
May 15, 2006 17:38

Week Name/Date/Time: 'Promises and Plans'/Wed October 12th /3:54 PM
Location: Ravenclaw Tower
Open To: That Rivera Fellow
Currently Involving: Miss Logan

She'd almost made it to the common room... )


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sebbyrivera May 19 2006, 02:44:38 UTC
Eurgh what? Rylie had dreams about Snape? That she couldn't stop having gah no no no, she's joking. Probably, right?! Because if not, he'd never be able to go to Potions again and he liked Potions! He was good at it!

...she better be joking. Though it had effectively eclipsed his nervousness with... well, shock really.

"Er, I'm going to pretend you didn't say the," he waved his hand at nothing in particular, "Snape... with the dreaming and- yes."

And then she continued on with the 'kitchens', and he wondered if she was also using it as a code word and that that had the possibility for far too much confusion and that he should probably start saying things without thinking or he'd never say anything at all.

Taking a noticable breath, he replied, "Yes, that was... distracting."

Okay, not the revelation he wanted... oh Merlin and what was she doing? Rylie seemed inexpicably more scattered than he was. Which was... what was it? Mind boggling. It boggled the mind and made him want to laugh. Which he did for a moment before checking himself and looking alarmed.

"I mean, heh, I'm sorry. I mean, distracting... in a good way? Nice distracting. Not helping with my vocabulary distracting but... um..." Sebastian trailed off and felt the nervousness come back tenfold.


rylielogan May 19 2006, 03:05:03 UTC
She should have hugged him for ignoring that horrible, frightening joke that only managed to backfire on her. Although it honestly wasn't much worse than the house elves. At least she didn't say it was SNAPE watching her and Sebby snog in the kitchens. That would just be... nightmares. Yes, many...many nightmares.

Somehow she'd thought he'd been on the page as her, but hearing him respond to her now almost confirmed it in a way. It made her want to clap her hands together, or let out a squeal of excitement, or... jump up... ANYTHING to release the energy of it all. But, well, she was thinking before she did things now. As much as she could under the circumstances anyway.

So, she moved her hands away from her face and smiled brightly. His laugh made her happy, his statement made her happy. Happy was good. Happy was getting somewhere. But a little voice in the back of her head kept telling her not to get her hopes up. Did she really have such little confidence, or was it this... brain fog that had recently descended upon her?

Time to clear things up. She kept telling herself too, and she wasn't. SAY SOMETHING.

"I certainly hope we are speaking of the same thing. I mean, I'm not constantly hungry. I don't have some obsession with the kitchens. I'm just... I keep thinking about... well... you and me... and er... you, um... and then I...yes."

Oh bother.


sebbyrivera May 19 2006, 23:15:56 UTC
And this was where Sebastian became completely lost. Not that he didn't understand what Rylie was talking about, but... what did you say to that? To you's and me's and- gah it was all too confusing and there had to be some overused phrase that people used in this situation, but if there was he couldn't think of it.

Sooo they both understood what the other was talking about. Was that step overcome? Look: communication! Except it was probably about to end, as Sebastian hadn't the faintest idea what the second step should be. Nor did he think he could communicate very well any longer. As if he was doing so swimmingly before...

"Yes. Yes that's what I meant with... kitchens," stopping, he gazed off into the corner and waited several moments in an awkward silence to blurt out very quickly, "AndIdon'treallyknowwhattosaynowI'msorry!"

Alright, so he was going for the pathetic 5 year-old approach. It might work? Ohhh cringe.


rylielogan May 19 2006, 23:34:49 UTC
Rylie blinked rapidly as Sebby crashed his words into one and avoided her eyes. He was absolutely adorable. Rylie would normally have no problem in stating her opinion, even if it was unwelcome. She did so all the time, and nerves had never stopped her. This was getting to be ridiculous. Absurd. Bizarre. Comical. Oh no! Now synonyms in alphabetical order? Ravenclaw, indeed.

Rylie Logan would not normally stumble over her words, or worry about how people would react to what she felt she needed to say. Now some wonderful (astounding, pleasing, remarkable) boy had found a way to send her spiraling off course.

Not anymore. Not if it wasn't going to get them anywhere. Besides, if Sebby had fancied her for longer than the extent of the kitchen incident, then he must not have been fancying akward Rylie, but just.... Rylie. Her.

"I fancy you," she said.

