(no subject)

Jan 17, 2007 01:50

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Minister Maladies' / Thursday, 23rd February 2006 / 4:45pm
Location: random corridor near stairway to Ravenclaw Tower
Open To: ANYONE... tooootally open
Currently Involving: Dari

Dari had spent most of the week so far successfully repressing the things she did not want to think about. It was a much easier thing to do when you were busy with classes and trying to recruit people for the quidditch team and things like that.

Much, much easier.

However, having a day completely free with classes combined with a slight altercation with Jayden after breakfast had made Thursday not a very good day in the world of Dari Davison and she was having a bit less of an easy time avoiding things.

This spelled trouble for a girl who didn't like to dwell on emotions, especially since the row with Jay had sent her out into the corridors, avoiding the common room, because she just didn't have the energy to keep fighting with the girl.

Now she was leaned back against the wall, knees pulled up near her chest and a copy of some book open in front of her. It was some thing or other she'd borrowed from Sam, but she wasn't actually paying attention enough to even remember what it was. To her, it was just an attempt at distraction.


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