
Jul 05, 2006 15:57

Week Name/Date/Time: 'The Minister is Elected'/ Wednesday November 9 / 3:30 PM
Location: Library
Open to: Anyone (Humour me.)
Currently Involving: Avis

The thunderstorms and bad weather rattled the windows of the library. Avis got so bored on Wednesdays, not having classes, trying to avoid study hall if she could. There were only so many hours she ( Read more... )

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avis_abernathy July 6 2006, 01:36:01 UTC

Avis looked up, wondering if someone was talking to her. When she saw Alannah commenting on her book, she smiled. She'd never really spoken to the fifth year Ravenclaw, but had known who she was. Sometimes being seen in actual society helps, Avis, she thought to herself.

"Yeah?" she asked inquisitively and held it up to see the cover with the bullfighter. "It's one of my favorites." When she saw the book Alannah was reading, she smiled even brighter. "Oi, I remember that story! When i was a kid that was my favorite movie, you know the Disney one? I always wanted to be Captain Nemo. . ."

You're talking about a muggle movie to a magic person, she thought to herself, and blushed a bit.

Perhaps introducing would be nice. Just as she put the book down and said, "Hi, I'm Avis," this little Slytherin girl barged in. But it wasn't just any Slytherin girl. It was that infamous one she'd heard about. She rolled her eyes and murmured to herself, "Merlin help me."

Avis looked her direction and smiled a fake, sweet smile. "Well yeah, I suppose some would think it is. Especially your sort. I don't see any torture or blood or gore in it, so oh dear. Dreadful bore."

She looked away to Alannah coolly and kept reading.


alannah_buxton July 6 2006, 16:18:05 UTC
Al grinned, she remembered that movie. After all, it was one of her favorites. "That was one of my favorite movies too! I remember I used to watch it over and over again. I'm guessing your muggleborn too?"

Alannah looked over at the Slytherin girl, she had never seen her before. A bit of a bore? Well for simple minded Slytherin's like yourself, yes, perhaps it would be a bore. I swear Slytherins are the thickest, shallowest bunch of people I've ever seen. Al sighed to herself. Alannah smiled to the Slytherin girl and directed her attention back to Avis see put out her hand, expecting her to shake it. "I'm Alannah-or Al, just my nickname." She laughed to herself.


glorious_sadism July 6 2006, 17:31:27 UTC
Gabriella tripped into the library. Unlike her usual burden of books higher than her head, she was carrying only one thick tome. Ophelia would recognize it as the summoning book she had filched from the library for their halloween party - highly restricted and definately not something a First Year should have. She was headed for the receiving bin for the Restricted Section, but Ophelia was square in her path. That wasn't too bad - Ophelia had already seen the book. But the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw were a problematic developement. She really liked the book, but she didn't want to go to detention over it, or the headmaster's office, to explain why she had it. She bumped into the corner of the table and hastily hid the book behind her back - this didn't work very well because she was tiny and the book was huge.

"Hello, Ophelia," she said quickly, to divert attention as she started edging sideways to keep her body between them and the book. "Pardon me, please." She gave the other girls an insincere smile and nodded. "Please excuse me."


opheliaballard July 7 2006, 23:27:11 UTC
Tilting her head up to effectively be able to look down her nose at the Gryffindor, Ophelia sniffed in disdain. She had had it up to HERE with the whole lot of the Lions, and didn't really appreciate one going about trying to read a BOOK. As if they could what with their thick anti-booksies skull. 'Specially not one that looked decidedly muggle and, hence, stupid.

"Ohhh my sort?" Ophelia pouted and batted her eyelashes sadly, "Sorry dearie, but it's not 'my sort' who go around bloodying up the halls all on their lonesome. You Lions must need keep your temper, silly things, DON'T WE THINK SO?!" she added, pout dissolving quickly into a wide-eyed grin, made all the wider when the other girl SMILED at her. SMILED?!

Of all the neeeerve. Gnnnargh. Ophelia was about to go after these girls shins with her well-polished shoes before Gabriella greeted her, and all her anger fizzled into well-placed curiousity.

