
May 21, 2006 21:49

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Books Of Mystery'/ Monday, October 17th, 2005/ 8:06am
Location: Outside the Great Hall
Open to: Lexi! ^^
Currently Involving: Julian O'Brien and Lexi

Ever since he had written in that conflab book, and it had written back (Julian wasn't really sure about that nonsense, it seemed a little fishy), thoughts had been literally ( Read more... )


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lackxluster May 22 2006, 22:38:18 UTC
He beamed. If there was one thing that Julian did more than blush, it was beam. Wonderful! he thought happily, his insides bouncing around as if they hadn't been properly anchored down. Even if it was hard to see over his shining white teeth, Julian's cheeks were flushed. That was to be expected, of course, considering who he was. Fearing he might go bashful and begin staring at his shoes, Julian decided that only a quite "yeah" was in order.

Molly did have that way about her, being one of the cutest little girls, and a complete sweetie. If it wasn't already liquid, she would've made his heart melt. "Of course I will. Mum says that she's so happy, carrying it around like some sort of badge." He chuckled at the thought of her little blond head bouncing around the house showing her card off to anyone who had the misfortune to enter.

Being direct was difficult, especially for Julian, but he was doing his best. He nodded decisively, and looked at her, unable to keep a serious face. There was a point that needed getting to...but Julian thought he could maybe talk a bit more before dropping the bomb. "Has one of those weird books ended up in your common room?"


lexi_winchester May 23 2006, 03:25:52 UTC
Folding Molly's letter gently, Lexi tucked it into her robes and then looked back up to Julian with a friendly smile. Aww, she must really like that wizard card! She smiled brightly as he spoke about how she acted with it, "That is so adorable. I really miss her! She must have grown so much!" She hoped to see Julian's family again at some point, they all really were like an extended family to her own.

At mention of the mystery book, Lexi had to fight not to blush. She kept replaying what she wrote over in her mind and it made her more embarrassed each time. "Yes, actually. News of it has spread like wild fire." The common room had erupted with dares and games surrounded the book already. "So every House really does have one?" As far as Lexi knew, it was all just a rumour that all the common rooms possess a mysterious book. With this, her expression went thoughtful, wondering if there was a specific reason why all four houses received one. It was odd, to say the least.


lackxluster May 25 2006, 01:55:26 UTC
It was true; the entire Woesley clan had grown since Lexi had last seen them. Molly was the most adorable little girl, Eleesha was no less horrible but considerably taller, Abbie seemed to be a genius, Lilian was fourteen (enough said), and Romey...well, Romey attended Hogwarts now."Yes she has, she's so excited to start school. She's still so young that she doesn't have any grasp of time, so she thinks that when we tell her it's months away, that in just a few days she'll be starting up." Julian laughed at the memory: him leaving for Hogswarts, Molly piping up that soon she would be going to school too.

Julian nodded at the confirmation at the rumors he had heard. Apparently all the houses had them, or at the very least, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. Joking to himself, he thought that maybe it was only Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, because those were the best houses in Hogswarts - Ravenclaws were too stuffy, and Slytherins too evil. "I guess so, we've got one. It's a bit sarcastic, I've found." Julian seemed generally unperturbed by the fact that the book had written back to him, and he leaned forward in his chair calmly, his elbows resting on his knees.

He didn't have the slightest idea how he was going to segway into what he needed to. It would too embarrassing to say that he had written in the book, and it's response had landed him hear, hunting for a way to tell her a matter of great importance. Throwing caution to the wind (which at some points, he had been known to do: saving Sebby, pranking, having a potion brewing contest), he decided he did not at all need to slide into the subject. He'd come right out and say it...kind of.

"Um...I hope you're not bothered by this..because if we couldn't be friends, I'd be so sad. You're one of my best mates, I don't know what I'd do without you. But um, since you haven't noticed, I thought I ought to tell you...so I'm going to right now," Julian was talking very quickly and rambling. He realized this, and took a deep breath. As clearly and with a healthy amount of eye contact (which was actually much lower for Julian than most people) he started again. "Well, I just..sort of fancy you."


lexi_winchester May 27 2006, 15:57:22 UTC
Ugh! I didn't get an e-mail about this reply. I'm sorry! XD))

Little did Julian know that Lexi herself had also written in the Gryffindor book. She was feeling the same way, fairly embarrassed about the occurance, and she was truly glad that she decided not to sign her name next to the entry. Clearing her throat roughly, she fought away the redness in her cheeks and she focused back on her good friend.

She felt something drop deep inside her stomach as Julian's tone changed to one much more serious. He began rambling as she herself has a habit to do when they are nervous about something. This can't be good...

As Julian spoke the last sentence, it was as if time had completely frozen right on the spot. "Well, I just..sort of fancy you."

