(no subject)

Feb 10, 2007 18:22

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Traitors in the Mist' / Saturday, 11th March 2006 / 4:13, 14-ish PM
Location: exiting Hogsmeade
Open To: noble!Hargy, maybe witnesses?
Currently Involving: panicked!Tatiana

((OOC note: I cut right to the actiony bit. Mind?))

The cashier handed Tati her purchase, and the girl headed for the exit. With a pink, beribboned shopping bag in hand, Tatiana Winters slammed into the shoe store's glass door. Owww, she hadn't seen that one coming. Darned magical window-cleaners--they worked too well! How was she supposed to have seen that door when it was completely spotless! Sighing angrily, she pushed the door, then pulled it when she realised what the sign said, in big red letters: PULL. She was now feeling a bit off-put, and decided to head back to the school. Feeling stupid tended to counteract her shopping mood, and besides, the better shops were all in London, anyway. ...A Marc Jacobs bag would be nice, she thought. There'd be plenty of time to find the perfect one once school was out for the summer. Whee!

SMACK. She ran face forward into a two-meters-plus tall man in black robes and a mask. A bloody mask. He looked down at her--or at least seemed to, she couldn't see his eyes at all--and muttered something about Gryffindors and 'blood filth.' In response, Tatiana quickly squeaked out something about her true lineage, hoping the Winters name would count for something and hopefully save herself and her size zero arse. He cut her gibbering off with a solid incantation.

Tati's brain just about shut down then and there.

Tatiana's first thought was to run, her second was to duck. Her third was OH GOD I MUST SAVE THE SHOES.

This didn't seem right. This wasn't right at all. She hadn't seen this coming; pssh, she wasn't bright enough! She'd gone down to Hogsmeade to buy a decent pair of shoes and had found some unwanted company. Shoes. Really! Was it too much to ask?

...She also didn't see the way out.

hargreaves-beckett, week-026, tatiana-winters

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