
Feb 11, 2007 22:05

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Traitors in the Mist' / Monday, March 6th, 2006 / 11am (can be changed)
Location: Grounds
Open To: Tom Paddock
Currently Involving: James Foster

Run away from all your boredem, run away from all your whoredom... )

tom-paddock, week-026

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james_foster February 12 2007, 10:02:00 UTC
It was good that Tom would be getting something positive out of this exchange, because James was already seething. He really needed to work on his temper, the boy had only been there two minutes!

The Slytherin tried to shrug off Tom's arm as quickly as it was placed there. He kept his eyes straight ahead, not daring to look at the younger boy for fear of, quite simply, killing him. "Don't touch me," James ordered, holding an arm up to try and prevent any more attempts to lean on him. "I don't need filth like you anywhere around me. So once again, I demand that you bugger off." James was speaking in a deadly quiet tone. His intention was of course to try and intimidate the younger year, but as he was jogging? This didn't quite work. Most of the words lost emphasis on every breath he had to take.

"I've been meaning to ask you about those bruises from my bat Jamesy-poo!"

James' eyes narrowed. The kid had managed to do a lot more than give him a few bruises. He'd been forced to go up to the hospital wing with broken bones. From the sound of it, Tom hadn't realised that he'd managed that much. This was a relief. James had NOT been looking forward to that. "I'm sure they're doing about as well as your nose," He replied easily, eyes still focused on the path ahead of him. "Clean all that filth, or should I say, blood off your robes yet?"


tom_paddock February 12 2007, 23:19:14 UTC
((OOC: *fangirl squee* HANNIBAL RISING! yeah?))

It wasn't so much that Tom had a completely and absolutely horrible temper, like James seemed to have. It was just that certain topics set him off very easily, like Celeste. In all honesty, that was pretty much the only thing that he would get defensive about, aside from his own sanity.

Saying Don't touch me was only further encouragement for Tom to do it! So he patted him on the head a couple times like an animal, and then patted him in the back. "Is that any way to talk to such a respectable and lovable friend?" A look of shock came across his face as Tom continued to look at James and run with him. It was, of course, an act but he had to seem serious for now - Tom had an image to uphold afterall. "And all along here I was thinking that you were my very best friend! Way to shoot me down - certainly commendable."

Broken bones were never, ever fun but that was what Tom was aiming for. The worse condition James was in, the better chance Ravenclaw team had at winning their next match against them. It was all part of his 'master plan', really. "My nose? Oh well, you know that was such an easy fix - you really should try harder next time. Try for the groin, that might actually hurt," Tom said trying to play it off like his nose hadn't hurt like a mother fudger. "The blood? Oh that was even easier to get off! A quick 'Scourgify' and BAM! It was all gone; there weren't even any stains!"


james_foster February 12 2007, 23:45:55 UTC

In fairness, James really should've seen further taunting coming. But he'd once again hoped the weight of his anger behind the words would actually register to the youger boy. Tom was apparently far too dense to realise when James was just NOT in the mood.

And when Tom placed his hand on James' back? That was just it right there. James stopped suddenly and took advantage of the speed Tom had been going at to try and grab the younger boy by the scruff of the neck and his waist. Once he was happy on the grip he had, James attempted to hurl the Ravenclaw into the freezing lake.

"I told you not to touch me," James snarled glaring at the other boy. He couldn't care less about the vocal taunting and teasing. Really, that could be shrugged off. But James absolutely DESPISED the idea of this FILTH laying his hands on him. It was just NOT ON and that was all there was to it.


tom_paddock February 13 2007, 02:44:15 UTC
James not being in the mood to fight was exactly what was driving Tom to annoy the shite out of him. It was when James would be most 'vulnerable' so it was the perfect attack time!

Being grabbed the back of the his neck and waist wasn't exaclty what Tom wanted at this time of day. The water was completely freezing cold FYI though! So grabbing for his wand he shot anything he could think of at the idiot which was comprised of Incendio, Expelliarmus, Locomotor Mortis, Tarantallegra, Fernunculus, the Twitchy Ears Hex, and a Slug-Vomiting Charm. That ought to do the trick.


james_foster February 13 2007, 15:27:14 UTC
James' eyes widened as a variation of spells shot out from the water at him. He ducked and dodged as many different jets of light as he could, but was quickly forced to accept that he'd been hit with something! He discovered this by figuring out that he was now flying through the air with a very queasy stomach. When he hit the cold, wet ground the first thing he quickly realised was that his arm (yes, the previously broken one) was now up in flames and appeared to be completely stiff. Well, that was just bloody great, wasn't it? James yelled loudly as the flames started licking at his skin through the burned fibres of his robes.

Stop, drop and roll? He was in the snow after all. Thinking fast, the older boy piled the remains of the morning dew onto the flames. When this didn't quite work, he reluctantly pulled out his wand and extinguished them. Moaning in relief when the pain slowly faded from HOLYSHITTHATHURTS to 'ow-ow-ow-ow'. James smirked to himself, obviously he'd managed to avoid what he'd thought was a slug-vomiting charm. The fact that he still couldn't move his arm meant nothing. That could be fixed easily.

