
Dec 26, 2006 15:03

Week Name/Date/Time: ‘Natural Disaster’ / Thursday, 9 February 2006 / 12:03 PM
Location: kitchens
Open To: Bryant
Currently Involving: Jeremy

Lunch. Mmmm. )


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brysawyer December 26 2006, 21:00:50 UTC
Bryant stretched lazily as he came into th kitchens, still clad in his favourite grey sweats and a yellow t-shirt. What? He liked to sleep in Puff colours. So?

Thursdays were brilliant in that there were no classes to pretend he might attend, so he could be lazy without getting dirty looks or lectures about how he should care more about school things. He celebrated the fact today by sleeping late and now he was coming into the kitchens in search of sustenance. Breakfast or lunch or whatever struck his fancy.

His good mood was halted a bit, though, as he entered the kitchens to see one of his least favourite people right there with his head in the fridge.

"Great," he muttered quietly as he started searching the cupboards on the opposite end. Why did he have to be here?


jeremypitt December 27 2006, 03:20:55 UTC
Jeremy glanced over his shoulder as another person entered the kitchen. His eyes rolled slightly when he caught glimpse of his brother. That... was brilliant.

Choosing to ignore him, he went back to his sandwich building without a word. At least, he stayed silent until the "Great".

"I am, aren't I?" he mumbled in return, not turning to look at his brother this time around.

Bloody Hufflepuff ponce. Were his pajamas always full of house pride?


brysawyer December 27 2006, 06:27:32 UTC
Bryant rolled his eyes, because that? Was lame. Jeremy was such an arrogant prat and Bryant completely hated him for it.

"What are you doing here?" he asked rudely as he started assembling a variety of foodstuffs. As far as he was concerned, Jeremy should be anywhere BUT here. Bloody annoying, it was.


jeremypitt December 27 2006, 18:45:22 UTC
It was only lame because Bryant was just as stuck on himself. Jeremy hated the Hufflepuff's arrogance with a passion. Especially when he was off pretending that Jeremy was the one stuck on himself.

"What does it look like I'm doing here?" he asked as he topped his sandwich with lettuce then a pickle. "What are you doing here?" he questioned with a slight smirk. "Is the Great Hall not serving prats this afternoon?"

Though they often passed insults like this, Jeremy kind of hated it. He wanted to get along with his family... Bry was just an annoying tosser. Could anyone get along with him?

Really, it was amazing that they both came from the same mother when you considered how different they were.


brysawyer December 28 2006, 17:54:13 UTC
Bry didn't care at all about getting along with his brother. He hated knowing they were related AT ALL and he really didn't feel any familial obligation or anything to the boy.

He rolled his eyes at Jeremy's comments. The boy was an idiot, clearly.

"I am getting some food," he replied. "Obviously."

He was all set to ignore Jeremy and go back to getting together a decent lunch. Honestly, if Jeremy wanted to get along so badly, he could try not being such an arse. It wasn't as if Bryant was difficult to get along with or anything.


jeremypitt December 28 2006, 20:16:12 UTC
Jeremy may have quietly mocked the boy, raising his voice a few notches, of course. "Food... obviously."

Bloody annoying prat of a Hufflepuff. In his opinion -at least, his opinion of the moment- it wouldn't be a bad thing if the entire male Hufflepuff population was wiped out. All of them were annoying prats just like his brother.

Jeremy was only an arse because Bryant had always been an arse to him. Really? The thought of Bry being easy to get along with? Completely laughable. Ha. Ha. Ha.

Not willing to give up the kitchen, Jeremy took his plate and sat down at the table to eat. This was his territory, after all... and peeing in a corner was completely unacceptable behavior.


brysawyer December 28 2006, 20:22:30 UTC
Bry would have rolled his eyes and laughed if he knew Jeremy thought of this kitchen as his. It did belong to the whole school, after all. Even if Bryant would prefer that Jeremy just stayed out while he was here.

But that's because his brother was an evil, arrogant prat who Bry wanted to stay far, far away from. Idiot.

