History of Magic: Week 013

Aug 17, 2006 19:50

Week Name: 'The Season Begins'
Location: HoM Classroom
Open To: HoM Students!
Currently Involving: Atticus!

Lala, I'm totally copying off your way of doing this with Killy. *is lazy.* :PP )

classroom-threads, week-013

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Comments 51

FIRST YEARS atticusprof August 18 2006, 01:21:43 UTC
Atticus stood behind his desk, arms crossed happily. He adored the firsties. They were so... small? And cute, really. But they were also easily bored, most of them. Pfft.

On the bored was written the assignment:

Your topic for today will be a little more close to home. Research and write a short biography on our very own Albus Dumbledore, and include why he has been a very important figure in recent history - the best one will recieve five points for their House!!


Re: FIRST YEARS madison_bauer August 19 2006, 23:53:57 UTC
Madison entered into the classroom with a bright smile. It wasn't one of her best subjects, but she enjoyed this class. In particular, the Professor. He was so kind and fun! She sent a wave over to Professor Atticus followed with a smile, then took her usual seat. Getting her things out of her bag, she prepared by setting her parchment and quills out.

Taking a look over the assignment, she was quite pleased with it. Not knowing much about Albus Dumbledore thus far would prove interesting to research. He seemed like such an amazing wizard - almost invincible. So, getting right down to work, she opened up her textbook and began flipping through.


Re: FIRST YEARS niamh_gannon August 24 2006, 16:25:21 UTC
Niamh strolled into History with a smile on her face. This was her favourite class in the whole world, no matter who taught it; Niamh could never get enough history lessons. Though the professor being half horse was a bit nerve-wracking for her; he wasn't mean, in fact, if he were normal human size, she'd probably have really liked him, but he was awfully... large, and it made her nervous.

She slipped quietly into the room and read the board, eager for their assignment. She grinned after she'd finished, remembering just where Professor Dumbledore was mentioned in their textbook, having read the book over so many times that she nearly had everything in it memorized. This would be fun!

She noticed Maddie there, but not wanting to disturb her friend who looked like she was already at work, she merely gave a silent wave before taking her own seat and setting out her own supplies, opening her book to the correct page and quickly setting to work on her essay.


Re: FIRST YEARS atticusprof August 26 2006, 03:03:49 UTC

Human children, he meant. He positively beamed at them, wanting to go over and pinch Maddie's cheeks as she came in. Sort of like the way all the students wanted to ride him, though of course he'd never equate the two.

Instead, he just waved back at the small girl, clapping his hands together slightly, just for something to do.

As Niamh came in, he smiled at her too. She was so enthusiastic for the class, and she really was adorable, too! Happyface. Whee.

Slightly nervous, he looked at the two girls. "You like the assignment, then?"


SECOND YEARS atticusprof August 18 2006, 01:25:12 UTC
This time, Atticus started out class by whistling. He had just learned to the other day, and he thought it very exciting... what? Whistling was very new to him.

On the board was written the assignment:

We'll be starting a unit on the creation of Hogwarts very soon. Read the third chapter in your book on this subject. When you're done, tell me and I will give you a short quiz on the material. Just a couple questions, I promise!!


Re: SECOND YEARS anastacia_f August 18 2006, 12:52:20 UTC
Anastacia entered the room, stifling a yawn as best as she could. Although it was Friday, it was eight o'clock in the morning! And though she could get up faster than Romey, she also preferred to sleep in sometimes... and History was not exactly a subject she would awake bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for. At least, it wasn't her worst subject, but it was god-awful boring and no one liked Ana when she was bored.

She glanced at the assignment as she sat down, and dug out her book from her bag dutifully. Read? Why couldn't she read back in her cozy room? She sighed, turned the page, and started. Maybe if Romey or Armand, or even Camdyn, showed up soon, she would have someone to talk to and something else to do.


Re: SECOND YEARS peterquince August 18 2006, 15:17:54 UTC
Peter walked into the room, already full of energy. He didn't like the class, it was boooooring and not active enough, but he went anyways. Besides the teacher was cool! It was a CENTAUR! How awesome was that?

"Hi!" he said while smiling widely before reading the board. His smile got smaller as he read what they would need to do. "Reading? Awwwww." Why couldn't they go out and learn while walking around. Reading was boring and he couldn't pay attention much. Why should he pay attention to the reading when he could just learn about it from other people talking?


