Happy Birthday to Juhi!

Jun 20, 2006 20:54

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Trick or Treat' / Sunday, October 30 / 7:57 pm
Location: Ravenclaw Tower
Open To: THE BIRTHDAY GIRL! + Friends of Juhi, Ravenclaws of all shapes and sizes, approved non-Claws (Juhi's non-Claw mates must have permission from Emmy to sneak in, of course, as she's in charge of things here and is handling any and all sneaking-in ( Read more... )


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kuentastic June 21 2006, 02:10:06 UTC
Sascha. Was. Crazy. The poor girl had maybe went a tad over the top with the whole 'CBG Birthday' thing. Her present? It was expensive. Her outfit? It was over the top. Her feeling? Giddy like crazy. With her gift under her arm, she straightened her dress (a very stylish red evening gown, cut to her knees, with lace and glitter everywhere. The works.), and set off in a trot out of the Hufflepuff common room and toward the Ravenclaw commons.

As she rounded the corner to the castle, she wiggled the package under her arm a tad bit. The small box was slipping. Inside? A charm braclet, with handpicked charms. Including a broom, books, and Juhi's name. She smiled. This party was going to be great. Very exciting, really.

As she came up to the entrence to the 'Claw commons, she whispered a small 'sonorus' on her hand, and knocked on the wall. Hopefully this would work, and Emmy would hear it. It did, and she did. The wall sort of melted away, and the wooden door behind it opened up.

She shot Emmy a smile and looked around the room. "Oh, Emmy!" The room was amazing! "This is just wonderful!"


clover_manalo June 21 2006, 02:48:05 UTC
Upstairs in the 5th Year Girls' Dorm tutus of every size and color were flying across the room. Clover was buried halfway headfirst inside her schooltrunk, desperately looking for something to wear. She'd had a peek a few minutes ago at the decorations and Emmy had gone BERSERK! She should have expected that, really -- but now Clover was in a panic. Was everyone supposed to dress up all sparkly and such? It looked almost fancier than the decorations for the Yule Ball! Clover hadn't anything frilly but for her dance clothes, and leotards with tights somehow did not seem to match the occasion.

The girl toppled out of her trunk, hair askew and pouting at the mess she'd made, still having no idea what to do. A small wrapped box poked with tiny holes hopped a little atop her bed, and she gasped. "Shhh!" she hushed at it. "It's not time yet, ohhhhh dear." The box mewled at her forlornly. Clover reached over to straighten the big floppy blue bow atop its lid and sighed.

Then a thought struck her. She was a witch, duh.

Clover strapped on some of her eggshell pink tights and a pale blue leotard and matching tutu, and made sure to stand up straight. She pulled out her wand and aimed it at herself, uttering a Transfiguration spell to alter her leotard and tutu into a fully-formed frock, of the same pale blue color and the same fluffy chiffon material, only much longer, down to her calves. She also had short puffy, jagged sleeves that jutted out from her shoulders, just a little longer than they had been, and the dress was all one piece, instead of a leotard and skirt. A few opaque sequins adorned the top and skirt here and there to pick up the light in odd places. Clover took a look in the full length mirror, almost afraid to see the results. But it seemed alright, after all! She busily tamed her curls, for they looked a fright after her short panic, and strapped on her ballet slippers. She figured they would do for shoes, well enough.

As if on cue, the box on her bed hopped again, impatient. Clover snuck over and scooped it up, telling it to keep quiet or it would spoil the surprise, and finally tromped down the stairs. Deep breath, and -- into the party room!!

"Hullo, girls!"


gfoxheart June 21 2006, 07:53:09 UTC
As he ran across his dormitory floor to change his clothing for Juhi's party that Emmy had set up downstairs, Gabriel had realized how excited he was and happy for Juhi. He was happy that she had finally become the age she had been waiting for for so long. He didn't have anything to congratulate her with, sadly, other than a kind word or maybe some advice, though she was a Ravenclaw. If you're a Ravenclaw, who would give you advice? They were, in fact, in the wisest of all houses.

He pulled on some blue jeans, then changed his tie to his favorite teal colored one, which was only his favorite because it was teal because other than that he hated ties, and finally a dark blue dress jacket to finish off the ensemble. He had to fix his hair now because it was very messy, yet it only took a few minutes then he was done. He gazed at himself in the mirror, proud of how handsome, that he believed, he looked. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. After a moment Gabriel re-opened them and said to himself "You're ready."

He calmly went back to the dormitory door and went out, closing it behind him. Gabriel didn't quicken his pace as he came down the stairs to the very well-decorated common room all thanks to the Ravenclaw Quidditch team captain, Emmy, herself. He gazed around at all the decorations and smiled. He liked the idea at the big throne-like chair in the middle, a very nice touch.


cassidy_f June 22 2006, 02:01:59 UTC
Rather like Clover, Cassidy had not known about this whole dressing-up thing. But not wanting to be a party-pooper, she just conjured something up quickly- the first thing that came to her mind.

