(no subject)

Jun 21, 2006 23:20

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Trick or Treat' / Monday, Oct 31/ 12:10 PM
Location: halls leading to the great hall
Open To: Isabel
Currently Involving: Adrien

Some higher power obviously didn't want him to be able to face his school mates. First, there was the whole howler ordeal and now that he was finally convinced that it had blown over, that stupid Gryffindor had to go hex his hair pink. Of course, no one had really cared about either. People had been too busy paying attention to their own howlers to listen to his and most had better things to think about than his hair. Despite what he liked to think, he really wasn't the most important person in the world. But hey, Adrien was nothing if not dramatic.

He had spent the morning moping about and being generally unproductive. It was a rather pathetic way to spend Halloween, really. Actually, it was a pathetic way to spend any day but that was besides the point. He hadn't planned to come out at all but he lost the battle with his hunger and had to venture to the great hall. But hey, it was Halloween; hopefully something entertaining would happen.

((eep. I am so sorry for taking forever and a day to get this up. I got busy and distracted so yeah... Sorry about that))

week-009, adrien-bennet

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