Short pause. "I'm sorry, what?" Lexi blurted out once she found her voice again. She couldn't have heard that correctly. Slowly, she lifted her right hand and pointed her index finger towards him, then back to point at her chest. She repeated this movement once more. Julian...and... me?


lackxluster May 27 2006, 16:44:57 UTC
Well that wasn't exactly the response he was hoping for. He wasn't sure exactly what he had been wanting her to do, but he knew what he hadn't been looking for: the shocked look that spread over her face. Had she really been that oblivious? Julian wondered how she could not know? She was perfect, in every sense of the word; those Gryffindor boys (who had her constantly, when he only had time with her briefly) should have been all over her. Maybe he just was too subtle.

As she motioned between him and her, he nodded. Thinking about as she did it a second time, he corrected himself - it was not polite to just nod. "Yeah." Julian pointed to himself, "I," then pointed at her just as she had done, "fancy you." Was it really that hard to believe?

Being the insecure bloke that he was, Julian began to process the situation (possibly) incorrectly. That look on her face was horror not shock. Pretty soon she would gave him a good smack in the face and bolt out. And he would be seated in a empty classroom by his lonely self. Thinking all this, before he could stop himself, he added. "Well, I think you're smart, beautiful, funny, witty, sweet nice, perfect, and I want to be around you constantly. I suppose that's what you call fancying someone." He was quite new to this whole feelings business.

((Don't worry about it. This took me a while because I needed to make an icon. ^^))


lexi_winchester May 27 2006, 20:59:03 UTC
Oh boy. Poor Lexi really was rather dense when it came to the opposite sex. Her usual intuition and senses were about as strong as a feather when things were concerning feelings and crushes and, well, eventually love. Not that she had ever fallen in love before, but her romantic self always toyed with the idea of doing so.

Her mind was buzzing with a million things at once. How could she have been so stupid? There were signs, did she choose to ignore them from fear? Embarrassment? Lexi had been hurt in the past and ever since, she had an unconcious way of shutting out all occurances that could lead to that same hurt. But - this was Julian! One of her best friends since Year 1 at Hogwarts. He'd do anything for her and she'd die for him - he had never hurt her. She always felt safe around him. She always had fun. She had those constant jolts in her stomach and blushing periods when he smiled at her like that. Was that just friendship after all?

It took her a few more moments of silence, looking at Julian, before she spoke again. And when Julian complimented her with all those words, her face turned red. "I... thank you..." Lexi said gently to him. But no, that wasn't all she had to say.

"I think I fancy you too, Julian." It probably wasn't as good of an answer as he suspected, but it was all she could form in her mind at the present moment. To say she was caught off guard was quite the understatement.


lackxluster May 28 2006, 02:35:58 UTC
His heart was nearly pounding out of his chest; Julian imagined that it was pounding so hard that she could probably hear it, if she had been listening. He picked at part of his robes, watching the hem fray and not really caring if it unraveled. He could've been in his skivvies; it seemed impossible to think that he could've been any more embarrassed.

And despite this, his cheeks weren't red. He was slightly pink all over, but that could've been from the pressure that was building up inside him. The one time he would've cared to blush as opposed to becoming very nervous and not thinking clearly, he wasn't. And then she thanked him. Looking up, he smiled softly, trying his best to seem happy. A thank you was better than a smack, he thought, and she hadn't left yet.

Then he was floored. She might fancy him too?! Just the possibility made him beam. Actually, 'beam' might be an understatement. Julian could barely contain himself. He figgited it in his seat, having to sit on his hand quickly. "Well, that brilliant, I suppose." Between his excitement and nervously, he may have appeared a little manic, and was talking at a million miles a minute.

"It's alright if you don't know if you fancy me or not. Really, this is much better than I expected! I thought you might be upset or something, but then again I just worry a lot. It's not like I'm going to attack you and try to snog you. Don't worry." At his last comment, Julian actually laughed. While the laugh was nervous, it wasn't from his snogging comment; that was almost a completely joke. I mean, Julian, snogging? Puh-lease.


lexi_winchester May 28 2006, 21:22:48 UTC
Her mind was seriously buzzing like a million worker bees. Without really noticing when it began, Lexi found that she was literally shaking slightly in her seat. Geez, this love stuff can really mess with you, she thought silently while trying not to turn into a tomatoe colour.

After she responded, she thought Julian might jump right out the window he was so figgity. She swallowed hard, and gave a genuine smile as he joked about attacking her. Of course she didn't have to worry about any of that stuff. With a nervous laugh, she scratched at the back of her neck slightly. Oh, snogging. The event that had recently become more popular than studying around the castle. It was so much bloody pressure!