She walked down the stairs in a long, purposefully-overdone-with-sashes-and-hems-and-other-things black dress with a long ribbon on her arm that said "MISS EUROPE" in big shiny silver letters, that she planned on giving to Juhi. Under said arm was a medium-sized box that she was very eager to put with the other presents. It was rather heavy- and inside it was a large book of music she had found at Hogsmeade. And even better- the music changed. Not like the actual songs changed, but every time you open the book you have a different song. Cassidy thought Juhi would like it as she played piano and guitar.

Walking into the common room, both eyebrows shot up as Cassidy looked around. She placed the box on the table with the presents, and walked over to Emmy. "Wow," she said, impressed. "You did this in what, five minutes? This place was normal when I was last down here."


jacimannix June 23 2006, 04:40:38 UTC
Jaci stood quietly at the bottom of the stairs and peered around the doorway into the common room. Normally, she wasn't at all shy about making herself comfortable, it was her common room after all, but this was different. This time, it was a party for Juhi, someone she looked up to and adored, but that also meant it would likely be mostly upper years.

Her gaze shifted quickly around the room, taking in what each of the other party attendees was wearing and then she glanced down at her own outfit. Her purple dress wasn't nearly as fancy as what some of the other girls were wearing, though that was to be expected, as she was only twelve. Still, it was her favorite, particularly because of the way it had a satin ribbon to wrap around her waist as a belt, and was long enough to fall just past her knees. Her mum hadn't even questioned why she wanted it, just owled it over as soon as she'd asked. With her free hand, she smoothed an imaginary wrinkle out of her skirt and then gave herself a nod. Now or never.

As silently as possible, she moved the rest of the way into the room, making a bee-line for the gifts table. The pink and purple wrapped box in her hand wasn't very large, but she was pleased by the selection of Muggle gel pens, highlighters, and markers that she'd had her sister purchase. It was the stationery she was most proud of, however, the simple pink parchment with her friend's name embossed across the top of it. Even the small pink envelopes made her smile. She lowered her box to the table and gave it a little pat before moving onward to the hats table to see what she could create.


niamh_gannon June 24 2006, 03:51:05 UTC
Niamh had been terrified when she'd heard the news about the party, however, since it was for Juhi, she'd been determined to go anyway. She'd spent all week working on Juhi's birthday present. She couldn't afford to buy her older friend anything, but she couldn't not give her a gift. So she'd worked long and hard on a sketch. It wasn't very good, certainly, as Niamh was rather shaky as an artist, but she'd poured all she could into it.

It was a drawing of Juhi playing her guitar, with Erik standing on a bench nearby, singing his heart out. Well, at least, that was what it was supposed to be. The shapes were all a bit off, but she had worked very hard on it and felt sort of proud of it. She'd rolled it up and tied a piece of festive ribbon around it. It was one of her hair bows, but it was all she had to use and Juhi was worth it. She'd saved Niamh several times over, especially when that horrid Slytherin had taken her wand.

And now the party had arrived. Niamh stood on the last step from the girls' dormitory, staring in awe at the common room. It was an entirely different room. And what was worse was that everyone was all dressed up. Niamh looked down at her sad old skirt and blouse and blushed. She really didn't belong here, did she? She sighed and made herself enter the room anyway, going directly for the gift table and setting her drawing on it with the other presents.

Then she moved to the hat table and stood beside Jaci to make one of her own. She was still blushing and feeling extremely uncomfortable, but at least she had Jaci to talk to for now. She smiled at the older girl, "Hi, Jaci," she mumbled, reaching for a quill.


brenden_elliot June 30 2006, 08:06:33 UTC
Brenden checked himself over in the mirror. He looked nice, spiffy even. He was wearing a faded pair of jeans, a casual button up shirt, with a blue tie hanging loosely from his neck. He had no idea why he was dressing up, really, just that he was. And Emmy was. Which may or may not have influenced his decision. They'd spent most of the day in Hogsmeade, shopping for the party, so he was sure the common room below was completely transformed. He winked at himself in the mirror, and set off at a trot down the stairs.

Emerging in the common room, he saw that is was already semi-packed, though nothing like it was going to be. He sat the music box he had found at the antique store, which he had wrapped in frilly blue gift tissue, on the table with the other guests and looked around. He spotted Emmy, Clover, Cassidy, and Sascha standing near the door.

Walking over, he gave a slight wave. "Wow, Em, things turned out great." He patted her on the back, but quickly pulled away. This was for Juhi. His feelings for Emmy weren't going to influence his having fun at the party.

"So, when is her royal highness coming? I imagine that Erik is some how involved?"


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