
May 23, 2006 23:21

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Books of Mystery' / Tuesday, October 18th / 4:00 pm
Location: Corridors
Open To: Chamberlayne
Currently Involving: Genie

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chamberlayne May 24 2006, 04:32:09 UTC
Honestly, Chamberlayne didn't care how he treated people. Besides, Genie didn't like him anyway, nor did he like her, so why would he offer to meet her somewhere nice for a spot of tea or something? No, this wasn't going to be a particularly social call. He just wanted to know if she was going to be playing out this bloody engagement as though it had actually been something real.

If she was?

He might just have to go against the Dark Lord's wishes and find a way to get rid of her. He didn't think that he could stand having to be all lovey-dovey with her.

His arms were crossed over his chest as he saw her come into his view. "Genevieve," he greeted, not even letting one of his fake smirks onto his face.


prof_odwyer May 24 2006, 04:46:53 UTC
Her arms folded as well and her hip jutted out, not exactly bothering to appear happy to see him either. "Chamberlayne," she murmured in return. Oh, how cold her glare was. Her lips? She'd not grace him with a smile, not if her life depended upon it. "About time you showed up. The sooner your pathetic arse got here, the sooner I could leave."

She strolled over to him looking very much like the cat on the prowl, approaching it's prey. She quickly sized him up - yeah, she could take him if need be. Take him straight out the window, oh.. wouldn't that be a delight?

"What do you want?"


chamberlayne May 24 2006, 04:57:28 UTC
"What? You're telling me that you're not ecstatic to see me?" Bringing a hand up to his heart, he mocked hurt. "I'm so wounded. Really. You should just throw me out a window now." Little did he know that was what she'd been thinking. No, but that was along the same line of what he wanted to do to her at any given moment, and as she sized him up, he did the same to her.

He never had any doubt that he could take her down. She might have been a Death Eater just as he was, but he had always felt that he had more chops.

Raising an eyebrow, he smirked the characteristic smirk that he always wore. "And what else would I want than to see my dear, darling Genevieve?" His tone was extremely sarcastic, and he quickly followed up with a wiping of the smirk from his face. "My fiancee, and all."

Ah, hopefully that would tell him what he wanted to know.


prof_odwyer May 24 2006, 05:02:07 UTC
Genie's brow rose sharply. Oh, jump out a window? Really, she insisted. The corner of her lip twitched and she strolled over to the nearest window. Each and every move she made was slow, yet pointed, obviously enjoying the fact that she was opening the lock and pushing the heavy windows open. With that done, she stepped back, motioning to the window with great flourish as if to say 'Really, I insist'.

From there, she elegantly folded arms again and fell back to her previous posture, weight on back leg as her hip stuck out.

"Indeed, I am. Which is why I'm hoping those daft parents of yours placed one of those muggle life insurance policies on you. Surely your fiancee would be the beneficiary, aye?"


chamberlayne May 24 2006, 05:09:47 UTC

So she was either playing their game once more, or she was going to consider his bloody proposal to be an actual proposal. Which -- well, could play in his favour, but would probably give him much more trouble than it was worth.

He didn't move toward the window; no, he wasn't going to give her that opportunity. "Why would I have a muggle life insurance policy, Genevieve dear? Did your parents take one out on you?"

Leaning against the wall as if to assure himself that he had some backing if she tried anything, he added, "As for my fiancee being my beneficiary... I have a feeling that I would only make a wife or a... fiancee who had consummated our engagement something like that."

It was so amusing how they emphasised certain choice words. They both played the game like pros.


prof_odwyer May 24 2006, 05:28:35 UTC
"Well, one of these days I'll be the wife," she replied with a cheeky smile. "I suppose that's all I've got to look forward to then? Excellent. Light at the end of the tunnel. I'd hate to think that you wouldn't be able to leave behind a legacy to rival that of Ralph's, bless his soul."

And so with that, it was said. She was going to consider this to be a real engagement just to drive him bloody mad.

"Really, love, is this the only reason you asked to meet me here? To hash out the windfall you're to leave me once I kill you?"


chamberlayne May 24 2006, 05:51:02 UTC
Chamberlayne could see himself marrying Genevieve O'Dwyer purely for spite. It was a numbing thought, really. He liked her well enough in bed; they'd had plenty of hot nights for that kind of thing, but anything more than that?

At least he wouldn't be the only one who was unhappy with the arrangement. He knew that she wouldn't be pleased to be married to him. "All you've got to look forward to?" He paused, as though thinking about her words. "Well, that and anything that we manage to acquire as the amazing dynamic duo."

He paused again, grimacing at the thought of marrying her. It wasn't that it would be a horrible arrangement, considering that they were both in the same business. But having to deal with her every day until he got so sick of her that he killed her? Not exactly something that he looked forward to.

"I actually just came to make sure that our... engagement was still on," he replied slowly, drawling as he crossed his arms over his chest. "And I was, of course, wondering what kind of drapes you'd be wanting."


prof_odwyer May 24 2006, 05:56:51 UTC
With that said, she strolled over to him and smoothly ran hands over the lapel of his robes. "Really, darling, do you even have to ask?" she asked quietly, eyes rising up to meet his. Oh, there was danger in her gaze. Fire, even. "Of course our engagement is still on. Really, should we start a date? I'd hate for our wedding to be at an.. inopportune moment. And, since I've decided that I'd like to remain celebate until we're wed, I'm of the thought pool that you might be in want of a quick wedding as well."

With a wink, she brought a hand up, caressing his cheek almost lovingly.

"And please, you'll not need to settle matters with drapes. Surely we'll move into the O'Dwyer Estate. I'm sure that any.. quaint flat you'd provide would pale in comparison."


chamberlayne May 24 2006, 06:14:30 UTC

That was just the icing on the cake, really, and now he knew that he would regret playing this game. Though, he couldn't very well back out of this particular game now, so he had to keep playing.

