(no subject)

Jun 05, 2006 22:42

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Countdown to Darkness' / Fri. Oct. 28th /1 PM
Location: Just outside the great hall
Open To: Blaze
Currently Involving: Adrien

It had been a blessedly quiet week. No more evil globes, carnivorous plants, and best of all, no more howlers. Most of the talk in the great hall was about tomorrow’s trip to Hogsmeade instead of last weeks events but either way, Adrien didn’t want to linger. He was still wary of some of his housemates because of the secret he had written in that stupid book so he was still doing his best to stay away. After he finished his lunch, he had retreated to the hallways and now, he was wandering aimlessly.

This seemed to be a reoccurring theme. More often than not, he found himself trudging through the corridors with no real destination in mind. One would think that after being at Hogwarts for so long, he would have found some way to pass the time but obviously that wasn’t the case. So now he had two hours to kill and absolutely nothing to do. Joy.

He sighed softly before turning on his heels to head for the common room. While being watched by rather creepy portraits and counting the cracks on the walls was all horribly thrilling, he would rather do something productive. Of course, by ‘something productive’ he meant reading that odd thriller novel he had nicked from one of his housemates.

It was a sad, sad day when Adrien Bennet was planning on reading. He could go find some 4th year to hassle or a friend to talk to but instead, he was going to spend some quality time with a book. He was a disgrace to slackers everywhere. Ah well. Life goes on and all that. Plus friends and 4th years alike would be pleased that he wasn't there to bug them.

week-008, adrien-bennet

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