Re: SECOND YEARS armandramsden August 18 2006, 17:33:00 UTC
Learning history about past wars and mistakes were one thing, but what was the point of learning about the creation of the school? Weren’t they forced to read Hogwarts, A history last year? Armand sighed as he entered the room and took his seat next to Ana. He had hoped that the professor being a centaur would at least make things interesting but no, apparently half-breeds were still half-breeds. The human side still didn’t serve to take much away from the beast parts.

"Good morning." He said dully, and slowly dragged out his own text.


THIRD YEARS atticusprof August 18 2006, 01:28:55 UTC

Whoops. Atticus had been messing with a thinger he found on his desk - maybe it was something of Binns when he was alive, that would explain how very old it was - and when poked, it made a very loud noise. He dropped the thing back on the desk, deciding not to mess with any of the stuff anymore.

On the board was written the assignment:

Hogsmeade is an integral part of our Hogwarts lives, being so nearby. Write an explanation on its relationship with Hogwarts, including why its name is somewhat similar and why they're so close together. Not too long - only one roll of parchment is fine. What isn't done can be finished for homework - this is more an exercise for the next test we'll have. A sneak peak, kind of.


Re: THIRD YEARS veronica_myers August 18 2006, 12:46:20 UTC
Veronica entered the class quietly, glancing around to notice she was the first one to arrive. History was neither her best nor worst subject, but it was mainly a text-based subject and she excelled in text-based subjects. Thus, she was prepared with books, parchments, and quills in her bag.

She took her seat, read the assignment on the board, and started to get to work.


FOURTH YEARS atticusprof August 18 2006, 01:30:59 UTC
((...k, giving up on the little blurbs at the beginning. XD and yes, he did write the smiley face.))

On the board was written the assignment:

We will be having a discussion on the beginning of the Ministry and the Wizards' Council. You must make five comments in this discussion, each one being twenty points to your grade. At the end of class, tell me how many you made so I can record it. :)


FIFTH YEARS atticusprof August 18 2006, 01:33:20 UTC
On the board was written the assignment:

I know how much you fifth years love Quidditch!! Write me a short essay on its start, and then convince me of which team you believe will be taking the next World Cup. Use historical evidence (how many games that particular team's won, etc.) to back your points.


Re: FIFTH YEARS (S/G) tatiana_w August 18 2006, 01:42:58 UTC
Tatiana settled into her desk and took a deep breath, preparing to look up at the chalkboard. That bloody board was quite possibly her least favorite thing in all of Hogwarts, with the exception of her sister...because whatever was written on the board was what would make her miserable for the next hour or so. She looked up.

Gah! Quidditch? Unfortunately, that all fifth years loved the sport was a faulty generalization. Tatiana Winters despised sports with a passion. Quidditch was only one more thing to lord it over the Slytherins about, one more thing to create between-house tension.

She groaned helplessly, and her head went down to meet her desk. Thud.


Re: FIFTH YEARS (S/G) avis_abernathy August 18 2006, 02:08:22 UTC
The only thing that made yet another desperate and failed attempt of Transfiguration class better was History of Magic. Why was it that the lazy students of the school liked History of Magic best of all? It was true for two of her closest friends, as well as for Avis. Perhaps it's because they read so much and it soaked into their brains.

Avis always did have a knack for it; oddly enough, one of the classes she tended to be best at! She walked in happilly, smiling politely to Professor Atticus. If she had to be attentive and alert during one class, it was this one. Peering at the board surprised her, however. Quidditch?

Well, she figured she knew a lot about that. After all, she was friends with Jory. Beaming, she sat down next to Tatiana, who already looked a bit down. A lot down, actually, as she had her head on her desk. "Tired?" she asked her, getting out her quill and parchment, beginning to write already.


Re: FIFTH YEARS (S/G) jackie_zhang August 18 2006, 02:15:01 UTC
Jackie entered the room right after Avis, keeping her 'sigh' at the subject of History to herself. After all, it wasn't Professor Atticus' fault that the subject was so boring... but as she glanced up at the board, a grin brightened her face. Quidditch???!!! Really? At least, that was a subject she knew a little about!

"Hey, guys!" She grinned at Avis and Tatiana, taking her seat next to the latter, patting the girl on the shoulder. She knew Tati despised History, probably more than she did (as Jackie had a nice tutor for a long time, but didn't want to bother him lately - though that was another story in itself). "Don't worry, Tati," she whispered to her friend. "I'll help you with this. And if not me, you always have Avis too!"


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