
Jan 29, 2007 19:03

Week Name/Date/Time: 'The Replacement' / Thursday, 2 March 2006 / 1:20 PM.
Location: Corridors surrounding courtyard
Open To: Lolita
Currently Involving: Troy

Ah, the life of a certain Troy Frogley. It was getting better and better, really. Perhaps his Thursday schedule helped reinforce the idea, but no matter! Thursdays were quite lovely, actually. He ( Read more... )

troy-frogley, week-026, lolita-damon

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lolita_damon February 9 2007, 01:13:38 UTC
Lolita's situation, as she saw it, was quite simple: the Kensington fiasco bothered her more than it should have, and she should let it go already, because really, since when did Troy's random snogs bother her? She was supposed to be indifferent, entirely detatched. And yet it was proving to be a damn hard condition to keep up.

Troy's situation, as seen by one Lolita Damon, was quite simple as well (or at least the part of the situation she was aware of): Troy got around too much, and it was hurting people's perception of him, quite badly. He'd made some improvements in the past, yes, but since the Kensington thingamajigger, Lolita pretty much considered those efforts null and void.

"...Erm, sorry," Lolita said quickly when Troy's eyes bugged out, and drew her hand back. Assuming Troy had been disgusted by her touch on his shoulder, Lolita went awkwardly quiet. This conversation was full of that crap, it was. Sadly, she'd been more aware of uncomfortable silences lately. Last semester, she made a sport out of filling empty silences with angry glares--regardless of whom she was speaking to. But now? NOW she wanted desperately to shatter each and every instance of quietness with something witty. Maybe she was hoping to get Troy to laugh. It was insane of her, really, but his good cheer was...infectious. Somehow. Gaaah.

Obviously her brain was dead. R.I.P. Killed by Troy Frogley. Lolita hated how absolutely pathetic she was being.

Ah, ok, Troy's laughy-ness was coming back now. That should be a good sign, right? Relieved, Lolita let out a weak, nervous-sounding laugh, like the kind a twelve-year-old might let out if he had to walk onstage and address his entire grade on why he should be elected class president.

Um, but the shoulder thing? ...Scared Lolita a little. She'd always asserted to other people that she had a bubble of personal space that was not to be trespassed upon AT ALL TIMES and AT ALL COSTS. Her eyes flicked aside at Troy's hands and almost opened her mouth to say something scathing, but in the end, simply dealt with it. She'd have another chance to yell at the Frog, after all. Haa. It was a given. But for now, she'd tiptoe quietly around his ego--it needed a break from being stampeded on. Figuratively.

Returning Troy's odd smile, Lolita asked incredulously, "Wait, what? You like being around me? You ARE insane. Though of course, I knew you were, all along. So. If you want to take the blame, be my guest. I en't going to complain." She gave him a good-natured thwack in the arm. The gesture was a bit boyish, maybe, but who cared? Not Lolita.

Hmmm. Did Lolita detect a hint of insecurity in Troy? Why, yes, she supposed she did. But over what? No clue whatsoever...though, granted, she probably didn't want to know. Troy never made a speck of sense, or at least on a normal day. "Stick around," she said simply, tilting her head what could generally be referred to as a thoughtful manner. "I don't hate you, no matter what you think. Honestly." ...In fact, her feelings were probably quite the opposite--but unless she happened to be diagnosed with cancer and was given three weeks to live, that notion would be sitting in the bottom of a random corner of her mind until, er, further notice.


frogleygoof February 10 2007, 01:50:33 UTC
Oddly enough, Troy could only have agreed with Lolita regarding his current situation. Of course, he had only noticed his prior vices after the Fiasco, and was believing he was doing a bloody good job. He hadn't noticed how bad his situation was until he was apparently discovered by some omnipotent force in the castle who oversaw all that happened (somehow, to Troy, Jackie Zhang came to mind. . .but she was gone), especially what happened in the linen closets.

An earlier theory of Troy's had been first years who hid behind every nook and cranny of the school, plotting to find everyone's secrets and spread rumours, but then again, you couldn't be too careful with. . .er. . .snogging in hallways. HENCE, Troy was changing. Good thing, too, he thought.

Troy's eyes actually dampened as Lolita took her hand back, and he laughed, for some odd reason wishing he could just grab her hand and hug her. "Sorry for what?" he chuckled, tilting his head at her a bit and grinning.

He patted her shoulder a bit and made sure (or not? Well, he knew he planned it) to slide one hand down her arm rather quickly, before crossing his arms over his chest. "I must be insane, because I love being around you. Perhaps beyond insane. Maybe someone's hit me with a hex or something and I don't know it. But. . .er. . .don't doubt yourself, yeah? People do like being around you, you know." Well, at least Troy did. He could let the vapid brainless ones hover about with eachother, if it meant he had more time with Lolita. He figured she knew this, though. After all, Lolita had partly opened Troy's eyes to the truths of at least one of the birds who wasn't worth his time. (Sure, part of it was due to a Quidditch jealousy, but hearing about anyone dissing his favourite girl didn't help his opinion of them.)

