Lazy Sunday!

Jan 14, 2007 14:08

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Minister Maladies' / Sunday, 19th February 2006 / 11:16am
Location: 6th Year Girls Dorm
Open To: Emma (Lexi, too?)
Currently Involving: Emma and Ellie

lazy Sundays are for.. studying? )


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eruditetwin January 25 2007, 01:58:40 UTC
Emma could put it however she liked, but kissing a lot of boys just wasn't the thing for Ellie. Of course, having not kissed a boy before, she didn't know anything about the flutter or anything, but she didn't care if she was missing out. Ellie was convinced that waiting for the right boy would make kissing a far nicer thing when she did get around with it.

"James is material," she argued, making a face, because she'd had a great time with James and he was a great friend and it had been a perfect way to spend Valentines Day, she thought.

"I don't.." she started to protest when there was a tapping at the window and she jumped up to see their owl right there. Pulling it open just enough to let the bird inside, she shivered as the burst of cold air hit.

"What in the..." She stared at the large bear attached to the twins' owl. "It must be for you, one of your many admirers for sure."

Imagine Ellie's shock when the owl made a beeline for her instead. She pulled the bear and card off of the owl, frowning in confusion as she read the card..

Think of this as a belated Valentine's Day gift... thing, because yes, I fail at life. Forgive me?

"It's not signed," she pouted, holding out the card for her sister to take and read it.


darlingtwin January 25 2007, 20:36:36 UTC
"James is not material," she was telling Ellie. "Hanging out with your good male friend does not make him into relationship mater..." She was ready to win this bickerment with her sister when her words were cut off by a tapping at the window.

She made no move to get off of the bed but she shifted slightly to watch as her twin battled the cold air and let the owl inside.

"It must be for you, one of your many admirers for sure."
For a brief moment, Emma wished that the bear was for her. However, she knew that she'd not made that connection with anyone. Emma Daly was not the twin receiving Valentine's Day love. It was most definitely her sister!

"It's not for me," she laughed as the owl flew directly at El. "That bear is yours."

She loved her sister dearly and she'd never show it but a small feeling of jealousy grew in the pit of her stomach. Maybe she did snog 'a lot of boys' and maybe she liked snogging... but she'd never gotten something like that.

"What do you mean the card isn't signed?" she questioned with a furrowed brow as she swung her feet off of the bed so that she could stand and properly read the card.

Think of this as a belated Valentine's Day gift... thing, because yes, I fail at life. Forgive me?

"Well... I suppose you are playing your cards right, El," she finally admitted. "Clearly, you know exactly what you're doing in the romance department. I will leave you alone... for now."

Really, how could Emma continue to argue that El needed to do more to catch the boys attention. It wasn't like she'd gotten anything for the Lover's Holiday.

She flashed a bright smile and handed the card back to her sister. In a matter of seconds, Emma was flat on her back staring up at the ceiling again. "Who have you been acting sweet with?" she questioned. "Hasn't anyone hinted about the fact that they fancy you?"

Really... not signing the card. How was that fair?


eruditetwin January 26 2007, 01:28:57 UTC
Ellie started to blush and stutter as Emma said that about James and it was good that the owl interrupted that partical conversation. Talking about James in a relationshippy way was not something Ellie wanted to do. At all.

Gifts like this were knew to Ellie, too, and she stared at the bear, still in shock. "I'm not playing.. anything," she said in an od whisper, sitting back down on her bed and absently hugging the stuffed bear to her chest.

"I.. I have no idea. I haven't been.. I mean, nothing unusual. I don't know who it could be at all."

To say she was shocked was an understatement, but it was a good shock and she couldn't help smiling. A surprise gift from a secret admirer? That was about the most romantic thing Ellie could think of.


darlingtwin January 26 2007, 03:30:14 UTC
Emma waved her hand in the air. "You're doing something, sister," she teased. "You don't get secret admirer gifts for no reason." You know, unless that was exactly how you got them. Of course, that would explain why Emma had never gotten one... she was doing something.

After a moment, she tilted her head up and grinned upside down at her sister. "Well... we'll just have to figure out who it is!"

