Week Name/Date/Time: When Worlds Collide / Friday 27 January / 3:10 PM.
Location: Quidditch pitch!
Open To: Anyone (And of course I'm assuming that means Dari will pop in later. . .)
Currently Involving: Troy, Lolita
Friday afternoon was sunny and clear, a change from the previous few days where Troy basically cursed the weather for not allowing him to
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"Your concern is touching, really," she said flatly, meaning it but not willing to let it show. "And don't be so worried--if I kill someone, it en't going to be you."
It was most definitely not a rivalry beween Lolita and Dariana, just a clashing of personalities and ideals. If Lolita knew Troy was wondering if it was a rivalry, she would've stabbed herself through with a quill...in a hyperbolic sense, of course.
Watching Dari lah-de-dah-ing by herself with Troy's Quaffle, Lolita gave the anger up. It really was unlike her to be so caught up in a 'fight' like this, which was pretty much one-sided as Dari didn't seem to care. Hey, why suffer and simmer in anger when your opponent skipped off to the sidelines to look at butterflies?
She sighed, rolled her eyes, and averted them to avoid a relapse.
Giving Troy half-smile, she teased, "Wanted to spend time with me? Frog, your mind is off far worse than I feared. You're off the deep end now, mate."
She dived towards the ground to retrieve her bludger from the icy grass. Dari had better watch her back. Even though Lolita was doing her best to kill off her grudge, that didn't mean she couldn't blow off some steam her usual way.
As it was, though, she couldn't hear from this distance and she didn't want to intrude on whatever it was that was going on, so she just kept up what she was doing, flying around the hoops, playing with the Quaffle, enjoying the good flying weather.
Was it too much to hope this weather would hold?
Yeah. . .didn't want to remember that.
Maybe there was more than just snogging birds like Dari all the time. After all. . .she wasn't worth it, he was starting to see. After all, her weird "friendship" with that bloke Jeremy?
Not on. It was just odd. Even Troy didn't have that kind of "friendship" with people.
Besides, she was still hanging around herself. Even Lolita wasn't that unsocial.
Before he could say something along the lines of how much he liked Lolita and didn't want to see her all upset, she was diving towards the bludger set. He sighed and let her go, regretting he'd still have to put on a good face and show up to Dari's party. After all, he'd bought the two bottles of firewhiskey for a reason. And he hardly thought Brightwell was up to a drinking game or summat.
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