
Dec 19, 2006 22:49

Week Name/Date/Time: ‘Natural Disaster’ / Saturday, 11th February 2006 / 3:38 PM
Location: Library
Open To: Lexi
Currently Involving: Troy

So maybe the potion he'd whipped up to get rid of his bruise hadn't worked, or at least wore off after a few days. Troy made sure to sit in a far corner of the library, hiding his nose in his journal as he scribbled ( Read more... )

troy-frogley, lexi-winchester

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lexi_winchester December 20 2006, 08:24:02 UTC
Well it seemed as though something was in the water at Hogwarts. Why did fights seem to be popping up everywhere?

After her recent row with Isaac, Lexi felt... well, horrible, for one. Resentful, upset, sad, guilty - a whole whack load. It wasn't anything violent, thank goodness, but still a major load of shouting and tears which was more than enough drama for Lexi.

Finding it hard to stay in the common room, Lexi trudged along quietly and made her way to her old standby - the library. Her mind on thoughts elsewhere than reality, she stalked through the vast bookshelves and made her way towards the back. Isaac often was here and the last thing she wanted was to deal with the exact issues she was trying to escape, so she went as far to the corner as possible. Hopefully nobody would see her. Although she was usually invisible anyway.

Sitting down with a rather loud sigh, Lexi shut her eyes for a moment, willing herself to be able to chill out here.


frogleygoof December 20 2006, 18:45:53 UTC
Troy caught a glimpse of movement in the usually empty and dark, abandoned depths of the library. He looked around quietly, not in his normally animated, energetic movements he would have taken had it not hurt terribly.

He nonchalantly turned his head, looking over at a table behind him, only to see Lexi Winchester sitting with her eyes closed. Man, everyone must have been in a low mood also, not just Troy. He shifted with a quiet, muffled groan and leaned on the back of his chair, facing her. "Lexi? You okay?" he whispered.


lexi_winchester December 20 2006, 19:33:05 UTC
All was mostly quite and the only sound was her own heartbeat (which was much TOO loud), when Lexi heard her name. Someone said her name?

Shooting her eyes open, Lexi looked around and she quickly landed her sight on Troy. He didn't seem his usual... boisterous self, she noticed right away. Shifting in her chair to look at him better, she put on her best smile and whispered in return.

"Sorry," she replied meekly, "I didn't know you were there, Troy! I'm fine." Lexi was determined to dismiss everything, as per her usual bolted up self.


frogleygoof December 20 2006, 19:50:11 UTC
Troy smiled and stood up, limping over to get a seat closer to her. He lowered himself with a bit of a groan into the chair, hoping it was dark enough. Feeling like an old man, he leaned back a bit until it got comfortable for him to sit. "Yeah, usually only us who want to hide out from everything come back here."

He nodded, "All right. No worries, it's easy to go unnoticed back here." Though for Troy, going unnoticed was something he was not used to at all. . .obviously.


lexi_winchester December 21 2006, 14:33:50 UTC
Lexi's eyes widened a bit in the darkened area, not being able to see quite as well as usual but the light was still enough to watch how Troy limped over to her. She cringed almost as he sat down, obviously painful to do so. No idea what had happened, Lexi couldn't help the concern she immediately felt.

"Why on earth would you want to hide?" Lexi questioned after a moment, smiling politely again. It wasn't odd for her to do so, but Troy?


frogleygoof December 21 2006, 16:14:32 UTC
Troy smiled with a heavy sigh and tilted his head a bit, pointing to the lovely example of a black eye that covered a good side of his face. "A Gryffindor kid thought I looked like I got hit by a bus. Naturally, I wouldn't want to go socializing with it," he good-naturedly replied.

"Or would I want to make it worse by running into that. . .er. . .bus." Now came the embarrassment of getting in the fight in the first place. And getting even one punch to him.


lexi_winchester December 22 2006, 00:24:13 UTC
Lexi leaned across the table more, her palms against the top as she narrowed her eyes to get a better look to where Troy was pointing. She thought it was the dark shadows that were casting such dark light on his face, but clearly it wasn't just shadows. "Holy hell, Troy!" Lexi shot out in a gasp, clasping her hand over her mouth instantly after, realizing how loud she said that.

