
Feb 11, 2007 20:36

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Traitors in the Mist' / Saturday, March 11th, 2006 / 11:50 AM.
Location: The Three Broomsticks, Hogsmeade
Open To: HOT MEN, DUDE. (Thatcher, Noah, Charlie, and Merlin?)
Currently Involving: Troy

All right. So. There was perhaps one thing better than spending a Hogsmeade weekend with a bird. Even if that meant sitting through the ( Read more... )

troy-frogley, thatcher-hale, week-026

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cthatcherhale February 12 2007, 12:31:33 UTC
The first rule about Men's Club was that you didn't talk about men's club, Thatcher thought as he strolled into The Three Broomsticks. It was what made their Summits beautiful.. the whole 'What happens in TTB stays in TTB, lest it is incredibly funny and we are forced to giggle about it later' thing. Which was typically the case, but they at least normally started out their Summits thinking that their horrid wrong-doings would go unspoken of ( ... )


noah_ogilvy February 12 2007, 22:01:20 UTC
Noah Elias Ogilvy thought that Puddifoot's was a fine establishment, but this was because he was highly amused by the several cupids zooming about the place as waiters and the horrendous musical accompaniment to the dates clearly going on about the place. Noah relished in the unusual, he thrived off the abnormal, he was odd and he preferred to be so. But, he had to admit, he also enjoyed 'meetings' or 'summits' or 'what happens in TTB stays in TTB' events as well. He might have been a bit awkward about the whole bird situation (a gene missing at birth, he'd say), but it didn't mean he didn't recognize that they were incredibly pleasant beings to focus on ( ... )


le_charlie February 12 2007, 23:26:42 UTC
Charlie Kerrigan… was not single.

And, naturally, he couldn’t stop smiling about it.

Of course, he hadn’t actually told anyone yes. He wanted to, yes, but… well, he just wanted to wait. Hanna Kensington was a pretty big deal, in his mind, and Charlie wanted to make the announcement er, impressive. Sure, everyone would see them in Hogsmeade the next day, but… oy. He was over-thinking this announcing business.

Men. Manly Men. No girls. Butterbeer. Yes. Focused now.

… he still couldn’t stop grinning.

That, however, could have been for any number of reasons! Charlie was a very grinny sort of bloke, usually, so it wasn’t uncommon to see him smiling like a lunatic. Plus, he had a large back full of candy swinging from his fist, and a still-full pocket of galleons. And, being the lovely Hufflepuff he was, Charlie wouldn’t mind giving some away to his mates who obviously drank too much ( ... )


ohsweetmerlin February 13 2007, 03:45:20 UTC
Merlin Flanagan was going to become single very soon, he just did not realise this, which was for the best, really. You'd think a bloke would be able to connect events in his head. 'Sammy's not been in my sight for weeks and I've been... everywhere' should logically lead him to the fact that she was not in the school at all anymore. But if she'd not told him, why would he think it? He was too distracted these days to worry about his girlfriend, even if she was the happiest thing to happen to him all term. Life was cruel.

Hanna Kensington was in Merlin's year. He didn't know much about her, other than she wasn't a dance enthusiast, had two different coloured eyes (which fascinated the HELL out of him), and had snogged Troy Frogley at some point and hurt his chances with Lolita. Seemed an all right girl, but... he was fond of Hufflepuffs. They were the cheery types.

It would be too easy for Merry to get a barmaid in his lap, that's what Merlin would say! Irish charm, it was worth something. But today he was a bit less enthusiastic ( ... )


frogleygoof February 13 2007, 08:00:40 UTC
Troy was slightly distracted by focusing the majority of his brainpower and inner equillibrium or summat of the sort on balancing on the back two legs of his chair, knees wobbling a bit, one index finger extended on the edge of the table for support. He let himself fall back to all four legs of the chair on the ground as Thatcher sat down, looking slightly less high-spirited than usual. Quickly he learned the reason why. Ah. Money. Troy nodded back with a grin, geekily pulling out an old Ravenclaw-striped sock full of coins, dropping it on the table in front of him. "Thatch old boy, my pockets overfloweth, as well as my high-spirits, so you are set," he smugly nodded. "Auntie Bev and her care packages," he smiled. Sad to think his great aunt's care package money was used to buy alcohol and food ( ... )


cthatcherhale February 13 2007, 15:44:54 UTC
At the sight of falling galleons, Thatcher felt the temptation to snog a man for the first time in his life.


