
Jun 09, 2006 17:51

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Countdown to Darkness' / Thursday, October 27th / 3:05 pm
Location: Gryffindor Common Room
Open To: Juhi
Currently Involving: Jackie

Girl Talk? )

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Comments 30

juhi_saraf June 10 2006, 03:22:40 UTC
Juhi turned the corner toward Gryffindor common room and spotted Jackie. She waved at the girl happily and stopped walking when Jackie called out to her, surprised at the invitation. "Really?" She jogged toward the portrait, trying to remember the last time she'd actually talked to the girl.

Hesitating briefly outside, she grinned at Jackie. "Okay, I have to admit, though, that I don't have any specific PLANS with Erik. I was just going to hang about a bit. But I haven't seen you in forever! I hate that we don't even have classes together, at least." She peeked past her friend into the common room. It looked deserted, from here at least.


jackie_zhang June 10 2006, 03:44:01 UTC
Jackie grinned, linking arms with the other girl and walking into the common room. "Yeah, I know! With all the commotion in the beginning of the year, it's been hard to track everyone down and just say 'hi!' or ask how've they been doing."

She released Juhi and plopped down on the couch. With another smile and a wink, she asked, "So... hi! How have you been doing? What's new? Tell me everything!"


juhi_saraf June 10 2006, 05:09:42 UTC
Juhi linked arms with Jackie happily, and looked briefly around the common room as they entered it. Maybe THIS time she'd remember what it was like. She nodded in agreement with the Gryffindor. "Yeh, it has. I don't recall ever being quite so BUSY at Hogwarts before this year."

Once released, Juhi plopped down on the floor in front of Jackie, crosslegged and focused on the other girl. "I've been...good, over all. Very very good. Most of everything that's new pertains to Erik" a small frown threatened at that statement, "or being a prefect," an eyeroll accompanied that remark. "Hey! I met Ming this week! I told him I'd give him the chocolate my Da sends, he said you do the same thing!"

"Same questions at you," she twirled her hand around at the wrist in a gesture that seemed to say etc, etc, etc, and grinned.


jackie_zhang June 10 2006, 12:43:29 UTC
Jackie grinned, and leaned over, propping her head in her hands and her elbows on her knees. "Yeah, Ming. He's like my kid brother... practically is, considering I've had to chase after him when he got in trouble when we were younger. I never thought a five-year old would have that much energy. I don't even know if I ever did."

"Oh! I never did say... 'Congrats! on making prefect!" Her grin grew larger. "Have you ever threatened to take points away from Erik for his insatiable craziness?" She gave a mischievous wink. "Not that I think that would help in his wrathing crusade."

"Me? Hmm... besides missing the Love Potion escapade, I've been pretty good." She sighed. "I suppose everyone in the tower knows my recent..." She coughed. "Boy troubles...? But I think everything's getting back to normal."

Jackie looked a bit thoughtful, as she hesitantly added. "I hope they are... though I still wish I could change my feelings with a snap. So, they won't keep me confused and wishy-washy."


jackie_zhang June 16 2006, 03:16:58 UTC
"Yeah... they're friends." Jackie relaxed a little and smiled. "He's the one who actually introduced us last year... and she's so bubbly and friendly... It's a bit hard to figure how they became friends, but..." she shrugged, "the same could be said about how we became friends as well... considering how different we are. Kendra's like a big sister." She grinned ( ... )


juhi_saraf June 16 2006, 17:36:53 UTC
Juhi gave a small frown as Jackie described Kendra. "She sounds like Em...wait, I think she and Emmy ARE friends. And a Puff named Kat, too." She grinned at Jackie. "Do you know Emmy Ackart? I'm beginning to think I don't know enough of Hufflepuff House." She thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah...pretty much only the fifth years. Shame on me ( ... )


jackie_zhang June 16 2006, 20:42:22 UTC
Jackie nodded. "I think I met Emmy a year or so ago, but I haven't talked to her recently." She giggled at Juhi's remark though. "I... don't think I know that many Hufflepuffs either. Or at least, I think I know more Hufflepuffs than Slytherins... and that's always good in my book." She grinned.

"Ooo... Happy Birthday then!" Her smile broadened. "If Erik doesn't think of anything... I'll wrath on him myself!" She winked.

"Wow... I can't imagine it. Well, I could, but still, it would be really interesting to see." She thought about how Juhi would talk to Gabe. At least, it wouldn't be as bad as Charlie ranting... or would it?


juhi_saraf June 17 2006, 05:01:18 UTC
"I know more Puffs than Slytherins, too, I think! Oh my goodness...I hope! I might have to get Emmy to introduce me to Kat and Kendra, just to be safe. Cause I agree with your book." Juhi nodded at Jackie, completely serious.

She blushed just a little. "Oh, uhm, thanks! I'm sure Erik will plan something. He's...well, I bet he will. He's good about that. And I'm not one for a big deal, anyway. All that attention and yeah. No." Juhi made a note to ask him about all this wrathing, though. It had made an impression on Jackie, if nothing else.

Then she buried her face in her hands. "It's probably best if you don't even imagine it. It'd be interesting to see, I'm sure, but high uncomfortable for everyone involved." Juhi looked up, and raised an eyebrow at her friend. "Still, you let me know if you change your mind, hmmm?"


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