Cool Waters

May 20, 2006 14:59

Week Name / Date / Time: "Promises and Plans" / Saturday, October 15th, 12:00pm
Location: The Lake
Open To: Anyone
Currently Involving: Gabriella McGregor, Will Sparrow

The coldness of the water cut through her warming charm... )

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williamsparrow May 20 2006, 20:01:57 UTC
There was another individual who'd chosen a breath of fresh air over the crowded and noisy atmosphere of the Great Hall at lunchtime. Then again, Will usually saved eating til he was truly hungry, and then all that was required was a discreet visit to the kitchens. The house elves didn't seem to mind having something extra to do, really.

So he'd decided to linger on the grounds, crossing down over the lawns with his hands in his pockets, head cocked backwards to gaze into the overcast sky as a breeze sent the grass rippling like water. It was a little chilly, true, but still pleasant enough for his tastes, and a visit down to the lake seemed just the ticket.

He didn't expect anyone to be down there, naturally, everyone usually crammed into the Great Hall at this time of day. Frowning slightly in curiosity he moved was a younger student, from the look of it, huddled inside a towel and appearing as though she'd just come out of lake. this weather, she HAD to be feeling that wind.

"You alright?" he called, once he was within speaking distance, lifting an eyebrow as he craned his neck to the side in order to get a better look at the girl, to see if he recognized her at all.


glorious_sadism May 20 2006, 22:15:07 UTC
Spooked by the sudden voice, Gabriella whirled, crouching with one hand on the ground as if she was ready to spring. The towel was draped around her shoulders, toes and fingers hooked and clinging to the wet rock, and her upper lip curled slightly back from her teeth in a snarl. Upon seeing Will, whom she only distantly recognized as member of her own house, she straightened slowly.

"I'm fine," she said simply, letting the towel fall into one hand and rotating the wrist almost lazily as the fabric began to twist slowly into a spiral. "Can I help you?" she wondered darkly.


williamsparrow May 20 2006, 22:31:08 UTC
"Ah, sorry! Didn't mean to startle you." Upon seeing her rather hostile initial reaction to his approach, he raised his hands slowly, as though to reassure her he meant her no harm. Geez, but kids were jumpy nowadays...

"Just...not that often I see people out here during lunchtime. Everyone's usually inside..."

He'd almost said 'with their friends', but he rather got the impression this would be the wrong thing to say to this particular little girl.

"Out swimming, huh?" he added, upon a second glance at the girl, before grinning faintly and turning his attention back to the calm, black water. "Not too long, and it's going to be too cold's a pity."


glorious_sadism May 20 2006, 22:36:49 UTC
She glanced briefly at the water, but kept her eyes on him. "I'm working on my warming charms and resistance charms," she said somewhat tightly. Her voice bore a mild scottish burr. "If inside is the place to be, why aren't you there?" She realized immedietly after asking the question that it was something of a case of the pot and kettle, so to speak - one could just as easily ask why she was out here in the cold air and colder water trying to push herself to a faster repeat when she should be eating with the other first years. She'd made an aquaintence or two in Slytherin and a couple of the other houses, though she felt it would be too hasty to call them 'friends'. However, most of the Slytherin upperclassmen weren't terribly fond of her. Outspoken disdain for Voldemort did that. She had ascertained that if she had been staunchly anti-Death Eater for moral reasons, they wouldn't have minded as much, but her opinion was more difficult to reconcile. She believed that Voldemort was an idiot and a failure, and that those who followed him were sycophants incable of seeking power for themselves. Sheep with machine guns were still sheep, so to speak, and she wasn't afraid of saying it.


williamsparrow May 20 2006, 22:51:08 UTC
" rather than play, then, is it?" He quirked an eyebrow, but did nothing to denounce the idea, merely giving her the opportunity to say if she -was- out here, simply to work on her spellwork, or whether she enjoyed swimming at all.

If she did, well, bonus two 'cool' points to the munchkin.

"Well, I'm told I'm always where I shouldn't be, and though there's nothing wrong with being out here, it's certainly not a spot many would chose. So, I'm just proving them right, I suppose," he replied agreeably enough to her rather cold and cutting inquiry.

