Week Name / Date / Time: 'Trick or Treat' / Wednesday, November 2nd / Noon
Location: Corridors / Great Hall
Open to: Liesl
Currently Involving: Ullrich
Ullrich strode through the main floor corridors, having learned to find his way around. It was difficult at first, but he'd finally managed to remember which stairs led to which floors -- except a few times, in which they had moved and absolutely infuriated him. Regardless, he had a general layout of the castle in his memory, as well as a few prime hiding spots, should he need them in a dire situation.
Of course, now that all that was finished, he needed to find his darling Liesl and bond with her just a bit. He'd managed to follow her around just enough to know where she'd been going, what she'd been doing, so that it at least appeared that he was there for her safety. But honestly, he had little interest in how the little princess spent her time.
Sure that he would have an easier time conversing with her at a mealtime, when they could both sit comfortably, he'd decided to pursue her at lunch. So, stalking through the hallways, he kept keen eyes scanning the stone passages, looking for the familiar girl, listening for the familiarly dainty-but-determined-and-angst-ridden walk, wondering with a smirk if he'd be so lucky as to hear her spouting off curses in her native tongue once more.
That would certainly make his job easier.