One Hundred Unholy Tongues.

Jul 21, 2006 06:53

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Lost and Found' / Mon, Nov 14 / 8:34 pm
Location: The Snake Pit -- aka The Slyth CR
Open to: DUFFNAY first, perhaps other amusing Housemates later so that we may whisper jovially about them and make "pleasant conversation" hmmmm?
Currently involving: Dex Thrillkill

He clicked his toes together, taking idle pleasure in the monotonous sound as he stared at them upside down. His feet dangled atop the high ridge of the soft sofa, his legs pushed flush against the back cushions and his torso lay astride the seat while his head hung toward the floor. Upside down was one of his favourite positions, the blood rushing to his head, dizzying the world and his mind and he could see stars without venturing outside... An immense pressure would mount to the utmost crest of his body, as if his very insides would push and spill out of him if he waited just a bit longer.

Dex liked that idea. That he might lose his insides, that they might flood the room and no one's ankles would go untouched.

"Hmmmmm," he exhaled, a sigh and a groan at once, his eyes once closed now opening to regard what lay before him: the plush rug on the stone floor, and a few dirty, scuffed pairs of dress shoes belonging to various Housemates. Grotesque, the care they took with their shoes. Dex was willing to bet their feet were not much better. His own shoes were in immaculate condition, because any well-brought-up young person knew that the state of one's shoes determined the state of one's place in society -- even if you were a young person of questionable character and sanity like Dex.

There was a pair of stylish black flats directly beside him, polished and crossed one over the other in a dainty fashion. The shoes had a distinguished, but sensible and almost slightly severe look to him. They were not the typically delicate mary janes of many a girl's choice. That was because they belonged to Daphne Kaligaris. Dex had suddenly the strongest urge to lick, or perhaps, bite the shoes. Probably to make her angry. He had a penchant for making her angry, possibly because it was so easy. While they each had their violent tastes, Daphne seemed to be angry at the world. Dex could appreciate it. Anger was powerful. He did not feel it as often as she did -- he was much more subdued in sentiment. But when he did, it fed him like fire, flames licking at his stomach and crackling behind his eyes. He had thought of Daphne's Greek heritage and hazarded that perhaps while she was Ares, he was Hades. That would explain their characters well.

Recalling that thought now, he was pleased and took hold of her ankle like one might take hold of a favorite doll, hugging it to him from his upside down position. "Duffnayyyy," he crooned, in that queer, teasing voice. "Don't be so quiet; my head is heavy with thinking."

In truth, it was probably heavy with all the blood gathering there, but goodness knew Dex was plagued with strange and heavy thoughts nearly always.


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