
May 26, 2006 16:01

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Books Of Mystery' / Wednesday, 19 October / 8:00 pm
Location: Slytherin Commons
Open To: Ana
Currently Involving: Army

Little kiddies up to play )


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anastacia_f May 26 2006, 20:10:03 UTC
"Terribly..." Ana agreed as they slipped inside to the common room. It appeared empty as the older students were probably still talking and snogging amongst themselves and the younger ones were probably being diligent *snicker* with their homework assignments. That reminded Ana. Maybe she could copy the answers off Romey, whenever she could find the girl.

"Blah blah blah about the mystery books." She said as she sat down on one of the plush couches. "What's so special about them? They don't do anything."

"The only good thing is that rain finally let up today." She sighed, glancing at the clear night sky beyond the windows. "But it's still muddy and gross outside."

"I am so bored." She looked at Army. "We need to do something."


armandramsden May 26 2006, 20:24:06 UTC
Armand nodded and then headed over to the couch nearest to the fireplace and spread himself onto it, huggling a pillow in the process. Their common room had nice furniture, though he supposed that made up for the fact that they were stuck in the dungeons where it always seemed colder.

“I don’t know. I’ve heard that they do do something, but I haven’t bothered to try them. Watch they’re cursed in some way.” He sat up a little at the idea of possibly going outside but deflated at the muddy and gross line. Armand hated being dirty.

He grinned, “Well, a bored Ana is never a good thing. I say we do something too, have you any particulars in mind?”


anastacia_f May 26 2006, 22:15:41 UTC
A glint caught Ana's eye and she perked up, grinning at Army. "Cursed books?"

She pretended to give it some thought as she leaned forward in her seat. "We could make them cursed... Read what others have been writing and do the opposite..."

Ana tilted her head as another idea formed. "And I've heard they've hired a new groundskeeper... to help Filch out." She scrunched her nose at his name. "We could give him a proper welcome to Hogwarts as well. So many possibilities... what would you like to do?"


armandramsden May 26 2006, 22:51:15 UTC
Armand nodded, “It would be terribly amusing if those who did write in it broke out with warts all over, no?”

He could just see that happening. All of their older years screenching with their faces all covered in pus, and hair, including the-On second thought. “We wouldn’t want the older Slytherins on our tails though. Hufflepuffs maybe. But not Slytherins.” He knew for a fact that a certain few seventh years were not to be messed with. Although he was a kid, he was a Slytherin and snakes always knew what was not a good move to make.

“That new groundskeeper you spoke of. We could start with him, since I’m sure the old man would be bored with just chores all day...”


anastacia_f May 27 2006, 00:22:28 UTC
Ana sighed as Armand made a very good point. "Kill joy. I suppose we could see if we could get our hands on the Hufflepuff book, but that sounds like more work..."

And if there was one thing Ana didn't like, it was having to do more work. Especially when she could get someone to do it for her.

She nodded as her second idea sounded like it could pan out. "I haven't met him. Just heard the gossip around the castle, so I have no idea who it is. Have you seen him around?"


armandramsden May 27 2006, 00:53:14 UTC
"More work is always a no go." Stupid people who hid their mystery books inside their common rooms, gah.

He pulled himself up into a proper sitting position and abandoned the pillow to the floor.

"I've seen him. Once, while I went from breakfast to class. He looks a bit like Filch too, though not as old. And his walk isn't so crooked." He paused thoughtfully, "Whatever we do, we cannot get caught."


anastacia_f May 27 2006, 01:07:35 UTC
"Definitely." Ana agreed. She wondered though... could they persuade a younger Hufflepuff to bring their book out to show them? And then steal it from them? Nah... that would be more work. Bleh!

"And of course." Not getting caught was always on her agenda, whatever her agenda might be at any given time. "So... he's probably a faster runner than Filch." She looked thoughtful again. "Though a good Tarantallegra would solve that..."

She grinned at Army. "I've heard he likes everything in their set place, and neat as a pin perhaps. We could play on that..."


armandramsden May 27 2006, 01:22:10 UTC
"Faster runner and probably a lot more quick at turning around and grabbing us." Deeeefinitely not a close range attack. Armand tapped a finger to his chin while he thought out all the possible moves to go.

But now that he thought about it, so far they were only thinking in terms of relation to Filch. "You don't suppose he's a Squib too, do you? It would suck if he were a wizard also, tracing spells and all. Unless he was a failure like that old Hagrid giant."

Now, making things messy would always be an easy deal. "As neat as a pin? D'you think he's possibly Obsessive Compulsive too? We could give him an ulcer if we messed daily." Armand couldn't help but sparkle up at that idea. Long term discomfort was always better than a short term prank.


anastacia_f May 27 2006, 01:30:23 UTC
"Very true." Ana thought about it. "Unless... we were to set off a chain attack... something we could pull off from another part of the castle... Then he wouldn't know where it was coming from."

She pressed her lips together, pondering the possibility that the caretaker wasn't a squib. "We'll have to do some digging... ask around. See what he does to the other students. I've heard he makes a list of the bad ones..." She giggled. "I wonder if we could put some names on there that weren't there before..."

