
Jun 08, 2006 19:31

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Countdown to Darkness' / Saturday, October 29th / 10:38 am
Location: Courtyard
Open To: Akira first, then Ari, Sascha, Ming
Currently Involving: Jackie

Note to mods: All players have agreed to forgo posting order once all five characters are in. This is due to time constraints on two players. Thanks for understanding!

Oh no... it's an Asian Invasion! )

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arisu_ryusaki June 14 2006, 03:36:34 UTC
Poor Aki would see no girls snogging. Ari preferred her snogging partners to be male, thanks, so she wasn't about to go off and kiss a friend to prove a point. I'm sure Akira will somehow manage to survive.

"Oh, yes," she told him, trying to sound pained. "It's horribly tragic. I'm not sure if I'll ever recover. I may have to go about the rest of my days moping about and being depressed because I couldn’t get in some cheek-pinching. Woe is me." Cue dramatic sighing and what have you.

And that ended a moment later when she was distracted by Sascha. ADD much? "I think it would be very effective," she responded, sounding perfectly normal now. Though Ming seemed to be running from her. That wasn't very nice of him. She wasn't going to hurt him! All she wanted was to give him a kiss on the cheek and then prove that yes, her lips would still be in their normal place. But sadly, he was hiding behind Akira.

More tears!

And the kidlet was speaking again, which caused Ari to collapse in a fit of giggles. Oh dear. How old was he again? It seemed rather odd that he still thought all of this. Granted, Ari seemed to have missed that stage. She had been one of the little girls who chased boys around the playground in preschool and elementary school and tried to kiss them. "Ming, dear, you can kiss absolutely anyone, married or not. It's one of the wonders of the world. And you could even do it in front of whoever you want." She nodded knowingly, still giggling.

Luckily for him, she was distracted YET AGAIN and all plotting was forgotten. "Pfft, lies," she told Jackie, waving her hand dismissively. "I eat my vegetables and I'm still short." Sadly, it was true. Try as she might, she couldn't get taller than 5'4. "Don't listen to her," she told Ming, turning to him. "Stick with the chocolate; it tastes better and is just as much help."

What was that thing about setting a good example for the youngins and what not? Apparently, Ari never heard about it.


tzeming June 16 2006, 01:52:52 UTC
Ming held onto Akira's robes and was trying to hide behind him when Ari spoke again. "You could pinch HIS cheeks," he suggested, pointing up at Akira. Anything to distract the insanity towards himself. Anything. So much for men sticking together, eh?

"And I don't want to kiss anyone. That's GROSS!" Ew, seriously, the mouth is for eating, and talking. Why were they even discussing this? When she said that they could kiss in front everyone, he almost died. His eyes widened by a lot and his nose scrunched up as if he had just smelt something really awful. Like the stinking tofu or something. "Are you insane? You're gonna kiss right here?!" He covered his eyes quickly and mumbled "I'm not looking, I'm not looking" repeatedly, knowing it must've looked silly, but this was going to be traumatizing!

He heard the mention of being tall and lifted one hand from his eyes a little. "I want to be tall. Do they have chocolates that make you grow taller, too?" No more vitamin pills, no more vegetables? This sounded too good to be true!


jackie_zhang June 16 2006, 03:42:29 UTC
Jackie laughed when Ming suggested pinching Akira's cheeks, wondering if Ari would take the suggestion. It would serve him right as he was the one who started this cheek-pinching business.

"Ari!" She mock-scolded her friend, although she was giggling at the 'chocolate is better than vegetables' line. "You still have a few years left to grow... and Ming! You have to eat your vegetables!" Gawd, she hoped she didn't sound like his mother.

Then, she looked thoughtful. Maybe if they had chocolates that were packed with vitamins like vegetables, kids would like them more... but that would probably be some potion-induced chocolate which wouldn't last too long (unless taken consistently, which would just be like taking vitamins everyday, so there wouldn't be any point to that, would there?).


akirahara June 16 2006, 14:48:40 UTC
Yes, really. So much for men sticking up for each other. After Ming had made his oh-so-wonderful suggestion of Ari pinching his cheeks instead, Akira had placed a hand on each of the kid's shoulders and pulled the kid from behind him to in front of him. It almost looked like he was holding out a sacrificial lamb to be slaughtered.

"Here." Akira said and grinned, nodding towards Ming. "I bring you Ming. I hold, you pinch?"

It was kind of amusing how everyone in the group had advice for growing taller. It was Akira's turn to add in his own two cents, no? "I'm not sure how much vegetables and chocolate can improve your height. But hey, I'm sure you've heard of the saying "A pinch to grow an inch!"" It went something like that, though, that was usually what happened during birthdays. Birthday pinches and birthday punches.


tzeming June 16 2006, 17:56:32 UTC
In fact, Ming thought Jackie sounded exactly like his mother. And he wouldn't hesitate to tell her so. "Jackieeeeeeee! You sound like my Ma. Have you been taking nagging classes with her?" he whined, and pouted, still hiding a little behind Akira. Well, obviously, not for long.