It would be fun to investigate El's secret admirer. Besides, maybe she'd actually be able to get her sister to focus on something other than school work for five seconds.


eruditetwin January 26 2007, 09:20:19 UTC
Ellie shook her head, because she knew she hadn't done anything to warrant this. And anyway, it was a really sweet surprise, but how did they know it was even meant to be romantic.

"You don't know that it's... I mean, it could just be a joke or something, someone just having a laugh," she protested, because she still couldn't quite believe someone would be seriously sending her a romantic gift.

She was all who figuring out who it was, though, so she nodded her head at that suggestion. "Oh, we will. It's going to drive me mad, otherwise, not knowing!"

She hugged the bear to her chest and grinned.

"He is really nice," she admitted, relaxing a bit now and starting to let herself enjoy the gift, regardless of intent or anything else. In truth, she absolutely loved it.


darlingtwin January 26 2007, 16:45:11 UTC
Emma gave her sister a warm look when she expressed concern about it being a joke. "El," she told her softly, "there's no way that this is a joke."

It didn't seem very joke-like. It seemed sweet and romantic... and wonderful... and something that El would really love. If Emma ever found out that someone had given Ellie a gift like this as a joke, she'd kill them. It was as simple as that.

Still looking her twin upside down, she smiled again. "He is really nice, El," she agreed softly. "He's wonderful..." She nodded for emphasis.

The small feeling of jealousy had passed rather quickly and Emma was nothing but completely happy for her sister at the moment. She deserved to be sent special gifts... she deserved a guy that would do something like that for her. Now... they only had to figure out which guy had done it.

Maybe there was a Mr. Perfect... and maybe El had found him even if she hadn't been looking.


eruditetwin January 27 2007, 10:34:31 UTC
Ellie looked doubtful, but she knew that look her sister was giving her and she knew it was no use to argue.

"I just wish I knew who sent him," she commented, idly playing with one of the bear's ears. "D'you think I should send a response?" She glanced at the owl who was still hovering in their room.

"I don't even really know what to say to whoever it is."

This was just all so... unexpected. Ellie didn't quite know how to react.


darlingtwin January 27 2007, 21:19:34 UTC
"We'll figure it out," she assured her sister with a bright smile. "Then the pair of you can live happily ever after a such."

She was teasing, of course. She couldn't help teasing her sister... it was in her personality.

Emma lifted an eyebrow when El asked about a response. "Maybe a 'thank you'?" she offered. "Play it calm... simply thank him for the bear and leave it at that," she nodded.

She paused there a moment, looking at her sister rather confused. "It would be a 'him' right?" It hadn't occured to her until just now that it could very well be a female. Interesting.

She nodded. "A 'thank you' will do, El."


eruditetwin January 27 2007, 21:26:03 UTC
Ellie's eyes widened and she gave her twin a horrified look. It hadn't even occured to her that the gift could have been sent by a girl and Ellie definitely did not bat for that team!

She worked her mouth soundlessly for a moment, unable to even think about that possibility. That was just... icky.

"Okay, yes.. a thank you."

She nodded and reached for some parchment and her quill, writing out a quick reply. It felt lame, but she attached it to the owl's leg before she could change her mind, telling the bird to deliver it to whoever had sent the bear.

"Lunch?" she asked her sister, deciding she could head to the library after they ate to finish up her work. Right now, there was no way she could focus.


darlingtwin January 28 2007, 10:13:17 UTC
Emma smiled as her sister wrote the returning note. It had to be a bloke... anything else was just far too un-Ellie-like.

As the owl took off, Emma had turned her attention back to her magazine. It looked like today was going to be a horribly long day. El had been quite caught up in her studies before the bear had come and she was willing to bet that she would be again.

Or maybe not?

She grinned brightly at her twin. "Yes, please," she answered. "I'm starving and dreadfully bored... a break for lunch is really in order." She swung her feet of the bed as she spoke and ran a comb through her hair. She was, clearly, very eager to get out of the dorm for a bit.


eruditetwin January 28 2007, 10:21:05 UTC
Ellie grinned as her sister agreed, grabbing her bag and shoving a few books inside before looping her arm through Emma's.

"Great!" she said, "we can go by the library after!" And by "go by the library," she, of course, meant they could hang out and study for a few hours. Which Emma probably would not agree to, but Ellie needed to get some work done.

For now, though? She wanted to go eat. And maybe talk about this surprise gift again. They just had to figure out who had sent it!


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