Bleedin' money!! Oh, lack of drinks and spirits no longer! Bless that Troy, bless him. The second Thatcher had found out that his account at Gringotts had been drained, he thought life was over and thought to hock his broom. Surely a Nimbus could get him at least enough for a butterbeer and chocolate frog! But no, worries of pawnage were now over, as Troy's money cup overfloweth and he could get himself a drink ( ... )


noah_ogilvy February 13 2007, 16:39:52 UTC
On second thought, Noah didn't find anything funny about blokes missing their rude-bits. Erm... genitals, as Thatcher so politely thought of them. He had never said that he was one of the two! There were two blokes at the table, Troy and Thatcher, and he was the THIRD of the blokes so that meant he wasn't... bloody hell, why would he talk about himself in third person or... no, it was a joke so perhaps - his poor, Ravenclaw mind was defeated. He showed this with a pout and a nod, keeping his eyes fixed intently on the table in front of him.

And so it began.

"Well, none of you bothered to ask why I had such trouble with birds," Noah stated a moment later, flashing them all a grin. If there was anything he had learned, it was to laugh at himself. Otherwise, he'd never be amused by anything. Much ( ... )


le_charlie February 14 2007, 17:36:13 UTC
Charlie thought that talk of missing genitals was incredibly funny, especially when he wasn’t accused of being one of the two that was, er, lacking. His manhood was NEVER questioned, thank you, Charles Kerrigan was THAT manly. Though, with the surprising and rising amount of eunuchs seated at the table, he and Merlin could quickly be dragged into it.

“It’s a terrible habit, I know,” Charlie agreed, clapping his hand onto Troy’s shoulder. “I apologize, mate, I thought you’d like the attention.”

“Loony?” he asked Merlin, eyebrows disappearing behind his shaggy blonde hair. “Right, Flanagan, I don’t suppose your father and Thatch over here have something in common?” Giggling and shooting a smile at the younger Gryffindor, Charlie tossed some of his own galleons on the table to help Tory out.

Charlie looked at Noah sadly, shaking his head. Must be terrible, being a eunuch.


ohsweetmerlin February 15 2007, 01:06:10 UTC
Merlin Flanagan was used to having his manhood questioned, unfortunately. Especially by Slytherin blokes who did not approve of his nickname. No matter how many pictures of Ben Connelly he'd stared at in his lifetime, he was very much a man, thank you.

"Aye, a round! An' then we get t'talkin'," Merlin agreed, though he wondered if they were all gathered here to (once again) discuss Lolita Damon. There were only so many ways Merlin could state that he really had no bloody advice for the poor bloke. The bird was a complete mystery.

"Perhaps not, but they should! Me da shouldn' be allowed t'reproduce anymore, ye saw how I turned out!" Merlin told Charlie with a chuckle, tossing some coins on the table, sliding a galleon back into his pocket before it could be seen. Erm... not for use, that one.

Eunuchs. HAR. Well, the day was becoming more interesting by the minute.


frogleygoof February 16 2007, 03:34:03 UTC
Troy nearly fell backwards in his chair at hearing Noah ask "how's it hangin'." Ah, the bloke had gone from referring to such as "rude bits" and now. . .well. . .he was learning. And Troy was THE best teacher, or so he would keep smugly telling himself. OF course ( ... )


cthatcherhale February 17 2007, 15:31:26 UTC
See, now these were the times that made everything going on in the world an absolute mute point. Yes, there were horrors beyond all horrors happening in the world around them, but for right now? For right now, there were just five boys, copious amounts of butterbeer, and Madam Rosemerta wandering around somewhere.

Oh, and eunuchs.