She seemed like a rather interesting girl...rather like a porcupine. Cute, underneath the sharp, pointy defense mechanisms. And he was doing his best not to set them off, right this minute. Who knows? There might be a new friend under all that, as well, and one could never have too many of those.


glorious_sadism May 20 2006, 23:04:07 UTC
"I like swimming," she said simply. "I can't swim competitively here because the only sport wizards care about is quidditch." She rubbed herself dry with the towel, keeping a somewhat wary eye on Will, her shoulders very straight. "But in swimming, the only person you truly compete against is yourself, anyway, so it's no different from before." She wrapped the towel around her waist modestly. She let the rest of his explanation go without comment, as there really was no reason for him NOT to be out here - it was a pretty day. He seemed entirely at ease and unconcerned with her, which she supposed was only fitting. She was a first year without a wand. He had her on size, strength, experience, and tools. "In any case, it's cold," she told him, "So I should go put some clothes on." She raised her chin in defiance of the immodesty of wandering around in a swimsuit, even though it wasn't skimpy in the least.


williamsparrow May 21 2006, 00:16:20 UTC
Ah yes. This was a classic solo act, right here. He could see the stubborness set in her delicate features, the fierceness hidden in those eyes. She'd be something to reckon with once she got learned up a bit, that was for certain. He imagined she was no pushover now.

For some reason, he found this fact rather...cute. Endearing, in a way, like baby predators usually are.

"Well, I won't keep you," he affirmed with a nod and a smile. "Just making sure you were alright. You're a Slytherin, right? Imagine we'll see each other around the common room or something."

Nevermind that he was always passing through, and never really lingered there.


glorious_sadism May 21 2006, 00:21:50 UTC
She smirked slightly. "Aye, I'm Slytherin. But I guess I've seen more of you than you've seen of me... not like that's unusual." Her warming charm was fading, as it would only last about an hour, and goosebumps were rising on her skin. "And thanks for the concern," she added in a way that made it clear that she felt Will must have had an ulterior motive for it and 'concern' was most likely not the right word. Curiosity, maybe.

Refusing to shiver or let her teeth chatter, fists clenched to keep herself from rubbing her arms, she nodded to Will and stepped around him, slipping her feet into her sandals and pressing the velcro down.


williamsparrow May 21 2006, 00:43:31 UTC
That tone so badly made him want to chuckle. But, rather wisely in the longer course of things, he bit back on it and merely nodded. "Well, I'm usually here and there, myself, but I'll try and make myself a little easier to be found, if you're ever looking."

His smile broadened slightly. "Might want to make a run for look as though you're starting to feel that wind. I...could help with that, if you wanted?"

An eyebrow quirked yet again, his wand suddenly twirling idly in his nimble fingers.


glorious_sadism May 21 2006, 00:57:10 UTC
"Thank you," she said courteously, "But you're going to have to forgive me for being reluctant to allow any spell to be cast on me, especially by an older Slytherin whose motives I don't know. It's not personal," she told him as she began to pad back toward the castle, keeping half an eye on him. "Just a precaution."


williamsparrow May 21 2006, 01:06:21 UTC
Will had to laugh at that, even if he did stifle it down to a good-natured chuckle, nodding and tucking the wand away. "Aye...perfectly understandable. Rather wise, actually...half our housemates aren't necessarily as pleasant, sorry to say. Think you'll do alright though."

And he lifted his now empty hand and wiggled his fingers after her as she marched her way back up to the castle, still smiling broadly.

"....oh! I'm Will, by the way, in case you ever DO want to find me again. However unlikely that might be," he called after her, jokingly.


glorious_sadism May 21 2006, 01:13:08 UTC
She paused, as politesse demanded that she give him her attention when he was speaking, since he hadn't done anything to piss her off. She stopped, turned, and nodded. "Gabriella McGregor," she said courteously.


williamsparrow May 21 2006, 01:34:58 UTC

He nodded briefly, tilting his head slightly. "Well, don't let me hold you up...don't want you catching cold, and it be MY fault you have to chug down some of that awful Pepperup Potion they've got."

Ha. See there? Concern. Just...y'know...not strictly selfless. But at least he was being upfront about it, and halfway teasing at that.


glorious_sadism May 21 2006, 01:37:04 UTC
"I don't like to take medicine, not even magical," Gabriella told him flatly. "And I don't catch cold, but thank you anyway. My mother named me after the angel," she added with a slight smirk. "I'm no angel."


williamsparrow May 21 2006, 01:47:53 UTC
"I figured as much when I heard it...the archangel Gabriel. Left hand of God." He smirked in turn. "I'm sure, overlooking angelic behavior, your name suits you. Or will."

By this point he was starting to head back up the hill himself, heading back towards the castle. The chill out here had him reconsidering...and there was a charm inside that he could swipe up to help him battle the cold. Might as well follow the girl in.


glorious_sadism May 21 2006, 01:51:21 UTC
She continued walking, though her ears were pricked to his movements. "Gabriel was a messenger," she told him. "Not quite at Metatron's status but still important. If there's any message I have for anyone, it isn't one of piety or righteousness. If it fits me, it's only in the opposite way it was supposed to. But you, William. 'Protector'."


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