She was going to ease into it originally, of course, but that wouldn't have done any good. She would have only ended up confusing him, or possibly even herself, and then they'd be back where they started.

And although she'd gotten up the courage to say what it was that had been playing on her mind, she still glued her eyes to the floor, and couldn't bring herself to lift them up for a second.


sebbyrivera May 20 2006, 00:05:47 UTC
Well. Um, well. Perhaps that was what he should have said, though it seemed infinitely better coming from Rylie's mouth... um. Most likely because it would have come out garbled and utterly silly sounding if he'd ever thought to say it.

Of course... now Sebastian had to say something else. Something that wasn't a large huddling of words slurred together. And something that didn't sound silly or, or girly or... overused? Or... actually, he really had NO IDEA and should probably stop thinking and-

"Um, me too. I mean, I fancy. You too," Sebastian visibly cringed but allowed himself a nervous grin to go along with it. So, yes. That was silly. But it got the point across?

Actually, he hadn't really thought about fancying Rylie. He didn't think about those sorts of things at all, and he must have been fancying her for who knows how long, without his brain being any the wiser. This seemed a rather sad state of affairs for said brain, and for Sebastian in general, but he was far too busy feeling both hopeless and nervous to care much.


rylielogan May 20 2006, 01:04:02 UTC
He fancied her! So it hadn't just been her mind and her hopes running away with her. She must still have some powers of observation! RELIEF (alleviation, lightening, satisfaction)!

'Now would be a good time to actually LOOK at him!' her brain shouted at her, and she slowly lifted her head. She didn't even have anything to worry about anymore! He fancied her! Why was she so hopeless (pathetic, abject, oh bloody hell no more synonyms!).

As her eyes finally locked on his face, her nerves began to calm a bit, and she grinned. He was smiling. He looked a bit nervous, as nervous as she felt, but he was still smiling.

"You know what, Seb love? I think I'd like to go on a date with you," she said, wrinkling up her nose in amusement.

It suddenly seemed like an odd sort of thing to say, but... it was a natural progression of things, wasn't it?

It couldn't possibly be much different than shopping for quills and buying books. It was just spending time together, and that was what she liked most.

Spending time with Sebastian, who she fancied. Sebastian, who fancied her. Lovely.


sebbyrivera May 20 2006, 01:33:24 UTC
A bit relieved as he realized Rylie was back to being amused at everything (instead of stutteringly awkward which had been... well, slighty funny at points), Sebastian grinned himself. Though the idea of a 'date' was slightly mind boggling. Hah, mind boggling, hah.

...in fact, he hadn't really thought past the kitchens. Actually, he hadn't thought about the kitchens before the kitchens. So he should probably catch up with his very lagging thought process. Shocking really.

The point was not to think of it as a date... maybe? Because what did people do on dates, he had no idea. Whenever he saw couples they sort of fumbled around with their hands together... or if he listened to Juhi they visited the Restricted Section together. Hur. But what could they do? What did they do?

He didn't think quill shopping or Cluedo would be quite appropriate.

"Er, yes, alright," laughing nervously, he hurriedly added, "That was meant to sound more enthusiastic you know. Me being... the enthusiast. Um, I just, don't know what people do. Besides the Restricted Section but I think that's only Gryffs and um... no." There there Sebby, nice honestness, yes. A bit confused honestness, but honesty nonetheless.


rylielogan May 20 2006, 01:46:47 UTC
Enthusiast? Perhaps not. She was going to tell him how disappointed she was that she hadn't really sensed any winking, and he hadn't smirked in a bit, but instead she raised an eyebrow at him.

How many Gryffindors did he know running off to the Restricted Section? Though she was curious about the books located there, she couldn't imagine it was a good place for a date. Unless he meant..... nrgh. That was... well, that wasn't a bad idea, but NO. No, no.

"I honestly dunno. Maybe we should consult the book?" she said teasingly, winking at him in a cheesy sort of manner.

Obviously she'd tossed that book after they'd read it, but he didn't know that. She laughed a bit at her own ridiculous statement and then stood up. The lack of cushion was definitely taking its toll.

"I don't think what you actually do on the date is the point of it all. Is there anything you've been wanting to do, but haven't?" Rylie asked him, and brushed herself off. Dust was collecting on her robes.

