Week Name / Date / Time,: 'Trick or Treat' / Monday, October 31st / 8 AM Location: Gryffindor Common Room Open to: Slylicious Currently Involving: Lauren-ified! Erik (Happy Halloween from Cohen!)
And when those words were in the air, who else could be there to answer but Sly?!!?!
He bounded down from the steps to the dorms with his hands on his hips, Superhero style, looking valiant. A light breeze from the Common Room windows rifled through his long hair, and he lifted his chin, dazzling the world with his life-saving, knee-trembling smile. But really, seeing Erik in that get-up?! IT WAS ALL HE COULD DO NOT TO FALL OVER IN A GIGGLEFIT. BAHAHAHA.
"Ah, good maiden," he proclaimed in a resonant voice, "I am here to fulfill your needs." A very appropriately staged waggle of the eyebrows. Then he grabbed hold of Lauren!Erik (good god, the perfect woman really), seizing him firmly about the waist, dipped him ...
... and snogged him like he was redefining the very meaning of a snog!!
What was that sound? It sounded an awful lot like bounding. Hoping to see a fellow Gryffindor as excited for Halloween as he was, Erik turned around just in time to see Sly place his hands on his hips in a particularly dashing sort of way. He needed to make note of that for the future. When he wasn't dressed as a girl and what have you. But the smile was sort of freaking him out a bit. Hmmnn...
Ah, and with those words, Erik knew what was coming, and he should have run as fast as his legs could carry him. But the waggle of the eyebrows was too hilarious, and his laughter glued him to his spot. Closing his eyes tight as Sly dipped him dramatically, Erik hoped he wasn't actually getting snogged by a bloke.
But he was, and it was revolting, and yet it was all too perfect (in the humor factor, that is) that he couldn't bring himself to be all that embarrassed. Sacrifices had to be made for a good laugh, and if that meant he had to brush his teeth for an hour, SO BE IT.
And no, this did not count as cheating on Juhi. There were no
( ... )
Yes, it was rather difficult not to cackle amidst the snogging, himself. He was pushing the envelope really, even by his own standards! But what was life if one didn't push one's limits, raise the bar every now and then, shock the crowd, etc.? NOTHING, that's what! Sly promptly released Lauren!Erik on no doubt wobbly legs, nevertheless firmly planted on the ground, and stood back to admire his handiwork. Yes, the boy looked thoroughly snogged -- eyes wide, face a-flush, blonde wig slightly off kilter. Sly could bet Juhi had yet to do that with her boyfriend, hm
( ... )
All right, so the blonde wig he'd gotten to solve the hair problem might have been off kilter, but he was certainly not flushed. Unless it came from his hysterical laughter, in which case he was. Erik had actually had better snogs from Juhi than this, the snog of a lifetime. But he wouldn't say so, as Sly looked so very pleased with himself and Erik knew what it was like to get bad news.
He readjusted his wig and tried to think like Lauren, but it was difficult. Possibly because he was a bloke, or maybe because he didn't know how she actually felt toward Sly. Flirty McFlirterson! That's all he could think of to be, because that's what she did. Supposedly.
"You do put the treat in trick or treat, I'll give you that. You'll be happy to know I've perfected the tricks," Erik replied, waggling his eyebrows as Sly had done before.
AHA! GOOD ONE! Except now he had to go wash his brain. Multiple times. He almost preferred the missing fingers now.
Aaaaaahahaha, Erik really was quite the little actress-- er, actor. Sly was impressed. He arched one dark brow sky high at the mention of 'tricks' and could not for the life of him prevent a smirk from crawling at his lips. Remember, remember, it's not really Lauren! He mentally thwacked himself a time or two.
"You can surely talk a big game Miss Lauren," Sly purred wantonly, doing a little jig on the sofa, "but can you Back. It. Up?"
If Erik had known that Sly actually had to make that mental note, he really would have run for the hills, but he was er... blissfully unaware. Instead, he was focused on a way to "back it up" in a particularly Lauren way without being forced to snog a BLOKE again. He'd already flipped his hair, too. Tricky.
"Depends, obviously, on whether or not the right opportunity comes along," Erik replied with an exaggerated wink.
Trying his hardest not to laugh, he made sure to swivel his hips in a ridiculous way as he approached the sofa Sly was jigging on.
Stubborn. He could be Lauren for Halloween! Nooooo problem!
Sly snorted as Erik approached, trying not to let the facade drop. Must keep serious, must must! But that hip swivel was almost... alright, so he failed. And fell down laughing. All over the cushions. He hooted into a pillow, hiding his face in it, then peeked out at the boy in drag.
