Jan 16, 2007 18:20
Week Name/Date/Time: 'Minister Maladies' / Sunday, 19th February 2006 / 3:15 PM
Location: library...not that Lolita is actually getting any homework done...
Open To: Merry
Currently Involving: Lolita
Blasted librarian. The old windbag (actually, Lolita had another, meaner word in mind...) had set up the study tables in such a fashion that it was impossible for Lolita to be seated out of view. ...Though it was possibly for a good reason. Last time she'd been in the library, Lolita had successfully demolished a shelf or two of old history books. Hmm. Even so, it was rather disturbing to Lolita to know she was being scrutinized like a microbe in a laboratory slide. Briefly she returned the librarian's glare, then grew bored with the staring contest and returned her gaze to the dark blue volume that lay open in front of her. She could swear the words were dancing. Wait, what? Now she could feel her anger-o-meter rising, a feeling she was quite used to, but lately she'd grown frustrated with her own frustration. There it was: the circle of life, the one they didn't show in Disney movies. It was hard for her to really understand why she was constantly annoyed...maybe it was encountering a situation she couldn't control? That HAD to be it, hence the strange anger at unintelligible words: they simply refused to be conquered, so she retaliated by getting pissed off.
Man. If ever she needed some comic relief, it was now. And preferrably before the words made her implode.