Sebby didn't really just do something on impulse, so maybe he had some ideas. Though, he had kissed her first, with no wanrings or signs, just... kissed her. Hmn. Full of surprises. Exciting.


sebbyrivera May 20 2006, 02:28:38 UTC
The booook. Sebastian had a suspicious feeling that that book had a little more to do with the kitchens than just him going mad for a moment. Which still didn't exactly endear it to him...

"What? You mean you haven't already? Tsk tsk, I thought you read the whole thing back to front. Don't you keep it under your pillow then?" he asked, seeing her wink and raising her his patented attempt at a smirk. For some reason, that bloody book wasn't as awkward as it had been a week ago. Odd.

Where to date though... Sebastian gave Rylie an incredulous sort of look, as if she didn't know he spent his time alternating between the Library and Common Room. With brief forays into the Great Hall and Classrooms.

"Um, no?" he replied tentatively. Highly uncreative but the whole elf scenario had been enough excitement for one week, honestly.

"So the library's a no? Because... you know... Pince and everything?" Ohhh yes he was smirking again. Nevermind he'd actually brought up the library as an even remote option for a date.


rylielogan May 20 2006, 02:41:52 UTC
The smirk was back, and Rylie was very glad indeed. This started to feel like the Rylie and Sebby that made such a fantastic pair. Not that the whole brain fog thing wasn't enjoyable, but there was more time for that later. Or at least she hoped so.

"Oh, of course I have, but I didn't get a chance to memorize it. As soon as I finished, I handed it off to be circulated around the school. Felt it was best everyone got some good advice," Rylie stated quickly, happy to have her wit returned to her.

After a moment she added, "but don't worry! I remembered to write Property of Sebastian Rivera on the inside cover first. You'll get it back."

She patted his head softly, twice, as she was standing up and he was still sitting and she couldn't think of anything else to do. She was still trying to process the bit about the library. He wasn't serious, was he? Funny thing was, she probably wouln't mind that at all.

"Oh, I'd prefer the library now that you mention it. I think it's about time I made Pince jealous of me," Rylie stated, giggling just slightly.

Oh, Pince. What a marvelous thing she'd missed out on. Rylie would be happy to have Sebastian around to arrange books, but because he'd be around.

"But, er... I suppose we can't wait until the next Hogsmeade weekend. That's just... too long," she continued.

Far too long.


sebbyrivera May 20 2006, 04:09:13 UTC
Oh hur hur. Sebastian gave Rylie an intensely even look and crossed his arms. She wouldn't do that... right? No one was that mad. And no one had asked him about it.... um, SO NO.

"Very thoughtful of you, really. I'm sure I'll be an absolute hit amongst the 3rd year girls, ehhh?" wrinkling his nose in amusement, he then blinked in surprise as he received two pats on the head. Well, now he felt silly again. And he couldn't help it, he laughed, covering his mouth to try to stop. He still sensed some nervousness lingering in the back of his head, but he wasn't going to mind it.

Standing up as well, his laughter died off and he shuffled his feet, wondering whether to pick up his bag or do something else?...

"Oh, well, good luck with that. Pince is a tough egg you know. Has to be because of the um..." Sebastian trailed off, and thought briefly how terribly odd this whole situation was for him, though he really didn't seem to mind all that much, "...shelves. With their books."

Blinking, he stared back at Rylie and smiled genuinely. He picked his bag off the floor and straightened again.


rylielogan May 20 2006, 04:37:48 UTC
Did Rylie even know many third year girls? Not particularly. She was, however, amused by the face he'd just made, and laughed along with him.

"If I recall correctly, you mentioned Pince had moved on. Or maybe that was just wishful thinking on my part," Rylie pointed out and shook her head.

She had to be tough because of the books? Well, actually, with the way people of the non-studyaholic variety seemed to treat the books in the library, you'd have to be tough to defend them and their arrangement. Perhaps Sebby was even more brave than she gave him credit for. It was enough to make her want to kiss him.

So she did. On the cheek. And then stared at the bag he'd just picked up. Had he been planning on leaving? Right then....

"You just... never cease to astound me," she said with a shrug and wondered if she should pick up her things as well.

It was sort of dusty, and cramped, and the stool was transfigured from parchment and looking pathetic, but.... so what? They were talking!

((Um, I killed the artistic icons the first time and made the horrible typo of 'shook his head' instead of 'shook her head'. O_o so artistic icons are back for safety.))


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