(no subject)

Aug 01, 2006 16:59

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Settling Down' / Wednesday, November 23rd / 5:05 PM
Location: Hufflepuff common room
Open to: Kat
Currently involving: Sean

Adventuring with Sly earlier had given Sean a general restless feeling. Not that he wasn't normally restless, but said restlessness did not usually manifest itself in hanging out the window of the Hufflepuff common room.

Today, however, it was. Possibly it was Transfiguration's fault because it had done that thing where it was boring and difficult to understand and apparently, it was a class about transfiguring things and NOT a class about building a proper snowman, which was all he had wanted to do at the time.

But it was becoming clear that the snow and the wind showed no signs of letting up and that the weather was becoming possibly dangerous to go out in. So Sean had conceded and dragged himself back to the common room. Where the snow had taunted and teased him from the outside, knocking on the windows and making faces at him (er... figuratively). It even seemed to be singing, "Seeeean, come plaaaaay with us." His imagination? Possibly. But effective? YES.

He was only human, after all. And right now, he was a human leaning very far out the window of the common room and using the snow gathered on the windowsill to build up an arsenal of snowballs. Which was very cold in his bare hands, but was an essential task nonetheless. Tomorrow he'd decide who would receive the fruits of his labour. Sly, perhaps? Grady? Anybody.


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