"Well hallo Gabby, what brings you to the library today, eh?" she asked, tilting her entire body to attempt to peer around the younger girl.


avis_abernathy July 7 2006, 23:54:06 UTC
Perfect, now here's another freak, Avis thought to herself as this little thing holding a book larger than her toddled in. What compelled her to come here where not one little terror but TWO would bother her? Weren't you supposed to have intutition or fate or something, telling you to stay away from a place at times like this?

"What is this?" Avis looked around sarcastically. "Did I accidentally come to the library on Death Eater Training Day?! Oops, my mistake!" she rolled her eyes. "Well, I'll mind my own business and not make a peep. You can go practice your unforgiveables by the Restricted Section. Do you mind, Alannah?" she shot a glance over to her, trying to hold in a smug grin.

Merlin, Avis, they're bound to use one on you if you keep this up!, she told herself. Do they even know how to?! They're first years, by the looks of them. These two, however, looked particularly. . .off the handle. Especially this one with the upturned nose. The tiny one, however, was bound to be crushed under the book at any moment now.

The instinct fell upon her to perhaps try to see a skull and a snake on the first one's arm, just in case. However, she was busy with the smallest.


glorious_sadism July 13 2006, 01:58:00 UTC
(( I apologize to Alannah for taking her spot, but as she was absent, I thought we could go ahead and continue our tense little encounter.))

"Hallo, Ophelia," Gabriella said politely. "I'm just returning that book from the Halloween party. You know, the spooky one," she said flatly, her tone revealing nothing about the true nature of the tome. She kept it behind her back.

At Avis's words, she blinked at the Gryffindor girl, seeming to suddenly notice her for the first time. "Beg pardon?" she sputtered, too flummoxed to conjure a more detailed reply. However, it didn't take her long, and her look of startled incredulity morphed into an expression narrow-eyed rage. "You'd better not have said what I think you just said."


opheliaballard July 14 2006, 05:45:06 UTC
"Ahhhh yes. 'Spooky'," Ophelia replied, shooting the Gryffindor a wide-eyed look and wiggling her fingers to go along with an appropriate ghost-like sound. Much less effective when there were actually ghosts about, but mudbloods were a jumpy sort.

OH then Gabriella had to go and say something CONFRONTATIONAL MUAHAHA. Ophelia took the delicate balancing of tension hanging in the air and did cartwheels through it. Well, that is, she began dancing around the two other girls, interjecting such mirthful goings on with bouts of gleeful giggling. Oh, twas lovely to see such a display!

"OH SHE DID. Deatheater's and such. Silly girl, thinks all Snakeses go about crucioing the daftness out of everyone. TRA LA, what shall they think up next, these Gryffs? Still, musn't let them have their fun, eh dear wee Gabby?" Ophelia crooned, eyeing the younger girl curiously and turning to waggle her eyebrows at the Lion girl. Silly git. Heeeee.


avis_abernathy July 14 2006, 06:07:48 UTC
She sarcastically made the same ghost noise as the clearly insane (well, more so than the other one) Slytherin and just laughed in her face, before turning to the one carrying the book.

To the smallest Snake, she tilted her head up and leaned back in her chair. "Oh NO. I MUST have." She gave a little comical gasp. "Did I make you ANGRY? Imagine that."

Now was this older girl dancing? Well this was getting too odd. Avis settled herself back on both legs of the chair and folded her arms across her chest, giving them both a confrontational smile.


glorious_sadism July 14 2006, 19:47:25 UTC
"Don't... you... DARE," she snarled, slamming her fist down on the table less than an inch away from Avis's hand, "Patronize me you... you disgusting hypocrite. You have a problem with Death Eaters? Look in the mirror. But you'd better hold your nose so you don't throw up, because your prejudice stinks. You dishonor Gryffindor," she growled. "You pervert everything it's supposed to stand for. You make me sick. I don't know any unforgiveables because it just so happens that I was raised by muggles. But if you ever suggest that Ophelia or I would ever follow that... idiot and his... his ... brainless..."

There was a word, a perfect word. It was eluding her. It started with an S. She had read it in a fantasy novel recently.

"...sycophants again, I'll... "

She wasn't supposed to use any good threats anymore. Damn her eyes for making that promise! None the less, she had made it and she would keep it. Still, she had managed to use 'sycophant' in a sentence, so that was a small accomplishment.

