Oh if she'd only HAD tar, what a pretty picture she would paint. Not to mention it'd take ages to get all these feather pieces off her very nice robes thankyouverymuch, and she verymuch did NOT appreciate the tampering of her clothing items by this Puffie. No matter how enticingly easy to control he seemed to be.
"Oh nice to see you too Lucydear" Ophelia replied with sweetness that seemed so incredibly geniune that it most definitely could not be. She flitted her hand out as though she were immensely flattered and fanned her face before continuing on her task of staring and feather removal.
Well. At least he remembered what he was supposed to find. An improvement upon most people she told to do things. An improvement indeeeed, Ophelia put a hand to her chin and gave the boy a contemplative look. If she had been taller, slighter, older, and much more of a male sort with facial hair, she would have been stroking a nicely trimmed goatee with a diabolical look on her face. As such, however, she only had a chin and a mass of curls to work with. Alas!
"That is awful sweet Lucy, but just not acceptable. No. No no. You'll just have to nick one from the kitchens. I'll show you where they are if I must but honestly, you call yourself a 4th year and you don't know where the kitchens are where have you BEEN all this time UP IN YOUR TOWER and on TIME FOR EVERY MEAL how do you LIIIIVE?!?!" Ophelia's eyes bulged out slightly from her face and there was a tiny green vein that pulsed more noticably than usual in the leftmost part of her face before she took a breath and all returned to normal. Or, in any case, she became near-sweet looking again.
If Luc had to rank the horrifying things Ophelia did, he wasn't quite sure which would be higher: the screechings or the false sweetness. Both were simply terrifying. He supposed he'd just have to give her straight tens in the evil, diabolical maniac section. She would probably be pleased.
"Not...acceptable?" Oh dear. Oh deary, deary me. Nicking? Nicking was BAD. BAD BAD BAD. Lucy was a GOOD boy. Good boys don't STEAL things. ...Unless said good boys are threatened by thirteen year old girls. Psychotic, thirteen year old girls. Alright. Kitchens. Uh oh. "Erm, I think..." Luciano blushed and looked at his feet. AS WELL HE SHOULD. To think, he had been at Hogwarts for FOUR YEARS and NOT found the KITCHENS. "I think you had better show me."
Oh tarnation. This was really not turning out to be a good day. First he was cowering in front of a little girl and second he was succumbing to PEER PRESSURE. Oh what would his mother say!? (He knew what James would say: "Atta boy! who needs morals when you can have FUN!?" or something along those lines. Really, Luc preferred his father with a SOCCER BALL. Advice? Not so much.)
Ophelia tilted her head to the side and gave the odd little Puffling a look that could be almost construed as a very slight case of adoration. To think, the wee thing really didn't know where the kitchens were. OH WASN'T HE JUST PRECIOUS?
"Well then, well then THIS WAY I SAY!" Ophelia flounced her skirts and took off sprinting out of the Owlrey, stopping by the entrance to wait for Lucy as what seemed like a 1,000 birds scattered and then drew up all together in a mass rush of something thought could translate to a sigh of relief in Birdspeak.
It was a good thing Ophelia did not know Birdspeak, or Lucy may have had to nick something more than just a chicken. She would have had a craving for nice, roast, OWL.
"Oh nice to see you too Lucydear" Ophelia replied with sweetness that seemed so incredibly geniune that it most definitely could not be. She flitted her hand out as though she were immensely flattered and fanned her face before continuing on her task of staring and feather removal.
Well. At least he remembered what he was supposed to find. An improvement upon most people she told to do things. An improvement indeeeed, Ophelia put a hand to her chin and gave the boy a contemplative look. If she had been taller, slighter, older, and much more of a male sort with facial hair, she would have been stroking a nicely trimmed goatee with a diabolical look on her face. As such, however, she only had a chin and a mass of curls to work with. Alas!
"That is awful sweet Lucy, but just not acceptable. No. No no. You'll just have to nick one from the kitchens. I'll show you where they are if I must but honestly, you call yourself a 4th year and you don't know where the kitchens are where have you BEEN all this time UP IN YOUR TOWER and on TIME FOR EVERY MEAL how do you LIIIIVE?!?!" Ophelia's eyes bulged out slightly from her face and there was a tiny green vein that pulsed more noticably than usual in the leftmost part of her face before she took a breath and all returned to normal. Or, in any case, she became near-sweet looking again.
"Not...acceptable?" Oh dear. Oh deary, deary me. Nicking? Nicking was BAD. BAD BAD BAD. Lucy was a GOOD boy. Good boys don't STEAL things. ...Unless said good boys are threatened by thirteen year old girls. Psychotic, thirteen year old girls. Alright. Kitchens. Uh oh. "Erm, I think..." Luciano blushed and looked at his feet. AS WELL HE SHOULD. To think, he had been at Hogwarts for FOUR YEARS and NOT found the KITCHENS. "I think you had better show me."
Oh tarnation. This was really not turning out to be a good day. First he was cowering in front of a little girl and second he was succumbing to PEER PRESSURE. Oh what would his mother say!? (He knew what James would say: "Atta boy! who needs morals when you can have FUN!?" or something along those lines. Really, Luc preferred his father with a SOCCER BALL. Advice? Not so much.)
"Well then, well then THIS WAY I SAY!" Ophelia flounced her skirts and took off sprinting out of the Owlrey, stopping by the entrance to wait for Lucy as what seemed like a 1,000 birds scattered and then drew up all together in a mass rush of something thought could translate to a sigh of relief in Birdspeak.
It was a good thing Ophelia did not know Birdspeak, or Lucy may have had to nick something more than just a chicken. She would have had a craving for nice, roast, OWL.
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