The Slytherin stood slowly, wand raised and he was prepared to face the Ravenclaw if he decided he wanted to continue this. "Enjoy your bath?" James taunted, a look of cruel amusement on his face. "Merlin knows filth you need them!" It was a pity James didn't look all that threatening really, because he was doing quite a good job. But one just couldn't take an angry 6th year Slytherin seriously when their ears were twitching like that!


tom_paddock February 14 2007, 19:03:53 UTC
Tom smirked at how James was jumping around trying to dodge his brilliant wand-work. But then he remembered that he was sitting in the ice cold water and hypothermia was probably about to start kicking in.

"Just about as much as you enjoyed your blazing arm," Tom said triying to smile and be strong but shaking violently now from how cold he was. He could already see (and feel) his hair turning to ice, or atleast stiffen really really hard. This was not going to be fun.

"Too bad I didn't set all of you ablaze," Tom said smirking yet again and still shaking violently. "We'd have had a reinactment of the Salem witch trials - which wouldn't be half bad seeings as though your kind should all be burned at the stake anyways. You bring shame to the name 'witch and wizard'."

The twitching of James' ears was too funny, and James couldn't help but laugh. Even though he was laughing, he looked more like he was having a seizure because he was shaking around so much now. Tom's lips were even starting to turn purples and blues and his skin a very pale/white color.

This couldn't be good.


james_foster February 14 2007, 20:30:31 UTC
"Oh yes, we bring shame upon the magical community, that's right," James replied sarcastically. His smirk remained when he saw just how cold the boy was. That plan had worked out so much better than he'd thought it could. He really was quite pleased with himself. "Of course, you lot are more like muggle filth anyway," He added. "That's all you are, muggles with wands. Absolutely useless."

James didn't know why Tom was laughing and slowly lowered his wand. Uncertain as to what he should do next, because really being laughed at by a shivering Ravenclaw hadn't been what he'd expected. Was the idiot hallucinating or something? Deciding the change in skin tone was enough of a reason, James snorted and raised his wand again as he sent a body bind toward him. "Let me heat you up," He offered, without waiting to see had the first one worked. With a flick of his wand, he muttered an incendio of his own. James' wandwork wasn't brilliant, but he could always hope.

Why, yes. James was attempting to freeze Tom in the lake and then burn him to a crisp. Was it really that much of a surprise to people?


tom_paddock February 15 2007, 00:25:33 UTC
"You do! You're all going around killing innocent people all for what? Bloody power? I'd rather be a mudblood than a ruddy pureblood," Tom said, rage and anger intoxicating his mind and whole body. He couldn't feel his toes or hands anymore which was bad right? Right.

"You're good for nothing but trouble! The whole lot of you," Tom said as he dodged the body bind but plunged right back into the lake to do so. This was definately not fun or funny anymore! It was downright bone chilling and all Tom wanted to do was be set in front of the fireplace in the Great Hall to defrost.

Though when the incendio was sent in his direction Tom didn't try and dodge it. He figured that until it actually burned through his robes the warmth was good. Tom definately wasn't afraid of a little fire, especially since he was a- in water still and b- fecking cold!

"Stupid prat," Tom spat back as he put out the last of the flames that had momentarily warmed him. Screw nice and clean robes, he could always get more of those but if he was dead because of hypothermia he wouldn't be able to get new robes.


james_foster February 15 2007, 10:52:59 UTC
"It's more than power," James replied coldly, "It's more than you'll ever be able to understand." And James believed this. For him it was power, pride and strengthening the family name. Muggleborns coming from obscurity didn't deserve recognition. They should have their own schools and their own teachers. Purebloods shouldn't have to mingle with filth like them. They were the peasants to the pureblood royalty. James believed they should be treated as such. "And your filth is the cause of the trouble," James finished quietly, gazing at the shivering boy with great distaste. Mudblood.

He snickered in sight of the Ravenclaw returning to the icy water. There was no way he'd recover from two plunges in there. James could only hope that this meant Tom would be out of commission for quidditch for a few weeks. A lingering sickness, head cold, dizziness...wishful thinking really. James watched the flames erupt and quickly fizzle out as the cold water hit them. Unfortunate.

James shook his head and shoved his wand back into his pocket. "Stay the hell away from me, Paddock. You don't want to make yourself more of a target than you already are," The Slytherin warned. A final look over the younger boy (whose skin now matched his house colours, funny that) and James was off on his jog once more. He had to finish what he'd started after all.

((James out))


tom_paddock February 15 2007, 22:37:26 UTC
"So you think," Tom said as he continued to freeze his arse off in the ice-cold lake. This definately wasn't going to sit well with the school nurse, his parents, or really anyone at that!
"What ever happened to diversity," Tom spat back at the narrow-minded Slytherin. Tom wouldn't have a problem with the seperation of students into different houses, or the whole blood fiasco if other people didn't. People like James though, ruined the peace and tranquility of it all.

"I'm shaking in my boots," Tom said as he literally did shake in his boots (but not on purpose)! That was rather stupid of him to say, but what ever. James was sodding off to finish his jog to to get rid of his baby fat and Tom thought it best that he go inside to thaw out...and possible go to the nurse. So that was exactly what he did.



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