
Jun 05, 2006 19:21

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Countdown to Darkness' / Fri. Oct. 28th / 12:45 PM
Location: Great Hall
Open To: ....not you. the person shall know. XD
Currently Involving: Dustin Alden

What brings people together? SCONES... )


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dustin_alden June 7 2006, 03:01:09 UTC
Dustin had to think about this a moment. Was she suggesting that Gryffindors were making up stories about ducks? Well, that sounded accurate to him. It was probably hilarious, but she didn't seem to think so, and therefore he did not laugh. He took a bit of a scone near him and nodded knowingly. Yes, he had many Gryffindor friends, and he would past any one of them to have some sort of event planned with cows.

"Cows are pretty digusting. So, naturally, the Gryffindors are probably going to involve a cow in something. I'd suggest we stay clear of that, only trouble can come of it," Dustin agreed with her, in some strange sort of way, and finished off the scone. Dustin hated trouble of any sort. Odd then that he would continue to have a conversation with OPHELIA of all people.

And she put bitten scones back on the pile! She had no right to scold him about manners now. She didn't want to eat them, and yet she was. People were confusing. Any more of this and Dustin was going to hide himself on the Quidditch Pitch forever.

"I don't want you to help me eat them! The house elves will just forever continue to make them and we'll be here forever. I need ideas. I am tired of pyramids. And I think you've got ideas in there somewhere," Dustin told her and examined her closely.

Oh yes, she had ideas. He could tell.


opheliaballard June 8 2006, 03:23:07 UTC
What was this 'we'? Puffs with no names thinking they could group together Ophelia in a 'we'. It was really rather more than annoying, so she took to looking smugly at him in contempt. Of course, the picture was somewhat lessened by the scone bulging her left cheek. She managed to swallow it and could therefore contempt AWAY.

IDEAS?! WHO DID THIS PUFF THINK HE WAS? She could eat his silly scones any time she liked. Pick a time, a day, SHE WOULD BE THERE. Eating his scones. Irritating he was.

"Listen here boyo," she started again, pointing her finger straight at his nose, "I can eat any of your scones I want. Can eat them any time I want," she paused in her argument, and reconsidered. Weeeell, it wouldn't hurt to know what he was on about, "And just so you know, I don't give ideas for free. MY ideas, they are hard to get. Priiiized."

She rested her chin on her hands and gazed up at the boy with eyes almost closed.


dustin_alden June 8 2006, 04:28:28 UTC
She had almost lost him at 'boyo'. He was still listening, though only through his laughter. He knew he should be frightened, he was scared of almost everyone else, but something about her struck him as funny. Maybe it was the scone that had previously been making her cheek puff out to an unusually large size. It was rather chipmunk-ish or something.

"That you can. I told you I would share them with you! You didn't seem as though you wanted to eat them then. They do say that things are much more appealing when they seem off limits, but I've no real experience with that. I still don't know who they are exactly," Dustin said, thoughts wandering toward the end of his speech.

Hmn. What kind of price would he have to pay for her ideas? He wasn't really worth anything. He wasn't rich, he wasn't smart enough to do her class work, he played Quidditch... but it wasn't as if he'd ever pick scone ideas over winning a game. Bah.

"I'm listening," he said simply, urging her to continue.

If things got uncomfortable, he was bolting. For that reason, he sort of shifted his weight in preparation. Not taking any chances with quacky Mallard girls.


opheliaballard June 8 2006, 04:42:46 UTC
Ophelia simply gave the boy a glare. A real one, full of the ol' Ballard charm. The same sort of charm that got them booted from France in the late 18th century. She didn't appreciate some Puff nobody calling her bluff.

"I can change my mind IF I WANT BOYO. And don't tell me what's off limits to me or not. Watch who you limit things to, eh Puffie No-name?" she flashed him a wicked sort of grin, and went back to daintily nibbling the edges off a cranberry scone.

WHAT? He expected her to come up with things to do with scones just on whim? Usually she threw them at things... passerby, portraits, small furry animals... but she didn't think this blokesie would go into that sort of thing too much. Shame shame.

"Well I'M not talking. If you don't have anything, give me a reason, eh? Why should I? EH EH?"

That's right, intimidate him. Nevermind you had nothing in mind. As of yet. Scones scones what to do with a pyramid of scooooones.


dustin_alden June 8 2006, 22:15:36 UTC
She was definitely a Slytherin. Dustin shifted a bit uneasily under her glare, but soon she was back to eating ALL HIS BLOODY SCONES, and that seemed rather okay. Oddly enough.

So... why should she give him ideas? They weren't friends, they weren't housemates, she didn't seem to like him much as she kept creeching like a banshee at him... so... why? He had nothing to offer, she was having a grand old time eating the scones. Bah. This was a difficult question to answer. So, Dustin decided that for once he'd go on instinct.

"Because you are bored. You have to be, otherwise you would have just scoffed and walked away from me by now. Er... right?" Dustin said and watched her nervously.

If he was wrong, he was in trouble. He made himself a mental note to get a good luck charm of some sort. He needed it desperately.


opheliaballard June 8 2006, 23:39:11 UTC
Because she was BORED? As if she would spend time wasting all her precious ideas on a Puff if she were BORED. Much better things to do than that! Huff huff. She gave him a right cold look and stood up about to just that: scoff and leave, scoff!