"Either Opportunity is knocking," he laughed, "or it's just yuir fake knockers sloshing about!"
He pointed and then wheezed for air, resuming the laughter. Ohhhh, too much.
Laughter was too contagious for Erik not to laugh at himself. The fake knickers comment was hilarious. It reminded him of just how great Sly was, and he couldn't quite figure out why they didn't speak more often. Aside from the fact that they were in different years, there wasn't too much stopping them.
Although Erik did have something serious to talk with Sly about, now was not the time. He'd get to that in a minute, once he'd changed of course. For now? Erik was having fun being bloody ridiculous. He hadn't had good, nonsensical fun in such a long time.
"If opportunity is knocking, I'd like to know who's at the door," Erik responded and flopped down onto the couch beside the laughing Gryffindor.
"And my knickers don't slosh, nor are they fake. I'm a very real woman, with wants and needs! I'm Lauren Dispenziere! Who am I to say no to a handsome bloke, hmn?"
Sly peeked over the edge of the pillow he was holding at Lauren!Erik. "Yes, who are you is a very good question indeed!" he agreed, snorting and giggling with abandon. "A woman with wants -- or a wanton woman, eh?" Necessary waggling of the eyebrows. "People do talk, of your snogging habits. I think they disapprove of the fact you snog anyone other than me, Miss Dispenziere. What have you to say to that?!"
He threw a pillow at Lauren!Erik for emphasis. J'accuse! As if Sly was a one-woman-snogger, anyway. HAH. Laughity laugh laugh.
Well, it wasn't very Lauren-like, but Erik couldn't help himself. He pretended to smile shyly at Sly and shrugged his shoulders.
"Autolycus! You know I can't resist when you throw pillows at me, love. I suppose I shall have to give up my single days of glory for you!" Erik said in a high pitched voice and flung himself at the boy.
And hugged him tighter than was thought to be humanly possible.
Besides, it wouldn't be long before conversation would turn serious. As in, discussing the war and such, not as in going steady. Two blokes, obviously nothing.... ah, bloody hell.
Being Lauren was very much confusing.... and Erik missed his brother, and Sly was currently doing a somewhat good job of partially filling the void, minus the whole snogging bit. So for now? Erik might have been a bit confused, but he was content too.
Sly was still laughing when Erik hugged him, but the sound died away after a few seconds into the embrace. It didn't take a scholar to realise there was something more intense to this hug than what they had been playing at. In fact, he didn't think Erik was playing at all. It felt like the younger boy really... needed the physical contact from him. And so Sly tightened his grip on the lad's shoulders, perhaps glad his expression couldn't be read from this position. He wasn't known for his moments of serious sensitivity, and was always questioned when he was caught.
But Erik had been through a lot recently; more than his fair share. Sly could sympathize, perhaps. Though he mightn't admit it right away.
He let him go, and ruffled the wig hair good-naturedly.
"Lauren'll have a fit when she spots this, y'know," he said at last with a characteristically lazy grin. "Be sure it's the first thing she sees when she comes downstairs, is my advice." Bwahaha. You can always count on Sly to lighten the mood.
Erik was fine with hugging, but being hugged back? It sort of made him want to cry. Luckily, Sly was messing up his wig a moment later, and Erik chuckled to release whatever had been building up. Relief was good. He just needed a few moments to relax.
"Oh, I know she'd go mental. She'll have to see it later, however, as I'm no longer in touch with my feminine side," Erik said with a shake of his head and took off his wig.
Sliding the skirt off to reveal shorts, and letting his pudding filled balloons drop to the floor, Erik smirked.
"Feel free to have a go, if you'd like," he said, pointing to the costume and laughing.
He looked down at his hand and wiggled his fingers a bit. Lucky. Erik Cohen was one lucky bloke.
"Nah, I'll leave the crossdressing to you, ye do it so well," he said with another chuckle, settling back against the sofa cushions and lounging. But the look on his face was just a little pensive.
There were things he wanted to ask, subjects he wanted to broach, but he wasn't sure how to go about it. Sly was much better at changing the subject, at deflecting attention away from serious matters, than approaching those things head-on. He stroked his chin, thoughtful, but trying not to appear too serious. The boy didn't want to make Erik uncomfortable, after all. Some people could sense these things about to happen and would expertly exit the scene, and he didn't want Erik to escape; not this time. He tilted his head, eyeing the Fifth Year with a warm gaze. He was a good lad... and he was being forced to grow up a lot more quickly than he should
( ... )
Erik wasn't sure that crossdressing was something he wanted to do well, but he took it as a compliment anyway. With a small smile, he nodded at Sly and seemed to sink into the sofa cusion a moment later.
