
Feb 25, 2007 15:19

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Join the Club' / Wednesday, March 15th, 2006 / 8:30 pm
Location: Ravenclaw Common Room
Open To: Tom
Currently Involving: Margie

Back from St. Mungo's )

tom-paddock, margie-staten, week-027

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tom_paddock February 26 2007, 04:23:28 UTC
Tom'd been waiting all day to see Margie. Actually no, he'd been waiting since the attacks and she was shipped off to St. Mungo's to see her. He wanted to make sure that she was okay now, but apparently she wasn't anywhere to be seen.

So Tom sat there in an armchair waiting for Margie to finally come down and make an appearance. When she finally did make an appearance though, Tom bolted over to her like a parent who's about to scold their child for staying out past curfew. "And where do you think you're going?" he questioned, hands now on hips.


margietheshy February 26 2007, 04:39:35 UTC
If Margie had known that Tom was worried about her well being she would of been around earlier...or maybe not. The point is that she would feel bad about it all but had wanted the peace and quiet before having to answer loads of questions. As it was she didn't like to talk about the attack.

She flinched when she heard his voice though, coming to a sudden halt and wondering if she really needed to talk. Turning around towards him, she gave a small shrug and a shy smile, "To look out the window."

He almost reminded her of her mother with his hands on his hips and all. It was odd. And almost funny but she couldn't very well find the will to laugh at it right now, no she felt almost ashamed at being caught trying to avoid everyone. Especially her friends.


tom_paddock February 26 2007, 19:26:16 UTC
Tom wasn't neccesarily hound Margie with questions...or atleast not many. Just the neccasary ones like 'Are you okay' and 'What was it like'. It wasn't everyday that someone was attacked by demeantors afterall!

"Okay!" Tom said, walking over to the window with her and taking his hands off of his hips. He didn't want to be compared to her parents, thank you very much, even if Margie hadn't said anything about it yet. "So how are you feeling?"


margietheshy February 26 2007, 20:44:48 UTC
Yep Margie knew that it wasn't very often that a student was attacked by dementors and/or Death Eaters. As it was she had had trouble trying to tell the nurses about it so that they could help her out, but telling a friend? She wouldn't wish it on anyone, even an enemy if she was ever unfortunate to have one. Not even those Slytherins Avis didn't like.

Margie followed him over to the window and slowly sat down in a chair that was close to it. Bringing her legs up, she ignored the shot of pain that came from her stomach as she pulled her legs to her chest. It was fine, she could deal with it, besides she was alive wasn't she?

"Fine," she said, looking up at the stars and visibly calming down a little bit. She loved them, really she did. And not being able to listen to music, hum, or even look at the stars for the past few days had been horrible and she didn't fancy doing it ever again. "You?"


tom_paddock February 27 2007, 00:35:29 UTC
Well, it would actually be a little weird wishing for it to happen to one of those Slytherin folk because... it was likely that it'd be one of their parents attacking, no? That would probably be extremely awkward in Tom's opinion. Getting attacked by dementors would, of course, be bad but the Death Eaters on a Slytherin wouldn't be so bad.

If Margie was in any kind of pain and actually had bothered to express it in some way, than Tom certainly would have taken her over to the Hospital Wing asap. As it was, Tom hadn't known of those pains in her stomach.

"That's good," Tom said with a nod and encouraging smile. Stars never really proved interesting to Tom but he still looked at them with Margie if it'd make her happy. Sighing, Tom said, "Perfectly fine! Then again, I wasn't there when the attacks happened so I wouldn't have a real reason to be feeling bad..."


margietheshy February 27 2007, 01:09:51 UTC
Margie did not need any more time in any type of hospital or nosy nurses. No she was going to be trying to keep herself healthy from now on...or at least trying to pretend like everything was fine. She did not want people worrying about her and forcing her to the Hospital Wing any time soon. No thank you.

"That's good," she said in a quiet voice. "That you weren't there I mean...I mean...bugger I don't know," she looked over at him and shrugged. After last week she would normally be shy of talking with people, and after the attack she was even more closed off than usual.


tom_paddock February 27 2007, 22:01:55 UTC
Tom didn't really care if Margie wanted to go to the hospital wing or not! If she was still having pains from the attacks than she'd be going there whether or not he dragged her over there or she went willingly! Things like shooting pains in her stomach weren't normal at all. Plus, Tom didn't want to see her in pain either.

A puzzled look spread across Tom's face as Margie started to go all wonky on him. "Are you sure you're okay?" he asked again. Tom didn't know what it was but Margie didn't seem like she was all there - mentally not physically, that is.


margietheshy February 27 2007, 22:40:28 UTC
When you had Death Eaters shooting spells she didn't even recall the name to at your stomach it was perfectly normal to have shooting pains. Besides they weren't that bad. Much better than how they had been Sunday morning. Definately much better.

"Of course I am," Margie said with a quiet determination. Sure it would screw with her mind and make her more paranoid than normal, but there was no reason for Tom to know that. At least in her mind at least. "How has it been here?"

