(no subject)

Jul 31, 2006 09:30

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Settling Down' / Tuesday, November 22 / 3:05 pm
Location: Quidditch Pitch
Open To: Phillip, Grady, Blaze, Trefor, Soren, Bran, Charlie, Sly
Currently Involving: Jackie

Even though it was lightly raining that afternoon, Jackie hovered on her broom near the goal posts with Quaffle in hand. After all, it was Tuesday, and it was their (hers and Phillip's) unofficial Quidditch practice day (as if either of them really needed an excuse to go flying). Of course, the invite was open to their entire team, but both she and Phillip knew better than to expect them to show as their schedules usually conflicted and they had been practicing at different times. Still, it always paid to be prepared for their first match, and Jackie and Phillip were going to practice whether it was raining or snowing or blistering cold.

The Quidditch trunk was set on the ground beneath her, the angry bludgers waiting to be released. She would have already done so, but she didn't want to have them knock Phillip out cold as he walked across the field. So, she waited for him to arrive, tossing the Quaffle in the air and catching it as the rain plastered her hair to her face.
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