Because the next thing he knew, two hands were planted firmly on his shoulders, and Ming, poor Ming, being the ickle innocent firstie that he was, couldn't do anything to fend off this boy's... advances. And so he advanced, like an innocent waiting to be sacrificed, indeed.

But he wouldn't go down without a fight. Noooooo.

"Naaarrrggghhh!!" He let out the strangled noise and reached behind blindly for Akira's shirt and gave a pull, hoping to catch him off balance.

Pinching a kid's cheeks would traumatise him for a life, hadn't they heard?


arisu_ryusaki June 16 2006, 19:20:08 UTC
Ari laughed again. "Well, don't worry; no one is making you kiss anyone." He probably wouldn't be doing any of that for quite a few years, maybe longer seeing as he seemed rather scarred by all of this. She tilted her head to one side curiously as he hid his face to stop himself from seeing any snogging. "I'm not going to kiss anyone," she told him, biting back a laugh. No, she had abandoned that idea. "You can look."

They really weren't being very nice, ganging up on Ming like that. Ah well. It was all in good fun. And hey, it builds character. Or something. Ming, of course, didn't seem to take it that way. No, not at all. Once he was placed in front of Aki, he only growled and pulled at Akira's shirt. It was almost frightening. Needless to say, Ari was a bit taken aback. "How about we free him?" she suggested, watching Ming with a look of amusement. "We shall get him another time. When he stops trying to kill you." She would have patted him on the head or something but it seemed like Ming would have bitten her or something if she tried anything.

She smiled innocently when Jackie scolded her. "I'm just telling him the truth; vegtables are absolutely no help." Well, neither was chocolate nor pinching. Still, those two were far more fun.


akirahara June 16 2006, 20:13:52 UTC
Akira had never been like one of those super jocks who were super strong and super big to the point they could never be knocked over. But, compared to an eleven year old shorty, Akira was pretty confident to say that he could properly stand his ground without getting knocked over. Even if the kid had a pretty strong grip on his shirt.

Release him? Wot? After all that trouble to offer her the monster and now she wanted him released? Woe! Such an indecisive person, that Ari. Boo!

However, Akira didn't really want to release the kid now. Especially not when said kid still had a death grip on his shirt (thank goodness he didn't wear his favourite!). Why, it wouldn't be fair! Besides, as a senior student it was only right to pass on the proper manners. "Alright then. Since we've all been standing around for awhile." He pulled off one hand from the boy, but he kept the other still on Ming, you know, just in case the kid suddenly had a crazy urge to swing around and go apey. Protection first!


jackie_zhang June 16 2006, 20:51:45 UTC
Jackie rolled her eyes, and then stopped herself. Eye-rolling was Ming's mother's signature trait too. Oh, gawd, she was turning into one! Ach! Then, she thought about it some more... and turned to tease Ming. "If I were your mother, I wouldn't be buying you chocolate frogs, would I?"

And then he went to hide again behind Akira only to be pulled to the front by Aki, and tormented further in front of Ari. At least, Ari had some sense not to try to kiss or pinch him... as she probably wouldn't appreciate it if Ming started kicking more.

She thought about arguing about vegetables again, but decided against it and sighed. "Ming, don't worry. Akira's not going to hurt you... and neither is Ari."


tzeming June 17 2006, 02:38:20 UTC
Since Ming had managed to get a good grip on Akira's shirt, favourite or not, he wasn't going to let go so easily, not unless the older let go first, of course. "Yeah, let go of me!" He frowned, turning back a little to stick his tongue out at him.

"But.. but, he's hurting me! His hand is so bony!" he started whining to Jackie, putting on what he thought was the best voice to use around sympathetic females. It worked with his grandmother every time. But then, again, his grandmother was ancient, so that might pose a problem.

He tilted his shoulder a little, the one with Akira' hand on it, and pouted at the group. "Big bullies, all of you." Weren't they supposed to be heading to Hogsmeade and have their grown-up fun now? He let out a barely audible sigh as he thought about that again, meaning that he'd have to go back into the castle soon and have absolutely no fun. Boo.


arisu_ryusaki June 19 2006, 16:25:50 UTC
Pfft, Ari was incredibly indecisive. It helped that she had an rather short attention span. Really, Akira had no reason to be surprised. Ming should be happy though that Ari decided to back off. Well, for now anyway.

"He's not hurting you," Ari reprimanded. Had if been anyone else who had a death grip on Ming, she would have believed him. But this was Akira; he wouldn't go around hurting firties.

Well, he had been thinking DIRTY thoughts so who knows what he's capable of.

"We're not bullies!" Ari cried indignantly. On second thought, grabbing a little kid and threating to kiss and/or pinch him could probably constitute as bullying. Hurm. Well, at least the big bit was false. Well, in Ari's case, at least. She was only a few inches taller than him. That was really quite unfair. She was 5 years old but only had two inches on him? The horror!

"So. Are we doing to do something?" No, she wasn't changing the subject to avoid getting called a bully again. Of course not. Of course, it was Hogsmeade weekend; what was the point of standing around and tormenting firsties when they could be off buying sweets and generally being merry. She did feel rather bad for the kid though; he would have to stay behind when they all went off to have their fun.


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