(no subject)

Mar 26, 2006 11:54

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Under Your Spell' / Sunday, 18th September 2005 / 1 p.m.
Location: Corridors
Open To: Wes, Jaci, Shihoko
Currently Involving: Preston, Wes, Jaci

Preston was quite sure that Gryffindors had it the worst off of every other House. Even moreso than those pesky Hufflepuffs. The way he saw it, he could wreak havoc wherever he saw fit and so long as there was nothing like, oh, you know... blood or a Dark Mark over the bodies -- er, evidence -- then it automatically would be assumed that one of those lions had done it. Pranksters and all that.

He grinned as he sauntered down the hall, wondering what he could frame the lovely crimson-and-gold with today.

Flooding the fourth corridor toilets? Nah, too easy. Been done, countless times. Perhaps... spike the morning juice with a few love-- HA! Like any Gryffindor would be brilliant enough to think of that. Please. He rolled his eyes, then frowned as he realized he was coming up empty.

Well, what sort of Sunday was it when he couldn't get his jollies?


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