Troy beamed with. . .pride? Or admiration? Or acceptance? Something along those lines, really. "Well. . .good. I don't hate you either," he laughed out loud happily, actually looking a bit giddy. He fought back the impulse to lunge forward and hug her, knowing that very well might result in his early demise.

. . .For some reason, he really thought it would have been worth it.


lolita_damon February 10 2007, 05:46:58 UTC
((Why YES I am still replying to this thread. Because Troy is pretty much dead in St. Mungo's for week 26...Lolita shall...be alone. SO:))

Troy might have been doing a good job. It might have showed. But the fact remained that Lolita was still Lolita Damned Damon, whether he liked it or not, and until she was hit with good enough reason, she would continue to assume Troy's efforts were trivial, and were misguided attempts to catch the eye of some random blonde Gryffindor. That was the type most blokes seemed to go for, anyway. Why should Troy Frogley be any different? Oh WAIT--he wasn't.

Lolita fidgeted a bit, shifting her weight from one leg to the other, before deciding her previous stick-still position was best. She hated to appear...finicky. Such an image suggested weakness, which was not the way she wanted to go.

"Sorry for..." Lolita bit her lip again and actually thought of giving a real answer before narrowing her eyes at Troy and finishing, "You know what I'm saying." Man, he enjoyed edging her into admitting defeat, didn't he? A real competitive spirit until the end, he was.

Troy's choice to use the word 'love' to describe how much he enjoyed her company...made Lolita's expression freeze. Was she being paranoid? Yeah, probably. This was Troy, after all--the bloke who'd proclaim his praises to any girl just minutes after meeting her.

"Definitely a hex," Lolita said dismissively. "I shouldn't be anyone's company of choice. I'm so-called--and I quote--the 'Puff Bitch.' I don't remember who said it....lucky for them, really." It was probably a girl, though, in all likelihood. Lolita much-preferred boys' style of being mean. If they hated you, they said it to your face and even threw a punch or two. But girls? Girls were quite happy lording superiority over others and were generally rather like evil monkeys. At least, in Lolita's manner of seeing it all.

"People as in plural?" she said with a small laugh. "Har har. No." She shrugged it off, as usual. "But I'm okay with it. Less people, I mean. I have my reasons," she said with a meaningful glare at the hordes of gibbering Gryffindors passing by.


frogleygoof February 11 2007, 09:14:55 UTC
((OOC: XD ))

Troy nodded and narrowed his eyes back playfully, face breaking out in a beaming grin. "Yeah, I think so, Lolita," he drawled, just now realizing how bloody attractive she was when she bit her lip in thought like that. "But if you'll prefer to leave it vague, I can always fill in the blanks. Sorry for waking you from your slumber, sorry for thinking you can't read. . .a number of things, really."

Sorry for. . .not realizing that I, Troy Frogley, am utterly in love with you. . .Well. He'd fill in his OWN blank there.

Unable to notice her change of expression, he tilted his head a bit as he did when he focused on a person's conversation. "The Puff Bitch, eh? Love, I do believe I've only heard that in reference to Bryant Sawyer's old bird. What's-her-face? Meh. She's unremarkable, of course," he waved his hand just as dismissively. He sighed happily and looked Lolita right in the eye as he said, "Anyone would be considered boring and forgettably when a Housemate is none other than Lolita Damned Damon. Stunner, that one. If I do say so myself."

Troy followed her gaze at the Lions passing on by, only to gaze back at her. "Well. Then you can at least allow this singular person to love being around you, right?" He narrowed his eyes a bit and lowered his voice to a playful whisper, "I'll keep it a secret. Really. Charmed locket that'll hex me if I break the promise or summat of the sort."


lolita_damon February 12 2007, 01:38:12 UTC
((I'm trying to wrap this up before tallies, so, yeah. Fade-oooouut...))

Lolita rolled her eyes and forced back an exasperated sigh. No, she was going to be patient with him...at least this once. "Sure. Whatever. Have at it," she said, waving his blank-filling away. "Next time I feel like crying wolf, I'll see if I can hold it back."

Eh, that particular bitch must be Savannah Something, Lolita knew. "So there's two of us vying for the title, hmmn? I think I win in that category, though. She, however, wins at...oh, I don't know--general airheaded snottiness." Lolita allowed herself a moment of housemate-bashing satisfaction. Yes, she had a lot of opinions about a lot of people.

"Glad you're sticking to that new nomenclature of mine," Lolita said dryly. "The fun really never ends, does it?" And as was her forte, she disregarded the compliment attached to Troy's remark.

The Lions, thankfully, had just been passing by and were disappearing around a corner. Lolita watched their retreating backs placidly and then turned back to Troy. Shockingly, for perhaps the first time, she found that he was rather...nah. She couldn't think something like that, not while she was still sane.

Haahaa. Riiight, a locket. Yeah, and maybe monkeys could fly! Lolita looked at Troy incredulously and gave him a light shove in the shoulder. "Are you hearing yourself? You sound like an actor out of a cheesy teenage drama," she chided, unable to keep from smiling back. "Tell you what, forget the locket. I'll hex you myself."

She had no idea that in a week, she'd be missing this sort of mindless banter terribly.


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