really.

"Well did you ask anyone else about it? To figure out if he was telling the truth? You realize it could have saved you from ever being in this position in the first place," she said sternly. "Am I correct in assuming that she's not speaking with you?"


adz_caltieri February 26 2007, 23:38:45 UTC
"Yeah," Adam replied, looking up at her again, a slight look of confusion on his face. She didn't seem to be too pleased with the news that it was James who'd told him. "He said he could get me moved into Gryffindor and that leaving Mae in the forest would prove I was a real Slytherin."

He shook his head, looking down again. "Well, no," he admitted. "I thought I could trust what he said," he went on. "Yeah, I do," he nodded. Truth be told, he just hadn't thought to ask someone else if what James was telling him was true. He nodded again at Rae's next question. "She hasn't really spoken to me since Friday...not that I blame her."


rae_burton February 26 2007, 23:53:19 UTC
Rae rubbed her temples a little while looking at him, at least he had the common sense to be ashamed about it. That was one plus to this whole ordeal. "No matter who tells you what, especially with something as critical as that, you should check your sources," she said, completely ignoring the fact that she did nothing of the sort with gossip. But that was different, gossip was a way of slowly bringing down people, this was needed information. Essential even, seeing as how he could have ruined a friendship this way as well.

"I wouldn't blame her either," she said. After a moments pause, she sighed and leaned towards him, "You realize what you need to do differently next time?" While it was a horrible mistake, it was a mistake and Rae knew that mistakes were part of learning. After all, how else would she know how to act?


adz_caltieri February 27 2007, 00:01:34 UTC
Adam had felt ashamed about it the second he'd left Mae in the forest. It had only been fear of being resorted that had kept him from going straight back and getting her. "I will in future," he said quietly, nodding but not looking at her.

"I don't think anyone would," he said miserably. Looking at her he nodded uncertainly. "I need to check that what I've been told is the truth," he said, though it was half a question and half a statement. He would certainly learn from this mistake. Especially if Mae never spoke to him again.


rae_burton February 27 2007, 01:25:00 UTC
"Correct," Rae said with a satisfied nod before pausing for a moment. Obviously he knew his mistake now and what more could she do? If he continued to make these mistakes then obviously there would be a problem, but for the moment she was sure that he was capable of fixing the situation.

Leaning back into her chair again, she smiled, "Now that that's settled...what do you plan to do about it? How are you going to get her to talk with you again?" He couldn't let that valuable link go to waste, especially when it was in his own year and house.


adz_caltieri February 27 2007, 17:16:46 UTC
Adam nodded as well, just for extra confirmation that he understood what he had to do next time. But, if he had his way, he wouldn't ever end up in this position again. He certainly wouldn't be believing anything James Foster said again!

He sighed as Rae asked him what he planned to do. "I don't really know...avoid her until she forgives me?" he suggested, with a look of defeat about him. "Or is there a better way do you think?" he asked, looking up again. He wanted Mae to forgive him as quickly as possible, he just didn't want to end up in pain because of her revenge or something.


rae_burton February 27 2007, 19:59:09 UTC
"Avoid her?" Rae sighed and leaned towards him, "What if she never forgives you? Are you going to let some little misunderstanding ruin your friendship?" She may not invest much in friendships, but as far as she could tell he seemed to value them. What she really would have said would be that he might ruin a potentially rewarding connection.

She shook her head, "You should apologize how else will she know that you didn't do it on purpose?" Was it just plainly obvious to her or was it such a hard thing to understand?


adz_caltieri February 27 2007, 23:42:56 UTC
"Oh. I didn't think of that," Adam replied, crestfallen. The thought that Mae might not forgive him truly hadn't entered his head. "I don't want it to ruin our friendship, no," he said, looking thoughtful. What could he do to make it up to her?

"I have apologised," he stated. "I apologised loads on the night, and I've apologised since...it doesn't seem to be doing any good." He sighed in frustration. He didn't know how many ways he could apologise before Mae finally accepted one of them.


rae_burton February 28 2007, 00:08:07 UTC
Rae watched as he took on that crestfallen look before going to thoughtful. Well at least he wasn't dwelling in that crestfallen stage, that was something to be appreciated. If there was one thing she didn't want people around her to be like, it was that of a sad lapdog. People should have a backbone for Merlin's sake.

"Perhaps she just needs a little breathing room," she said calmly. "Especially if you keep on hounding her and not letting her have a moment to relax and think things through. Leave her be for a few days and then go and apologize." Her blood almost felt like crawling because of how nice it all seemed, but everything served a purpose. Sometimes one had to learn to be nice to get the right people on their side.


adz_caltieri February 28 2007, 00:13:59 UTC
He certainly wasn't going to dwell on it. He was going to try and make amends, however hard it would be. He'd never been one to just sit back and wait for things to happen, he liked to take action.

"Well, that might work," he replied, thinking it over. It was a very real possibility that leaving Mae for a few days would give her time to calm down and realise that he hadn't meant any harm by it. Adam had grown up being nice when it was needed, even if it was hard sometimes.


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