There was a bit of a silence then, though not too awkward. It was more of Erik raising an eyebrow at the fellow Gryffindor, who was stroking his chin. What was all this about, eh? Ah, Sly was apparently thinking, and asking random questions. He was probably trying to get into serious mode, and well... Erik could handle that.
"Well, it's pretty early in the day, mate... but it's started off well enough. I'd say it has potential," Erik said with a slight laugh.
But he cleared his throat a moment later, looking back down at his hand once again and swallowing hard.
"Though, I admit I expect most days to turn sour as of late..."
He was silent for a crucial moment, thinking over his response.
"You expect it, do you?" Sly said carefully, as his head tilted slowly in the other direction. Lazily, his legs stretched out before him along the expanse of sofa between them, getting comfortable. They might be here a while. Erik expected his days to turn sour. That could mean a lot of things, really. Right now, Sly was mulling over the 'self-fulfilling prophecy.' Hm. "Do ye plan for it? Perhaps... encourage it?"
He knew Erik was having trouble lately staying out of... well, trouble. With other people. Violent things. Trips to the Hospital Wing. Details were scarce because the two boys hadn't talked. But now was the talking time, it appeared. Sly didn't intend for his questions to sound invasive or accusatory, but he wanted to get at the root of what was really going on here. Because trips to the HW really shouldn't be forming a pattern.
Well, Sly certainly knew how to launch into a serious conversation. Erik shifted a bit uneasily, but he had every intention of telling Sly the truth. He needed to stop thinking he knew everything as a fifth year, and start asking for help.
"I don't think I ever encouraged bad days, and I still don't. There was one time I did want to fight, but it didn't end up that way. It seems when I'm holding back my anger and not attempting to use violence, that's when it blows up in my face," Erik explained, frowning a bit.
He still couldn't figure out what exactly he'd done to be thrown into this situation. There were other Gryffindors just as outspoken as he was, and they were hardly messed with. A few duels, but nothing like the level they reached with Erik's fights with Wesley.
"There's... a lot you don't know," Erik added a moment later, and brought his knees up to his chest.
He bounded down from the steps to the dorms with his hands on his hips, Superhero style, looking valiant. A light breeze from the Common Room windows rifled through his long hair, and he lifted his chin, dazzling the world with his life-saving, knee-trembling smile. But really, seeing Erik in that get-up?! IT WAS ALL HE COULD DO NOT TO FALL OVER IN A GIGGLEFIT. BAHAHAHA.
"Ah, good maiden," he proclaimed in a resonant voice, "I am here to fulfill your needs." A very appropriately staged waggle of the eyebrows. Then he grabbed hold of Lauren!Erik (good god, the perfect woman really), seizing him firmly about the waist, dipped him ...
... and snogged him like he was redefining the very meaning of a snog!!
Ah, and with those words, Erik knew what was coming, and he should have run as fast as his legs could carry him. But the waggle of the eyebrows was too hilarious, and his laughter glued him to his spot. Closing his eyes tight as Sly dipped him dramatically, Erik hoped he wasn't actually getting snogged by a bloke.
But he was, and it was revolting, and yet it was all too perfect (in the humor factor, that is) that he couldn't bring himself to be all that embarrassed. Sacrifices had to be made for a good laugh, and if that meant he had to brush his teeth for an hour, SO BE IT.
And no, this did not count as cheating on Juhi. There were no ( ... )
He readjusted his wig and tried to think like Lauren, but it was difficult. Possibly because he was a bloke, or maybe because he didn't know how she actually felt toward Sly. Flirty McFlirterson! That's all he could think of to be, because that's what she did. Supposedly.
"You do put the treat in trick or treat, I'll give you that. You'll be happy to know I've perfected the tricks," Erik replied, waggling his eyebrows as Sly had done before.
AHA! GOOD ONE! Except now he had to go wash his brain. Multiple times. He almost preferred the missing fingers now.
"You can surely talk a big game Miss Lauren," Sly purred wantonly, doing a little jig on the sofa, "but can you Back. It. Up?"
"Depends, obviously, on whether or not the right opportunity comes along," Erik replied with an exaggerated wink.
Trying his hardest not to laugh, he made sure to swivel his hips in a ridiculous way as he approached the sofa Sly was jigging on.
Stubborn. He could be Lauren for Halloween! Nooooo problem!
"Either Opportunity is knocking," he laughed, "or it's just yuir fake knockers sloshing about!"
He pointed and then wheezed for air, resuming the laughter. Ohhhh, too much.