She frowned as she sat back down into her seat, looking at Troy with sadness. It was all too clear that those were bruises and cuts from another person, not a bus. Lexi didn't think of Troy as much of a physically violent person, though, so it struck her as very odd and serious.

"Well, then you picked a nice spot; I doubt Madam Pince will let the bus in here without a library card," she commented, trying to offer him a smile. It was a terribly corny thing to say, Lexi knew, but at least it was better than asking for a story of how he got his face smashed in.


frogleygoof December 22 2006, 01:12:25 UTC
Troy sighed, only able to smile sympathetically. He was completely aware he looked like. . .well, hell, to put it simply. It would have looked even more terrible for a girl to see, especially Lexi. "Yeah, it probably looks worse close up," he tried to joke. "Like a Monet. All okay from far away, but close up, a big mess."

Even Troy was surprised. He had been thinking and reflecting back on the fight, wondering why he'd punched the guy in the first place. He smiled and partly covered his eye, so Lexi wouldn't have to see. "Ah, too late!" he said lightly, smiling. "I saw the bloke. . .er. . .bus in here already. Apparently the old bird'll let just about anybody in now."


lexi_winchester December 24 2006, 17:32:56 UTC
Lexi smiled lightly back to Troy, and couldn't help but slightly wonder who the bloke was he fought with. Figuring it was just some Quidditch player from Slytherin or something, but she didn't think it was any of her business. "Well, I always say she's losing her sight these days," she mentioned with a sheepish smile, sitting back more in her chair.

"Always been interested in art, Troy?" Lexi decided to ask, changing the topic. It was such a gloomy subject they had going... so why not switch? She had caught his reference to Monet, and not that she was surprised, she just didn't know Troy liked art!


frogleygoof December 26 2006, 21:40:05 UTC
"Most likely," Troy replied. "She's missing a lot lately. The other week I saw some people snogging behind the potions books. I thought that was against the rules. Maybe she's farsighted."

Troy grinned, "Nah, not really. I read a book about it once. Said about how it's all nice from far away, but when you put your face to it, it's a bunch of blotches and blobs." Troy had many hobbies, but art appreciation was something he'd never dealt with yet. Perhaps he'd have to. "But I've never gotten into it really. I like all the Roman stuff in the British museum, or maybe it's Greek, but the togas and winged Nikes of Samothraces or whatsit. . .Nah, I'm not into it. Why, are you?"


lexi_winchester December 28 2006, 03:43:19 UTC
((I really hate when LJ deletes my post before it actually GETS posted -.- Sorry, Mad!))

"Ah, what can you do," Lexi said with a slight eye roll, concerning the snogging in here. That had to be against the rules! But leave it up to people to find a way to snog in the library anyway. "She probably is," she added with a slight chuckle.

Her smile picked up even more as Troy replied about art. "Oh, I see," she gave a nod, happy that they weren't going to end up talking about snogging or something. Definitely not her area of expertise. Not that art WAS, she just wouldn't blush as much with talking about this. "I'm not too big on it, but I do love looking at different kinds of art. Particularly Egyptian work, like hieroglyphics!"


frogleygoof December 28 2006, 21:33:22 UTC
((Psh, no prob, man!!))

Troy's eyes beamed at mentioning of Egyptian art and hieroglyphics. "Oy! I love those! Back in first year, my mum sent me a book on hieroglyphs, with papyrus and everything. For Christmas, I reckon. That whole year, I was obsessed! You know, new hobbies and all! I wonder if I can still write in Egyptian." Hey, he might have to try that again! Especially with this ice storm and all.

He grinned, "More into ancient things, I suppose. The paintings, never got into it. I like statues more. Have you ever been to the British Museum? In London? It's brill, it is!"


lexi_winchester December 30 2006, 03:40:26 UTC
Lexi gave a small chuckle at Troy's clear interest in Egyptian work, and she grinned, herself. She wished more people were into that era as she was, although Lexi couldn't recall how or why she got into it in the first place. "Oh, that's brilliant!" she exclaimed as Troy said he used to be able to write in Egyptian. "I used to try and teach myself to read hieroglyphs!"

"I sadly never have been but I've heard of the brilliant statues and sarcophagus' they show off!" Lexi responded, grinning as brightly as ever now. "I would love to visit the pyramids sometime in my life."


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