"We really should set a date. Preferrably... very soon, don't you agree? Perhaps sometime in the next month, hmm?" He let his fingers up to her cheek, caressing her as she had him.

At the dig on his 'flat', which was actually not anything shabby as she'd suggested, he raised an eyebrow, somehow managing to keep the smirk on his lips. "Oh, surely, but I'll want to put my own feel into the estate, of course. And... well, of course we'll not be calling it the O'Dwyer Estate anymore."

How she would take to that, he had no clue, but he was interested to find out.


prof_odwyer May 24 2006, 06:37:28 UTC
As he caressed her cheek so gently, she turned her head, pressing lips against his index finger in a way that practically encased the end. Her eyes practically sparkled as she then moved the gentle kiss to his cheek, then pulled back just enough to go eye-to-eye with him again.

"Oh, I agree. The sooner the better, of course. I know you're just dying to make me, ah..." Bringing the ring-clad hand up, she flashed him a charming smile. "...Mrs Chamberlayne Watson."

Oh, she wanted to choke on her tongue. Or the ring. Or both. Just calling herself that was dreadful enough.

But she'd not fall, oh no. The longer she kept her cool, the better. "Of course!" she replied creamily, "I'd not want you living in an Estate that is named after it's late master. We'll simply have to name it the Watson Estate instead, yes? Oh, what a lovely name for such a lovely home as well. I can imagine growing old there with you, dear. You and our children."


chamberlayne May 24 2006, 07:01:25 UTC
Mrs. Chamberlayne Watson.

Oh, Good God. Gag him with a chainsaw right then and there to put him out of his misery. Of course, when she added that lovely little tidbit about the children, he thought that he would grab her and shove her out the window right then. It would make things that much easier.


Oh hell no.

Not that he could let her know his feelings. Oh, no no no. So, with a bright and somewhat infatuated-looking smile, he said assuringly, "Oh, of course. How many lovely little tykes are we having anyway? I'd like... Merlin, at least eight. I hope that's not too many for you."


prof_odwyer May 24 2006, 07:06:42 UTC
"Of course not," she replied, gaze growing more and more sultry by the minute. A hand rose as she ran a fingertip along his bottom lip, and she tilted her head ever so slightly. "Eight would be perfect."

She drew herself closer to him as she ran the tip of her tongue along her teeth, then leaned forward to capture his lips with the most gentle little kiss.

"We should name them after important people, you know..." she added as she pulled back only enough to look him in the eyes. "Little girls named.. Rowena, perhaps a little Terrwyn. Boys - Chamberlayne Watson, Jr, of course, and perhaps a little Ralph? An Albus? Hagrid, too? Oh, and I'd be delighted to have a tiny little Gilbert as well."


chamberlayne May 24 2006, 07:12:30 UTC
"Oh, and we absolutely must--" Chamberlayne paused to lean forward, pulling her bottom lip into a soft kiss before pulling back himself. It would have looked for all the world like they were in love. Kind of funny, really.

"--name one of them Genevieve. Such a lovely name, you know."

He let one of his palms come to rest on her waist as he pushed himself away from the wall, turning them so that she was against it, rather than him. "And we'll name the little tossers anything you'd like."

He was going to die. He was quite sure of it, even as he played along, pressing his body closer to her. Yes, they might have had some kind of physical chemistry, but marrying her? That was just going too far for a game, even for Chamberlayne.

Too bad he was so damn stubborn.


prof_odwyer May 24 2006, 07:25:27 UTC
"Why, thank you," she purred out in return as she relaxed back against the wall, back curving gracefully to press just the right parts of her anatomy against him. "And I'd hope I'd get to name the little ones however I please, considering that there will be those long nine month periods in which I'm carrying them about for you, and you're waiting on my every beck and call."

She pulled him in for another kiss, but made this one quite slow and heated.

And with that done, she slipped out of his grasp and moved to stand behind him, pausing just long enough to give his arse a quick swap with the back of her hand.

"Oh, Cham, careful now, love. You keep that sort of close contact with me and surely it'll just make our chastity harder to keep!"


chamberlayne May 24 2006, 07:31:08 UTC
In as much as she didn't kiss other men, or kissing was her weakness, or whathaveyou, kissing was also one of Chamberlayne's weaknesses. A good kiss was almost better than a good shag. Almost.

But Genie? Genie, despite the fact that she'd not kissed anyone other than him since her husband had died, was an excellent kisser, and when she'd slipped away from him, he turned, leaning against the wall once more with that same smirk on his face.

Well, at least one part of their sham marriage wouldn't be bad.

"So sorry, love. I wouldn't want to break that chastity of ours." As if either one of them were virgins. Really, it was amusing. She was just trying to get to him any way that she thought she could. It was a good thing that Chamberlayne was... well, Chamberlayne. "It'll make our wedding night that much sweeter."


prof_odwyer May 24 2006, 07:43:33 UTC
As she slowly turned to face him, a hand rose, delicately placing a fingertip against her bottom lip. "Oh, but don't you have that, ah.. that one problem? With not being able to keep your knickers on, love?"

Her brow furrowed with mock concern as she looked away. Surely it was a cruel thing to bring up, but eh. She didn't really care. Any strike at him was a good and valid strike. She'd take anything she could get, really.

"And yes. Wedding night. Oh, I look forward to it with every bit of my being, you know."

With a dramatic sigh, she pulled a pocket watch from her robes and took a good look at it. Sure, she had hours before she was due to do anything, but he didn't need to do that.

"Oh, blimey. I've got to run, love," she murmured as she slipped the little watch back into her pocket. "Surely we can catch up later, aye?"


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