"I know, I'm not worried about any of that, Jules." She spoke out, attempting to keep her voice calm. "I'm really sorry I don't exactly...well, know my answer..." Lexi stuttered out, feeling bad that she was so indecisive about the situation. "You've known me for a long time and I'm sure you know how horrid I am when it comes to this stuff..." She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks yet again, glancing at Julian with a soft smile.


lackxluster May 29 2006, 22:40:18 UTC
She could've mentioned that she hated him, she was going to murder his family, and that would torture and kill Ralph, but his smile would've been undeterred. There wasn't one thing she could say that would've ruined this moment, and even if she was awkward about this sort of thing his insides laughed at it. If she was awkward, he must've been completely rubbish. Then again, he was smiling like a fool.

When she apologized, Julian raised his eyebrows slightly, giving Lexi a smile he tended to save for her. "Don't worry about it Lexi. We've been friends long enough that you don't have to worry about anything." Julian's leg was shaking up and down very quickly; he still could not believe that this had turned out so well. "I don't think I could be happier!" Well, if she had said that she had fancied him forever and had been waiting on him, he might have been a bit happier - but he hadn't gotten his hopes up.

Being one of the outer-most lines on the Hogswarts Grape vine, Julian hadn't heard of all the snogging that had been happening around the school. If he had though, he would've been appalled. It seem that everyone in the bloody school (except for him) had snogging partners. Julian wasn't as interested in snogging as the rest of the school appeared to be, just giving Lexi a hug was good enough for him.

((I picked a song for them, and it's Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic, by Police I believe. And sorry this took so long, I wasn't expecting to be busy today.))


lexi_winchester May 29 2006, 23:32:49 UTC
Aww! I love that song, hehe. Good choice! :D I'm currently in the works of making a manip of them together for a picture purpose and an icon! Even if they aren't a couple - they are still best friends!))

If it was possible for Lexi to blush any harder, she would have just done it. She was in disbelief that this could actually be happening, a tiny part of her was constantly yelling at herself to wake up already - this has to be a dream. Someone actually fancies her? She smiled as brightly as ever to Julian, eased that he understood. "I'm really quite happy, myself!" She let out another nervous giggle, without even meaning to.

So... this was what it felt like, what all her dormmates were chatting about. Lexi liked it, indeed.


lackxluster May 30 2006, 22:13:11 UTC
((I'm glad you like it. XD Pictures! Oh yay! I love icons, and manips!))

Most people would've thought that Julian would've been at a loss of what to say. He actually thought he was as well, but his mouth was running, mostly with his consent. At least he was talking slowly enough for her to catch what he was saying.

"I'm glad to hear that you're happy to. It would've been horrible if I had upset you. Did you have a good breakfast? I'm sorry I had to nab you right as soon as you got out, but I really didn't want to miss you. Now that this is over though, it doesn't seem quite as imperative as it did a bit ago. Anyway, it's nice to get the weight off my shoulders."

He noticed her blush. Having someone else blush for once made him feel a bit better, if that was even possible. "Have you been feeling alright? Last time we talked, you were just getting over the flu. Blasted illnesses."


lexi_winchester May 30 2006, 23:08:29 UTC
Hehe, I made two. One of them together (which I iconed as this one right now), and one of them at their annual picnics! :) I like this one much better, but here's the other too: http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/1646/lexijulianpicic5fl.jpg ))

Curling a strand of hair behind her ear, Lexi smiled (yet again) and nodded to Julian. "Yeah, it was just fine. And don't worry about wanting to see me; I can understand how urgent it felt." She added in with understanding. She already thought Jules was extremely brave to have the guts to tell her in the first place!

"I've been feeling pretty well, thanks, Jules. Luckily that flu was a one time virus!" The last thing she needed was to miss a whole week of school again in less than two months. "How about yourself? I do hope you didn't get sick after me." She said with concern.


lackxluster May 30 2006, 23:25:48 UTC
((OMG! I love (and stole) them. I'll put them up as Julian's user pics as soon as I get the chance. -♥♥-))

God! There it was again, that smile; it took a lot of him not to melt every time she grinned. And she was just so understanding. Julian could barely stand himself. He was such a nancy boy. Guys his age were suppose to be gruff with their feelings, not open and honest. She seemed to appreciate his openness, so he didn't dwell on it very long.

He was relieved to hear that she was feeling well. In reality, he had been expecting her to still feel ill, for some reason. Probably because he wanted to be the night in shining armor; he had made a potion for her. All of his other attempts at rescuing his friends had failed, but this cause didn't seem quite as lost. "That's really great. I'm glad to hear you're feeling well." Pulling a small flask from his pocket, Julian handed it to Lexi. "In case you ever get sick again, just drink that. It'll cut your recovery time by six sevenths." Having had this presentation already sorted out in his head, he went on to state the obvious. "That means if your body was going to originally going to take one week to make antibodies, this potion will make it so your body only takes one day." Really all it did was chalk up the drinkers immune system, but Julian thought it might help her.

