(no subject)

Jul 20, 2006 00:52

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Lost and Found'/Friday, November 18th/11:01 AM
Location: Just outside the kitchens
Open To: Jory, Clover
Currently Involving: Phoebe

She was going to Dustin's party that evening.

...With Dustin.

Uh. She had spent the last while after she had finished talking with him just kind of floating around in a sort of daze. Then she had realized- she had already given a present, and so didn't have anything to give him anymore!! She couldn't show up empty-handed to his own birthday party! It'd be wrong!

And what to bring? ICE CREAM. Well, maybe Saffy had already thought of ice cream, but anyhoo Phoebe'd just bring more. Because you could never had enough ice cream.

...what do you mean she had just totally pigged out on ice cream last night with Jackie? PFFT. That was like, in the past. And stuff. She was craving the creamy ices again.

So, she immediately went down to the kitchens- after last night with Jackie, she knew where it was. Whoo! But when she got in, she was met with a surprise.

In the form of Randie, the house-elf that used to clean her dorm room. Phoebe, for some reason, had not known the rules of house-elves and had seen the poor thing going about in just the customary rags, and immediately worried about it catching a cold and offered it a sweater. Wrong idea, as it turned out. Randie had given her a cold look and left, and Phoebe was left (confused) to be enlightened as to her mistake by Tyra and Ainsleigh.

That house-elf had thankfully not been there last night when she had been in the kitchens with Jackie, but now there it was, giving her the evil eye.

"Er... um, do you have any ice cream?"

Randie snapped her fingers, and soon Phoebe was holding a giant... thing... and pushed out the door. She looked to her side- and found:

1. A jar of milk.
2. A can of sugar.
3. Lots of chocolate.
4. Ice.
5. Salt? Uh.

Phoebe stared at the things for a few moments. What was she supposed to do?

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