He snorted as the boy went and claimed the table, though for the most part he ignored him as he set out for the fridge to see what he could find in there.


jeremypitt January 1 2007, 03:00:05 UTC
This kitchen was Jeremy's. At least, it was more Jeremy's than Bryant's. Okay... so not really but did he care? No. He didn't like the Hufflepuff; therefore, the ponce shouldn't enter his kitchen.

Jeremy, evil? Hardly. Bryant was just a prick... and far more of an idiot than Jeremy ever thought about being.

He was content to sit and eat. However, he'd forgotten something to drink. Walking over to the fridge, he opened it and began to root around. Did he care that he'd just stepped between the other boy and the refrigerator? Not at all.

Stupid ponce.


brysawyer January 1 2007, 03:41:34 UTC
"Rude much?" Bryant muttered as he had to jump back to avoid being shoved. What a jerk! Obviously the boy had been raised with no matters at all.

Luckily, he had most of what he wanted in hand already, so he moved away, putting together his sandwich, occasionally shooting the other boy a glare between bites.


jeremypitt January 1 2007, 03:52:41 UTC
Jeremy only smirked as he turned from the icebox with a drink in hand. "You are," he mumbled as he made his way back to his own lunch.

Richard had, as a matter of fact, made sure that Jeremy has the best manners. However, the Slytherin didn't feel the urge to use them when it came to ponce, prat Hufflepuffs named Bryant Sawyer.

Once sitting again, he took another bite of his sandwich and looked over at the boy. "Have a problem?" he asked after he'd swallowed. "Or do you stare all blokes down while they eat?"

Okay, he wasn't 'staring' so much as he was 'glancing' but did that matter?


brysawyer January 1 2007, 09:32:18 UTC
Bryant shrugged. The truth was that he didn't even really feel like arguing with his brother right now. It had been kind of a crap week already and where he would normally love to vent his frustrations on Jeremy, today, for some reason, he just didn't want to do that.

"Whatever," he muttered softly, getting up to grab a bottle of water from the fridge so he could wash down his own food. He just needed to get his food eaten and get out of here before he came out and killed the boy.


jeremypitt January 1 2007, 17:52:10 UTC
Jeremy's brow furrowed when Bryant only returned a 'whatever'. That was very... unlike the boy. Normally, he was prattish and full of comebacks. Yet, today? Nothing. No serious name calling - nothing.

Deciding to drop it - all of it, he quit speaking to the Hufflepuff and ate his meal. It was only fun/annoying if Bryant was returning the snarky comments. This? This was just stupid.

He wasn't a rude bloke... not normally. There was something, clearly, bothering his brother. Jeremy was more than willing to back off for the day.


brysawyer January 1 2007, 23:30:55 UTC
Bryant just kept eating, a little surprised that Jeremy hadn't sad anything else, but also a little relieved. For some reason, he just wasn't in the mood to fight today.

Nope, he just wanted to finish his lunch and head back to the common room for a good sulk.


jeremypitt January 2 2007, 01:03:37 UTC
Jeremy sat silently and continued to eat own his lunch.

What the hell was his problem? Oddly, it annoyed him when the boy insulted him but now he was all... concerned since he wasn't.

Being ... curious/concerned/whatever was a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach. He was supposed to not care.

Yet... here he was... all... caring.

"So..." he pushed, keeping his voice low. "What's ... up with you?"


brysawyer January 2 2007, 01:08:46 UTC
Bryant looked up and stared at Jeremy. He didn't seriously want to know. Bry didn't even know what to say to that, so he merely shrugged.

"Just having my lunch," he replied matter-of-factly. Because he was. And Jeremy didn't really want to hear about his drama with Savannah. Not that Bry wanted to talk about it anyway. Nope, he sure didn't.


jeremypitt January 5 2007, 00:06:16 UTC
Jeremy gave his brother a slight snort. "Yeah... just eating your lunch... clearly..." he agreed in a slightly sarcastic tone.

"Seriously... what's up with you?"

He scolded himself and wondered why he was pushing so hard. Bryant had just given him the perfect excuse to forget about his previous concern... but nooooooo.


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