
Sep 03, 2006 11:16

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Careers Abound'
Location: Greenhouses
Open To: Herbology Students
Currently Involving: Professor Murphy

I would never skip a HAWT man's class.... )


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Re: Seventh Years (Combined Class) finnian_murphy September 5 2006, 00:49:10 UTC
"Hullo there, Sean! Ye certainly look ready t'learn, ye mus' not be feelin' well," Finnian joked as Sean came bounding into the greenhouses. While Sean wasn't one of his best Herbology students, he was one of Finny's favourites, which was saying something as Finny liked all his students. To be picked as a favourite meant you showed something extraordinary, and for Sean it was his cheery attitude about everything.

"I was keepin' an eye on ye durin' the match against Gryffindor. Don't think ye didn' deserve to win jus' cause ye didn' score! Ye were workin' jus' as hard as those other chasers, I was proud of ye," Finny added in his own cheerful way and nodded as Cassidy joined them.

"Well, ah'm glad ye asked aboot tha' Cassidy as ye've all been slackin' off an' ah've decided 's time t'light a fire under ye!" Finnian answered with a chuckle, knowing they'd not pick up on the fact that is was a pun quite yet. Ah well.

"We're goin' t'be gettin' some flames goin', so I hope ye brought yer wands. The lesson's aboot the effects of plant fumes. Ye might be actin' a bit funny, dependin' on what ones ye get," he explained, motioning them over to a table he had set up in the back of the greenhouse.


Re: Seventh Years (Combined Class) sean_brightwell September 5 2006, 01:38:29 UTC
Luckily Sean had somewhat moved past the bitterness and annoyance over the Quidditch match, so Professor Murphy's comment made him smile brightly. "Ah, thanks Professor!" he cried. "Next time, like, I bet I'll -- hey Cass! -- I bet I'll really get in there an' do some damage, if ye know what I mean."

Well, it was not the most coded of messages, so he imagined anyone would know what he meant.

Sean did not catch onto the pun, no. But when the professor explained the lesson -- although he did not quite understand what it was -- he did manage to glean that there was a possibility for fire. Fumes? Flames? COOL.

"Aye-aye, sir!" he shouted, whipping his wand out with flourish. "I've no problems with actin' funny, not at all."

There was a gleam in his eye over the prospect of FIRE that would possibly clue even a stranger into the fact that Sean Brightwell usually acted funny.


Re: Seventh Years (Combined Class) deirdiary September 5 2006, 07:55:07 UTC
Deirdre made her way slowly out to the greenhouses. Herbology wasn't really one of her favourite classes; too much pawing about in the dirt and then there were those wretched flesh-eating plants, not to mention the stifling greenhouse, for her tastes. Still, it wasn't a terrible class and sometimes she even managed to enjoy the lessons. Not that she'd ever admit that to her sister.

The professor was a good enough chap and her head of house, though she would never understand why Darcy thought he was quite so bloody brilliant as the younger girl did. He was only a professor, after all, and not their da. Not that many men could measure up to Turlough in her mind, but she liked Professor Murphy a bit more than most of her professors, generally speaking. Though, she often wondered why the other girls would get in such a frenzy of fluffing their hair and checking their faces in mirrors before class all the while whispering his name, but an answer never presented itself to her mind, so she usually let it pass.

Pushing open the door, she saw Sean and Cassidy, two of her favourite people. (Well, assuming you weren't counting Darcy.) She smiled at them both, "Hello, Sean, Cassidy," then turned to nod her head in greeting to the professor, "Professor Murphy." She glanced around the room, "I'm not too late, am I? I didn't mean to be, but I had to talk to Darcy for a bit after lunch."


Re: Seventh Years (Combined Class) finnian_murphy September 6 2006, 23:03:07 UTC
Finnian chuckled as Sean stated that he'd get in there and do some damage next time. Well, that was EXACTLY WHAT FINNIAN WANTED TO HEAR! He was extremely proud of the Hufflepuff Team for sticking it out during the match, of course. He was proud of Hufflepuffs for practically everything. He wasn't without his house pride, naturally. If he'd not have been sorted into the house of badgers, there was a good chance he'd not have become a Professor. There was a chance he could have become... well... he might have followed a certain bad crowd, that's what we shall say.

"Aye, I didn' think ye'd be too worried aboot it," Finnian responded to Sean's actions, noting the gleam in the bloke's eye. This fire business was bound to get interesting.

"Miss Delaney! No, course yer not too late. Especially not if ye were havin' a nice chat with the other Miss Delaney. She's a gem, that girl! Proud Hufflepuff, good t'have in class really," Finnian answered Deirdre's question, motioning for her to follow him and the others to the table he'd set up.

"Don't feel like yer not one of my favourites 'cause yer a Claw, Cassidy. Ye should know better," Finnian added over his shoulder and sighed as they reached their destination. How to explain what he wanted them to do...

"Ye see ah've got containers oot here for ye, each one with a different type of herb or leaf or summat. Yer job 's goin t'be t'identify jus' what they are. Ye'll be doin' this by lightin' a small sample on fire... jus' one o' ye at a time so ye can observe the reaction o' yer classmates t'the fumes. Write down yer observations, then look it up in yer textbook after class fer homework," Finnian explained, giving them a small nod of his head before wandering off.

((Finny's out unless someone has a question, in which case he will jump back in because he's looooveeellyyy. XD HAVE FUN SEVENTHS WHEEEE!))


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