"And aren't all caretakers obsessive compulsive?" She grinned again. "It goes with the job description."


armandramsden May 27 2006, 01:43:30 UTC
"Ooh." Armand nodded, he liked that idea. "Some thing that is controlled remotely?" Suddenly Armand wondered if the man had allergies of any sort. Even the mental ones. "If worst comes to worst," He winked at Ana, "we could always set it up so another house or student takes the fall."

He definitely liked the idea of adding in names. "Let's do that too. I would love to see one of those prissy, little miss. perfects get in trouble." One thing that he definitely hated was seeing all those teacher's pets get things happening exactly how they wanted it. It wasn't fair.

"I don't even see why we need a caretaker. A waste of space and air. The House elves do the job good enough."


anastacia_f May 27 2006, 02:12:26 UTC
"That'll work." Ana kept grinning. "I'm thinking one of those goody Puffs, or maybe a Claw. 'Cause you know if we try to set it on a Gryffindor, they'll automatically think it was a Slytherin."

Then again, everyone always assumed it would be a Slytherin if the blame fell elsewhere. Just like they assumed it would be a Gryffindor if the blame fell on a Slytherin. So, maybe they should just set it up on a fellow unsuspecting snake. Then, everyone would think it was a Gryffindor. Eh... nah. Ana's brain hurt too much trying to figure it out.

"I heard Little Miss Head Girl helps him keep track of the pranksters." Ana rolled her eyes. "Does she have fairies braiding her hair and birds singing too?"

Ana found herself shrugging again. "Eh... you know, it's gotta be Dumbledore. He takes far too much interest in little nobodies."


armandramsden May 27 2006, 02:36:20 UTC
"Sucks, that house stereotype. I hate how they automatically side with the lions." Armand made a face at the name, "Definitely a Puff, or at least a claw. Duane's been eyeing a muggleborn lately, claims she's good bait."

The golden girl, of course. "Wouldn't surprise me if some secret romance blossomed up between the two as well. Or.. we could make that happen." He sent a knowing smirk to Ana. Nothing like a good old rumour to spread some lies around. They always snowballed out of porportions anyways.

Of course it was Dumbledore's fault. Or Fumbledore as Wesley called him once. "His pity on the nobodies goes overboard sometimes."


anastacia_f May 27 2006, 02:54:45 UTC
"Yeah... and it's not like they're all golden choir boys or something..." Ana scuffed. "They've done some awful things to our house as well."

"And... a mudblood?" Her eyes lit up with mischief. "All the better. Make her regret coming to Hogwarts in the first place."

She grinned. "I love seeing your mind at work, Army. A secret romance is just what this place needs... especially if it ruins Miss Perfect's own little tryst with that Claw boy."

"I think it's his old age... his senility is catching up with him. What is he... over one hundred and twenty or fifty or something?"


armandramsden May 27 2006, 03:04:38 UTC
Armand snickered at the mention of choir boys. He had seen a church before, and all of their little golden angels arranged perfectly to play. Sometimes he just wondered what would happen if they ever found our about magic. It would probably spawn the second Witch Hunt crusade thing. Too bad the Ministry kept such tight rules over that.

"Indeed. One of these days we'll get back at them, for now we should just focus on an easier target to pass the time."

He crinkled his nose slightly at the pet name, but returned to grinning. "Hoooh? She has a tryst with a Claw boy? This will definitely get interesting then. Think one of them will turn violent?"

And at Dumbledore, "He's due to kick the bucket soon then."


anastacia_f May 27 2006, 03:18:06 UTC
((lol... if you don't like the nickname, why'd you put it on the entry post?))

Ana shrugged again. The older Slytherins could waste their time dallying in the house feud. She really didn't care for it, unless it alleviated her boredom - and it did on occasion when the older ones bragged about their hexes.

"Do you want to ask Duane to join us? Since he knows the target?" She asked. "Or shall we keep it to ourselves?"

She grinned again, giving Armand a wink. "Didn't you see them outside on the grounds? All doe-eyed and innocent. At least, I haven't heard about them snogging in public." She gave him a disgusted look. "But it is so sickeningly sweet. Like you could hear violins. Blech!"

She giggled. "Violent? They're too nice to turn violent... although she is a Gryffindor after all."

As for Dumbledore, "Yeah... I think our parents have a bet going... to see how long he lasts..."


armandramsden May 27 2006, 03:26:30 UTC
(( Ahaha! Because I don't mind it. 8D He'll let Ana and Romey call him that but anyone else gets a glare. ))

"Hmm..." He shrugged thoughtfully, and leaned back against the cushions. "I think we'll let Duane join us. Since he likes taking the more physical way about it compared to us." Yes, that would certainly get one tangent of their operation out of the way.

"Really? That's gross. I dispise storybook and picture perfect romances like that." Well actually, anything that was too perfect and beautiful bothered him. Aside from those related to him of course. "We'll definitely do that then."

"If he gets replaced, it better be by a Slytherin alumna."


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