A part of her wanted to ask if Avis was ok...but she couldn't bring herself to do that. Maybe later she would send her an owl. Maybe.


tom_paddock March 1 2007, 03:57:21 UTC
"Hectic," Tom simply, yet dully said. It was the same thing over and over again! Until today people were running about trying to make sure that they're friends (or possibly even family) were okay. It was also getting annoying when you couldn't even send an owl to your own mother without being bombarded from owls coming back from St. Mungo's.

Tom didn't really know if Avis was okay. There were so many people involved on Saturday and it'd proven hard to keep track of who'd gone to St. Mungo's, who'd stayed in the Hospital Wing, and who was there but managed to stay unharmed.


margietheshy March 1 2007, 07:56:00 UTC
Margie nodded, inwardly facepalming herself. Of course it was hectic! A Death Eater attack in Hogsmeade and students were hurt and some even killed? It had to be a zoo around here. Or at least more than the usual insanity that seemed to happen.

Placing her chin on the top of her knees, she bit her bottom lip, staring down at some spot on her shoes. It wasn't there but she could wish. "Uh...you wouldn't mind if I got classwork from you?" She asked a little hesitantly before shooting her head up quickly and adding, "Later?" Didn't want to have to deal with it right now, but just so she had that piece of mind. That's it.

And that shooting her head up bit? Oh bugger NOT a good idea. Closing her eyes to ignore the slight headache, she lowered her chin back to the top of her knees. Blimey that was not good. Alright well that was on her list of what not to do for a little while now.


tom_paddock March 2 2007, 22:42:32 UTC
Tom smirked and laughed a little at what Margie'd just said. He should have known to just bring his books down with him if he intended to see her. It the typical Ravenclaw thing to do: worry about your studies even if you're in grave danger.

"No," Tom said still laughing a little. "Don't worry about all of your work - our professors will understand! You should be worrying about getting back on top of your game and being 100% Margielicious!"


margietheshy March 3 2007, 00:00:30 UTC
Margie frowned at him and stuck out a tongue, "It's not funny. What if I missed something? It could be on the next exam!" Ok so maybe she was blowing it out of proportion, after all it was just one week of classes. But missing one weeks worth of classes was huge in her mind. What if she didn't make up the points? Dumbledore...err now McGonnagall she supposed...would surely kick her out or keep her at 5th year next year.

And...what did he say?

"Margielicious?" She gave him an odd look while wondering if he was alright. Or just the male species in general. What was up with boys and giving her weird nicknames? Last week was Erik and Margical...and now this? Blimey they must be nutters...exactly! They were off their rockers with no hope of returning, why else would they be giving her nicknames.


tom_paddock March 3 2007, 17:11:49 UTC
"So you take the exam on a later date! Margie, it's not a big deal! Surely all of our professors will understand and if they don't? Well...you leave that to me," Tom said as he sarcastically shook a fist at Margie. He wouldn't even dream of beating up a professor, but it was just something to reassure Margie with.

"Yes Margielicious," Tom repeated. There wasn't anything wrong him, or the male species in general. What did you expect from blokes though? They were all partially insane and clearly Margie hadn't figured that bit out yet. "You know, like delicious except with Margie in there...?"


margietheshy March 3 2007, 21:36:31 UTC
"It's a big deal! It's an exam Tom...and in all of my classes? I can't retake every ruddy exam," she said, ignoring his comment about dealing with professors for her. He wouldn't do it and she wouldn't want him too.

Oh she knew they were insane just not this insane. Who created nicknames that had to deal with food...or food tasting good? Blimey she should just give up really. She was never going to understand them.

"I get that. But it's so...weird," she said, scrunching up her face while trying to figure out something to describe it.


tom_paddock March 5 2007, 22:13:23 UTC
"Oh come on," Tom whined, "what is the possibility that you'll have a test in every single class? Probably 1 in a million! Don't worry about it you...nerd." Alright, so maybe calling Margie a nerd was like the pot calling the kettle black but it was still funny (even if it was reason for Tom to get a good thwap upside the head from Margie).

"Well you know, weird things happen to weird people," Tom said in a serious tone like it was a known fact. Tom laughed a little and just leaned up against the wall, slowly slidding to the ground and taking a seat there.


margietheshy March 5 2007, 23:21:42 UTC
"It'll happen eventually! We have the OWLs coming up in a few months," she pointed out stubbornly. Let Tom go on believing it wouldn't happen, rather logically too, but she still was going to think that it would happen sooner. It had to right?

Margie would have normally thwapped him upside the head but she didn't have the energy to right now. Besides he was a nerd too. "I'm not...ugh you're a nerd too!"

Making a groaning noise, she unconciously pouted while sending him a tired look. Stupid blimey boys. "And you would be the expert wouldn't you?" If he kept this up she would probably have to start humming...or threaten sending a Lumos at him. Which was risky considering the last time she had attempted it she had set some of the curtains on fire.


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