"I'll send you to the hospital wing for a month. Now apologize to me and Miss Ophelia RIGHT NOW, or...."

This was painful. She hated playing this card. She also hated being helpless, but Ben had been right when he'd pointed out to her that at her age and with her lack of experience, she would be lucky to even land a punch on Avis before the older girl petrified her, hexed her, or tossed her across the room and if she was unlucky, out a window.

"... I'll go straight to a teacher and tell them what you said and get you in detention for a week."

She was panting slightly from the effort of all that, but before she quit, she managed one final line. "And don't make fun of Miss Ophelia ever again. She's my friend and she's worth a dozen of you."

There. That was it. So many other things she could have said crowded her mind that she felt a little dizzy, and there was a stone in the pit of her stomach, because making bold threats was sometimes a bad tactic. If Avis took her seriously enough, she would probably retaliate, but Gabriella was counting on the fact that they were in the library, where there were lots of other students (who were probably staring now) and the librarian who would get involved if spells started flying. Still, Avis could probably hurt her. In fact, she could probably hurt her badly. Something stirred in the pit of her stomach and she felt momentarily nauseas but she swallowed it down, glaring steadily into the Gryffindor's eyes, a direct challenge, and striving not to show an inch of discomfort. Courage, after all, was not a lack of fear - that was stupidity. Courage was pressing on despite one's fear. And Gabriella wasn't particularly skilled or powerful, but she was brave.


opheliaballard July 14 2006, 20:28:26 UTC
Ohhh this was TOO GOOD. Ophelia nearly stopped flailing about in a wild homage to every Slytherin-Gryffindor fight ever, and had to bite her tongue to keep from laughing straight out. Who'd have thought she'd ever get her supposed honour defended by the one Snake who'd ever admitted to being mudbloody, or AS GOOD AS. Ophelia noticably cringed backwards from the first year, her upper lip forming a sneer before she wondered what it would be like to let this actually PLAY OUT. Gryffs were always up for a tustle and this one looked like she could give Gabby dear a run for her money. Or muggle parents, yech.

"ALAS!" Ophelia cried out, laying a hand across her forehead and looking thoroughly offended. Her, a deatheater? WHO WOULD BE AS... what was it? HYPOCRITWHATSIT TO THINK THAT? Horrible, what these schoolmates thought of one. One minute you're all matey and exchanged friendly barbs and the next BANG, accused of being a sycothing. Which might not be all that bad...

In any case, Ophelia made a few more sad dying noises in her throat before letting that performance go and turning a terribly amused eye towards the Gryff. "Did you hear that? A DOZEN. Personally I think the scales need to be refigured a taaaad, but meh. Let it be a dozen for now," she continued, crossing her arms and pouting her lips, waiting patiently for either a punch to be thrown, a wand to be brandished or, wonder of all red-gold wonders, an apology?! HA!


avis_abernathy July 16 2006, 04:02:04 UTC
Avis laughed out loud, "Send me to the HOSPITAL?! For a month?" She stood up slowly, like she'd seen in the movies. Standing with her hands on her hips, she looked down at the dreadful thing. "Injure me how? With your big words? Oh no, help me now."

She looked critically at this 'Ophelia' girl. "Worth a dozen of this one? Well, you may be right. She does seem to dance better than I do, with her spinning-routine."

Avis smacked both hands on the table, leaning forward just a bit, like she'd seen in the old Katherine Hepburn movies and wishing she could make this horrible little wretch jump. "Oh yeah? TRY ME."


glorious_sadism July 16 2006, 18:07:01 UTC
"I'll injure you the old fashioned way, with my bare hands," Gabriella snapped, snarling up at Avis and not backing off an inch. "But I'm sorry if my words are over your head. You seem impressed with them for someone who reads Hemmingway in their spare time. Still, I guess he's the kind of person you WOULD like... always drunk, terrible manners, and didn't care about anything but his own satisfaction. All those beautiful words don't mean anything when they come from such an ugly person."

She tossed her hair back over her shoulder. "This is your last chance to be a decent person and apologize. If you did, maybe you'd prove that you're not a completely ugly person."


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