(no subject)

Jan 14, 2007 15:30

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Minister Maladies' / Thursday, 23rd February 2006 / 11:58 PM
Location: Hufflepuff Boys' Dorm -> Grounds
Open To: Charlie
Currently Involving: Hanna Head

Charlie Kerrigan had told her he'd be waiting in his dorm, so one could only hope he was telling the truth. Otherwise, Hanna Kensington just might have to let her mother know about this incident, and she'd certainly have something to say to the young man's family. All right, so Hanna would never be so cruel, but she wasn't about to go embarrassing herself by knocking on the door to the 7th year boys' dorms if he was off having an adventure elsewhere and without her. She'd warned him that a friendship with her meant him actually seeing the stars, and she was making good on her word. The skies were clear and the weather slightly warmer, this was the night.

Of course, that was all too frustrating, seeing as she'd be sneaking out and staying up late when she needed her beauty rest for the next day. It was rumoured that LUCIUS MALFOY was making a visit, and the members of FUKD were anxious for his arrival. She was certainly not one of those purebloods that thought the man to be attractive, she honestly couldn't see it at all, but he was the Minister of Magic - and on their side. Exciting, to say the least. She would have jumped up and down and informed Charlie of how much she was looking forward to the man's visit, but she... didn't want him to know. There was no way he'd feel the same.

She lifted a hand up to knock on the door softly, her telescope shrunken and placed neatly in the pocket of her robes. Stargazing they would go, and hopefully? He'd not kill her with staircase stunts first.


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