She stopped with her leg up over the bench, and reconsidered. Well, she was bored. And she had had her fill of scones. Might as well... as long as he did all the work really.

Oozing back into her seat, her glare dissolved away into a glittering smile. Oh yes, she was a charmer!

"Well then. You want an idea for your sconeses. I suppose I will be generous enough to bestow one upon you," pausing, her expression grew slightly more fanatic, and she edged up to him... though not too close, "though if I do this, I may call upon you to do something for me. THAT TIME MAY NEVER COME HOWVER!" she finished by yelling, jumping straight out of her seat again.

She ran down the tables and rummaged about them, as if looking for something. AH HA! Finding what she wanted, she grabbed a pot of jam, and motioned for the boy to do the same. More jam jam jam.


dustin_alden June 9 2006, 02:32:21 UTC
It appeared as though she were leaving. That was too bad, as Dustin was finally trying his hardest to get along with a Slytherin and despite the yelling she didn't seem to be so bad. Except she wasn't leaving! HA! Perhaps Dustin had been correct after all. That didn't happen too often. He might as well enjoy it now, even if she did hex him later or something.

Wait... so... was she going to ask him to do something for her or not? She said she was, but that maybe she wasn't, and now he was slightly confused. OH WELL. She had some sort of idea, and that seemed worth the confusion. Er... jam? Right, well, perhaps they would use the jam to... put on the scones.

Dustin was not good with creative. Not at all. Thankfully, he was fast, as he didn't make Quidditch Captain for nothing.

He sped around the Great Hall, grabbing as many pots of jam as he could find.

"You are mad as anything Ballard, but I think I might just like you!" Dustin shouted to her from across the room.

Possibly. If she didn't... punch him or something.


opheliaballard June 9 2006, 02:57:40 UTC
Oh good, he was being a lovely little minion. So he was a Puff, bah. He wasn't all bad really. A bit batty and a bit annoying but all in all, not baaad. For ordering around anyhow. Not bad for a mudblood.

...Right up to the point he called her WHAT NOW? Really. How rude! Ophelia turned back to him across the hall with an armful of jam pots and gave him a withering look.

"HEY! LOOKIE HERE YOU! I'M NOT ANYWHERE NEAR MAD, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!" YES who DID he think he was?! Picking up a scone, she wrenched her arm back and threw it at his head. AH the loveliness of food items that are easily available to be thrown.

What would students like her do without a pyramid of scones?


dustin_alden June 9 2006, 03:59:36 UTC
It seemed as though there were two types of mad people in Dustin's life. There was the kind of friendly mad type like Erik. If he'd called Erik mad, Erik would have admitted to it easily and and shouted something only he found hilarious to the room. Then there was the kind this girl expressed. She was mad in the sense that she had a wild look in her eye and could possibly kill you with a single thought. She was the frightening sort of mad, and yet it was still amusing. Because no matter how many times she shouted, she hadn't left.

Dustin laughed as a scone smacked against the side of his head. He would have retaliated with a nice bit of jam in her hair, but he just could not imagine wasting jam in such a way. They did have plenty of scones, however, and so that would have to do.

He didn't want to use a summoning charm and give her the wrong idea, no... he did not want wands involved at all, so he simply rushed back to his previous spot and grabbed a few scones.

"I THINK I AM DUSTIN ALDEN, 5TH YEAR AND HUFFLEPUFF QUIDDITCH CAPTAIN!" Dustin shouted at her with a goofy grin and lobbed a nice fat scone at her shin.

She'd started it! And while it probably wasn't her original idea, it worked for Dustin. It suited the theme music running through his head, after all.



opheliaballard June 10 2006, 20:28:09 UTC
Ohh dear dear dear Dustin boyo. Bad idea. Ophelia was very much not accustomed to nobody Puffs chucking things at any part of her body. Certainly not something as ridiculous as a scone at her shin. Her face went rigidly blank, before a stiff smile spread over it.

"Dustin. Dear. Come here will you?" Placing her aquired jam pots on the table in front of her, Ophelia smoothed out her robes and beckoned him over with her finger.

And he had showed such promise! Well, perhaps he still shall. Really, she thought Hufflepuff's to be the obediant house. They should all be like dear Lucy. Pff.


dustin_alden June 11 2006, 01:52:18 UTC
What? The theme music abruptly stopped in Dustin's mind as she called him over. He watched her suspiciously, but didn't move. He tried to think of war movies he'd watched with his mum. Would they stop fighting to have some sort of discussion with jam? NO. Of course not! So why should he? It was obviously a trap. She was a trap setting sort of girl. WELL...WELL WELL THEN.

"To his dog, every man is Napoleon they say," Dustin said and smirked. Except then he bit his lip as he realised that made absolutely no sense in the situation. Napoleon fought in wars, yes, but that didn't meant his statement had any relevance. BAH.

His shoulders slumping in defeat, he shuffled over to Ophelia.

"Yesssss?" he asked her with a pout, hand still clutching a scone. Couldn't be too careful.


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