
Feb 27, 2006 14:49

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Back to School' / Monday, September 5th / Throughout the day.
Location: Muggle Studies Classroom.
Open To: Any student taking Muggle Studies.
Currently Involving: Prof. Dalina.

The First Day Of Classes, Indeed. )

classroom-threads, week-001

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5th Years: prof_dalina February 27 2006, 20:03:10 UTC
Two items were placed on a table. One a spark plug, the other an outlet.

The board read, "Open your text books, read up on 'Spark Plugs' and 'Electrical Outlets' and explain the differences in the two plugs.


Re: 5th Years: juhi_saraf March 1 2006, 15:47:21 UTC
Juhi walked into the room, annoyed at feeling slightly nervous; her lunch just seemed heavy in her stomach.
"Great. First one here. I hope adding this class was a good decision," she thought.

She picked a desk and started settling in, reading the board and looking for the teacher. Oh yeah, Professor Dalina. The woman was impossibly cute, at least.

She read the assignment on the board and felt a bit of a pang. Yep, this was definitely going to give her insight into her grandparents' life. But reading and then comparing/contrasting? That she could do! She began getting out the materials.


Re: 5th Years: prof_dalina March 2 2006, 03:22:51 UTC
Dalina noticed that she had a new student, whom must have just picked up her class.

"Oh, hello! Im professor Dalina, or Larae, whichever you prefer. You've just started this class, haven't you? Well, I hope you enjoy it."


Re: 5th Years: juhi_saraf March 2 2006, 04:26:48 UTC
"I could NEVER call a teacher by their first name!" Juhi thought. She felt slightly scandalized.

"Oh, yes, this is my first year. Um, in your subject, I mean. I'm a fifth year, obviously, hehe," she stuttered. Then she took a deep breath and met the woman's eyes and felt a bit more comfortable.

"My name's Juhi. I'm in Ravenclaw." She smiled. "I dropped divination; I'm sure I'll like Muggle Studies. I pretty much just like CLASS." She shrugged a little.


Re: 5th Years: prof_dalina March 2 2006, 04:30:38 UTC
"Oh, thats fine. Some students say they feel more at ease with their teachers if allowed to call them by their first name, so I give them that option." Larae liked this girl immediatly. She was a hard worker, and dedicated to her studies.

Larae smiled as the girl stuttered. She was nervous. "Oh, that's wonderful! Fifth year classes are a tad bit hard, due to OWLs, but I'm sure you will do fine. If you ever need any help, you can always come and ask me." Smiling, she took a quill from her drawer, and wrote down her name on her class list.

"Im glad to have you Juhi."


Re: 5th Years: juhi_saraf March 2 2006, 05:02:23 UTC
"Thank you."

Good. That was good! Juhi opened her book and began the assignment. Within a few secondes she was completely relaxed and barely even aware of the classroom.


Re: 5th Years: prof_dalina March 3 2006, 02:06:10 UTC
Larae looked at Juhi, who was hard at work. Deciding not to bother her, she would wait to talk to her more when she was finished.


Re: 5th Years: juhi_saraf March 3 2006, 02:57:32 UTC
Done! Juhi walked up to Professor Dalina's desk to turn in her paper. She didn't want to disturb anyone, and, also, she wouldn't mind looking at everything at the front of the room. She was always fascinating by the things people surrounded themselves with.

"Here's my work, Professor", she said. "I have to admit, it's a little weird having a teacher I don't know again. That hasn't really happened in a while. You were in Hufflepuff at Hogwarts, right?" Now that her assignment was done and it hadn't proven to be anything too difficult, Juhi felt a bit more relaxed.


Re: 5th Years: prof_dalina March 3 2006, 04:10:25 UTC
Larae looked down at the paper. It was good, and she could tell that Juhi had worked hard on it. "Oh, thank you Juhi. It looks great." She smiled knowingly at her. "Yes, I understand where you are coming from. Having new teachers and the like can be very strange, especially switching classes after two years."

Nodding, she said, "Yes, I was in Hufflepuff, oh so long ago."

"Oh, yes, I forgot, you get an
... )


Re: 5th Years: juhi_saraf March 3 2006, 04:38:14 UTC
Juhi smiled at the compliment of her work.

"So, was Muggle Studies your favorite class? Why did you decide to teach it?"

Juhi took her paper back carefully, so as not to wrinkle it. Between the other Ravenclaws and her teasing Gryffindor friends, she never when she'd need the physical proof of a good grade.


Re: 5th Years: prof_dalina March 3 2006, 21:47:57 UTC
"Well, yes. Being Half-Blood, I thought it highly important to have an understand of Muggles from both perspectives, so thats why I decided to teach it."


Re: 5th Years: juhi_saraf March 4 2006, 04:06:57 UTC
A half-blood? A lot of extremely personal questions popped into Juhi's mind when she heard this information. She didn't feel comfortable asking them, though. After all, she reminded herself, this woman didn't even know her. But she'd remember that.

After a brief hesitation she simply said "Oh. Yes, I can understand how that might be the case. Well, thank you, Professor."

Juhi walked back to her seat and organzied her materials for the rest of the afternoon. She was just getting out her Arthimancy book when the period ended. She made sure to catch Professor Dalina's eye and smile as she left the room. All in all, not a bad first interaction.

((Annnnd Juhi out. She wants to play with Mason! XD))


Re: 5th Years: fiyeroauguste March 6 2006, 04:40:19 UTC
Fiyero yawned as he strolled into the classroom taking a seat in the dead center of the class. Fiyero cursed his bloody schedule for giving him classes at 8am. Although used to waking up early to work out, the boy was not yet accustomed to focusing on studies at such an early hour.

Lucky for him this first assignment did not seem too challenging. Opening up his book he began to read over chapters describing the two items taking notes, as he was sure his brain was not currently capable of retaining information.


Re: 5th Years: prof_dalina March 6 2006, 21:43:24 UTC
"Top o' the morning to ya, Mr. Auguste." She smiled as he sat down. She noticed that he looked.....not to happy. "Early morning classes getting you down?"


Re: 5th Years: fiyeroauguste March 7 2006, 02:23:06 UTC
"Oh no, not at all," Fiyero quickly responded not wanting to make a bad impression, especially on the first day back to class." He smiled slightly to show that his statement was sincere.

"Starting out simple," he asked realizing that todays lesson was simply building off of another from last term.


Re: 5th Years: prof_dalina March 7 2006, 02:51:13 UTC
"Oh, thats good. More people should have that attitude." Larae laughed, and caught his smile, and returned it.

"Oh yes, this is your easy assignment for the month. Next we, we get a little harder." Larae had it all planned out. Next week's lesson, it was going to be.......interesting, to say the least.


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