Week Name/Date/Time: ‘Natural Disaster’ / Tuesday, 7 February 2006 / 6.50pm Location: Hufflepuff Common Room Open To: Ashley Currently Involving: Ainsleigh
Ashley couldn't just let one of her fellow Hufflepuffs look glum! Oh, no, that just wouldn't work at all. There was this little thing called happy, and Ashley liked to spread it around. And that included to Ainsleigh, no matter what the younger girl was going through.
As she came into the Common Room from dinner, she smiled, spotting the girl in the corner. Waving, she called out, "Hi! You're looking a bit down!"
Ah, stating the obvious. But it was the best way to start cheering her up, in Ashley's opinion, so she would do it. She headed for the girl, still smiling.
Ainsleigh gave a small wave back as Ashley made her way over. "Yeah, I suppose I am," she called back quietly. She didn't want everyone knowing she was unhappy.
Looking back down at her book, she frowned at the essay she was supposed to be writing. Oh well, she supposed, she could always do it later, since Ashley was almost at the table with her.
Flopping down into the seat across from the younger girl, she blinked a couple times, still smiling. Ainsleigh sounded so depressed, and that just wouldn't do. It was Ashley's sworn duty to cheer people up, after all.
"Whyever for? Except for the weather, most people are down about the weather. But that shouldn't make you down, as there are good things about it!"
Or maybe the weather wasn't it at all, but it was a good place to start. She hadn't known Matt terribly well, so although she knew that the boy had left, it hadn't made a very big impact on her. However, if Ainsleigh said anything about him, she'd understand.
Pushing her books away from her, Ainsleigh looked across the table at Ashley. "It's not the weather," she said, sighing.
"I miss Matt," she stated, as though that was all that needed to be said on the subject. It probably wasn't though, she knew that. "We'd only been together a couple of weeks."
Comments 10
Ashley couldn't just let one of her fellow Hufflepuffs look glum! Oh, no, that just wouldn't work at all. There was this little thing called happy, and Ashley liked to spread it around. And that included to Ainsleigh, no matter what the younger girl was going through.
As she came into the Common Room from dinner, she smiled, spotting the girl in the corner. Waving, she called out, "Hi! You're looking a bit down!"
Ah, stating the obvious. But it was the best way to start cheering her up, in Ashley's opinion, so she would do it. She headed for the girl, still smiling.
Looking back down at her book, she frowned at the essay she was supposed to be writing. Oh well, she supposed, she could always do it later, since Ashley was almost at the table with her.
"Whyever for? Except for the weather, most people are down about the weather. But that shouldn't make you down, as there are good things about it!"
Or maybe the weather wasn't it at all, but it was a good place to start. She hadn't known Matt terribly well, so although she knew that the boy had left, it hadn't made a very big impact on her. However, if Ainsleigh said anything about him, she'd understand.
And then she'd try to make the girl smile!
"I miss Matt," she stated, as though that was all that needed to be said on the subject. It probably wasn't though, she knew that. "We'd only been together a couple of weeks."
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