At Noah's comment, Thatcher actually had to bring his hand up to cover his mouth as he sputtered with laughter. How's it hanging? Oh, Merlin, Noah actually said a joke. "Write.. write that one down in the history books, mates," he replied, grinning at Noah as he spoke between man-giggles. "I believe this moment to be a once-in-a-lifetime ordeal. Noah's said a joke. Clever one, at that ( ... )


noah_ogilvy February 18 2007, 01:44:13 UTC
Noah thought he was perfectly capable of making a good joke every now and again. The trouble was that his brain was too easily broken by the blokes that currently surrounded him, they squashed his humour as if it never existed in the first place. But he was proud to spend his Hogsmeade weekend with them, at least part of it, and to 'hear, hear' about things like... barmaids or what have you.

Though he understood how that it was best not to say anything about eunuchs, unless he wanted to be accused of being one, and really? He was the only one at the table that was dangerously close to having people actually believe it! Or so it would seem.

"I don't have to be buzzed to get a girl! I've proven my wit," Noah stated casually, though he'd have no problem with chugging a butterbeer. He wasn't that much of a pansy. Today ( ... )


le_charlie February 20 2007, 00:48:34 UTC
Charlie merely giggled (very man-ish-ly, thank you) at Noah’s comment, making a mental note to buy him a drink personally. His head bobbed up and down in agreement with Troy, sticking a finger in Noah’s direction ( ... )


ohsweetmerlin February 20 2007, 01:28:17 UTC
"Aye, tha's true... an' tha's fer the best, really. Allows me t'watch the rest o'ye make fools o'yerselves an' I can swoop in on Rosmerta," Merlin told them all with an eyebrow wiggle. Clearly he wasn't going to be hitting on the woman anytime soon. Unfortunately, despite the fact that it was horribly unpleasant to watch Thatcher's hand go to his belt, the bloke probably had a chance. If the rumours were true... though Merlin hated to think any rumours like that to be true about a lady.

"Ye've got wit, but 'twould be nice t'have workin' parts as well, wouldn' it?" Merlin joked with Noah, giving a pat to Charlie's shoulder as he mentioned something about butterbeer helping AND Rosmerta's age being inconsequential. Hopefully they could get Ogilvy so knackered he'd forget he knew what 'inconsequential' meant. Troy, on the other hand, might actually grow some brain cells with a drink. HAR.

"CHEERS, BOYOS!" Merlin shouted as he grabbed a glass for himself, lifting it into the air before taking a good swig.


frogleygoof February 20 2007, 02:48:40 UTC
Troy seemed to scream with laughter at Thatcher standing up and causing Noah to choke. "Ladies, ladies, please, spare Noah. He's never even taken a good look at his own. Baby steps with this one," he joked, unable to stifle the immature boyish giggles at that one. "Sit your arse DOWN, Thatch!" he smirked, leaning back in his chair a bit. Troy peered over to Noah and shook his head, "Age ain't nothin' but a number, Ogilvy. Besides, you've got a lotta' catching up to do."

Troy tossed his head back with a laugh at Charlie, nodding with a serious-ish look on his face. "Oh, right you are, chap. Good on you, then." He took a pint and laughed to Merlin, "Damned Irishman, you are! Psh, you're banned from The Summit, taking all the chicks from us."

He stood up triumphantly, holding the butterbeer in one hand, "Cheers! To the summit. And. . .Quidditch. And. . ." Troy stopped a bit, looking at his friends. "Feel free to pitch in, ladies."


cthatcherhale February 20 2007, 03:18:07 UTC
"That's right," Thatcher cooed in reply, giving a saucy wink to Noah. "Ain't nothing but a number, Ogilvy. Fourty or eighteen makes no difference to me."

He brought his hands up in surrender as he nodded to Troy. "You're right. I'm too much for him," he replied with another stern nod as he took his seat. Poor Noah. He always got the brunt of this sort of stuff, but really! He set himself up for it. Grinning, he chimed in his support on the Merry and the Birds subject. "He out-charms the lot of us," he added dryly. "Honestly, Merry, you've got to at least let the rest of us practise our 'game'. Let us think we've a chance with our beautiful siren, then move in on her in dark corners where we dare not look!"

As Troy toasted, Thatcher practically giggled like a little girl (MAN GIGGLE, DAMN IT) as he threw in his own. "To snogging every last woman in this bar before I find the one I'm looking for!" And then, in a murmured voice, "...and to finding her. Period. Merlin."


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