Although Erik did have something serious to talk with Sly about, now was not the time. He'd get to that in a minute, once he'd changed of course. For now? Erik was having fun being bloody ridiculous. He hadn't had good, nonsensical fun in such a long time.
"If opportunity is knocking, I'd like to know who's at the door," Erik responded and flopped down onto the couch beside the laughing Gryffindor.
"And my knickers don't slosh, nor are they fake. I'm a very real woman, with wants and needs! I'm Lauren Dispenziere! Who am I to say no to a handsome bloke, hmn?"
He shot a very cheesy grin Sly's way. Too fun.
He threw a pillow at Lauren!Erik for emphasis. J'accuse!
As if Sly was a one-woman-snogger, anyway. HAH. Laughity laugh laugh.
"Autolycus! You know I can't resist when you throw pillows at me, love. I suppose I shall have to give up my single days of glory for you!" Erik said in a high pitched voice and flung himself at the boy.
And hugged him tighter than was thought to be humanly possible.
Besides, it wouldn't be long before conversation would turn serious. As in, discussing the war and such, not as in going steady. Two blokes, obviously nothing.... ah, bloody hell.
Being Lauren was very much confusing.... and Erik missed his brother, and Sly was currently doing a somewhat good job of partially filling the void, minus the whole snogging bit. So for now? Erik might have been a bit confused, but he was content too.
But Erik had been through a lot recently; more than his fair share.
Sly could sympathize, perhaps. Though he mightn't admit it right away.
He let him go, and ruffled the wig hair good-naturedly.
"Lauren'll have a fit when she spots this, y'know," he said at last with a characteristically lazy grin. "Be sure it's the first thing she sees when she comes downstairs, is my advice." Bwahaha. You can always count on Sly to lighten the mood.
"Oh, I know she'd go mental. She'll have to see it later, however, as I'm no longer in touch with my feminine side," Erik said with a shake of his head and took off his wig.
Sliding the skirt off to reveal shorts, and letting his pudding filled balloons drop to the floor, Erik smirked.
"Feel free to have a go, if you'd like," he said, pointing to the costume and laughing.
He looked down at his hand and wiggled his fingers a bit. Lucky. Erik Cohen was one lucky bloke.
There were things he wanted to ask, subjects he wanted to broach, but he wasn't sure how to go about it. Sly was much better at changing the subject, at deflecting attention away from serious matters, than approaching those things head-on. He stroked his chin, thoughtful, but trying not to appear too serious. The boy didn't want to make Erik uncomfortable, after all. Some people could sense these things about to happen and would expertly exit the scene, and he didn't want Erik to escape; not this time. He tilted his head, eyeing the Fifth Year with a warm gaze. He was a good lad... and he was being forced to grow up a lot more quickly than he should ( ... )
There was a bit of a silence then, though not too awkward. It was more of Erik raising an eyebrow at the fellow Gryffindor, who was stroking his chin. What was all this about, eh? Ah, Sly was apparently thinking, and asking random questions. He was probably trying to get into serious mode, and well... Erik could handle that.
"Well, it's pretty early in the day, mate... but it's started off well enough. I'd say it has potential," Erik said with a slight laugh.
But he cleared his throat a moment later, looking back down at his hand once again and swallowing hard.
"Though, I admit I expect most days to turn sour as of late..."
"You expect it, do you?" Sly said carefully, as his head tilted slowly in the other direction. Lazily, his legs stretched out before him along the expanse of sofa between them, getting comfortable. They might be here a while. Erik expected his days to turn sour. That could mean a lot of things, really. Right now, Sly was mulling over the 'self-fulfilling prophecy.' Hm. "Do ye plan for it? Perhaps... encourage it?"
He knew Erik was having trouble lately staying out of... well, trouble. With other people. Violent things. Trips to the Hospital Wing. Details were scarce because the two boys hadn't talked. But now was the talking time, it appeared. Sly didn't intend for his questions to sound invasive or accusatory, but he wanted to get at the root of what was really going on here. Because trips to the HW really shouldn't be forming a pattern.
"I don't think I ever encouraged bad days, and I still don't. There was one time I did want to fight, but it didn't end up that way. It seems when I'm holding back my anger and not attempting to use violence, that's when it blows up in my face," Erik explained, frowning a bit.
He still couldn't figure out what exactly he'd done to be thrown into this situation. There were other Gryffindors just as outspoken as he was, and they were hardly messed with. A few duels, but nothing like the level they reached with Erik's fights with Wesley.
"There's... a lot you don't know," Erik added a moment later, and brought his knees up to his chest.
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