"Me?" Julian looked thoughtfully past her for a moment. When he began speaking again, his eyes flicked back onto Lexi. "I've been rather well. A little lonely, but not at all ill. I'm pretty resilient." Sometimes, he thought sadly, but his smile didn't falter.


lexi_winchester May 31 2006, 00:20:17 UTC
Hehe! YAY! :D I'm thrilled you like them. I can send you the original copies of the big version if you like! I'm working on making a photo album type thing for Lexi to post pictures of her with friends and such! The thing about the Julian & Lexi one is they are kind of dressed nicely! (ie: suit and dress!) Any ideas of where they could have been? Or something upcoming that the picture could have been taken from? ))

Lexi honestly didn't mind at all how in tune Julian was with his feelings. She always liked how it didn't take a degree in pyscology to figure out what the heck was going on in his brain! Boys can be so bloody confusing. To other people it may seen like he some kind of pansy, but Lexi never truly went for the typical 'bad boys'. She loved Julian just the way he was. Wow... that word... love. Such a fickle, tiny, little word that in turn meant so much. Suddenly something hit Lexi - was she in love? Was she falling in love? How exactly was she supposed to know?

Clearing her throat roughly, she pushed the thoughts aside and listened to her friend. As he told her about the potion he made, she couldn't help but laugh softly as he explained with an example. "Thanks, Julian." She said softly with a smile, taking the flask and holding it up in front of her for a moment before setting it in her bookbag. "That was very sweet of you to think of me!" Lexi had no idea how she became so lucky as to get a good friend like the boy sitting across from her. "You're so smart with these antidotes."

Lexi was relieved to hear that he didn't get sick, and especially from her. A nod came next, silently in understanding of his loneliness. "Yeah, I know what you mean." She stated with a gentle glance outside the nearest window in the classroom. A pause went by before she sighed softly and turned back to Julian.

...Uh oh. There was that nervous jumpy feeling again as she gazed at him. Starting to bit her lip slightly, she tried not to turn too red. "So, err... are we.. going out now?" There. At least she got it out. Although it still felt like a completely stupid question. But... she was confused, did all of this mean that they were? Or were going to?


lackxluster May 31 2006, 01:07:49 UTC
((I'd love to see them. Links or something please? Maybe Julian invited Lexi to attend this God parent's 15th anniversary party?))

Lexi wasn't the only one with confusing feelings. Things that he had never felt before were running through him, and he didn't know what to make of it. If her smile hadn't been quite as dazzling, he might not have been so easily distracted from the queasy feeling swirling around his stomach. Even if he wasn't super tough, those certainly were not butterflies. Maybe his bread had had a little mold.

Turning pink, Julian smiled. "Well, I just didn't want you to be sick anymore." He had had to stop himself from mentioning that he was always thinking of her. "Plus, I really like potions. Making potions for you is the highlight of my day, other than you know, actually being around you." He didn't know himself to be so open. In fact, he thought that maybe there was s switch that could be flicked on and off that allowed him to process what he said before he said it. He had a feeling that some evil being switched it off every time he was around Lexi.

Julian was, to put it simply, flustered. He hadn't been expecting her to ask that at all. He had anticipated him having to mention that as well. Gosh, did he feel on the stop. "Well..I don't know. I mean, I want to be with you. But it's really up to you, I guess. Don't think you have to make up your mind now or anything. I'm pretty patient."


lexi_winchester June 1 2006, 17:06:30 UTC
((Ugh, came down with a horrid sickness out of nowhere! I'm sorry I haven't been able to get here to respond :(

Here are the links for the manip! That idea for the party works well, want to say he invites her to that soon? The picture looks fairly recent and since they are 'together' together, it would make more sense to have the picture taken after this current thread :) What do you think?

http://img48.imageshack.us/img48/5370/lexijulianparty3lh.jpg ))

Yet another smile was on Lexi's face as he looked at Julian. "Oh, I know, you're turning into quite the little potions master, Jules!" With a small chuckle, she gave him a wink. Wait -- did she just wink? Wow, she really was feeling great. "Really, I think we need a nicer Professor than Snape." And who knew, maybe Julian would eventually become a Hogwarts Professor; he certainly would be fantastic at teaching.

Clearing her throat slightly and getting back to being serious, she smiled sympathetically. "I'm sorry, I didn't really mean for it to just... come out like that. I don't want to put you on the spot." Well, clearly a little late for that. But her internal cringing was brought to a sudden stop when he stated that he did want to be with her. Suddenly she grinned, and she felt that... feeling, again. Pausing for a moment, she tried to slow down the rest of her manic shy teenager thoughts and just listen to what counted.

Her heart.

"I want to be with you, too."


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