(no subject)

Sep 16, 2006 16:16

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Yuletide Joy' / Thursday, 15th December 2005 / 7:45 a.m.
Location: Outside Great Hall
Open To: Bastian
Currently Involving: Ronnie

Ronnie was running late! She knew she had to be in the classroom soon, but she'd woken up late and had to have breakfast. There was no way she'd survive this last day of classes without at least some sort of breakfast pastry and coffee.

Even if she had to wrap it up and eat it in the Transfiguration classroom. Didn't matter at this point!

She usually spent her mornings lounging in the private room for Professors, having a few cups of coffee and reading the Daily Prophet. As she missed that, she'd need to grab a copy of that too. Merlin, this was not her morning!

With hurried speed, she headed down the main corridor, determined to make it in just enough time. Perhaps there would still be a few things left on the table, if some hog hadn't gobbled it all up. It was a good thing that the Aurors didn't sit at the Head Table, or else she'd be sure that it was all gone! Sebastian did have quite an appetite, after all.
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